Sunday, February 12, 2017

A Picture Perfect Day: Roy by Fit Aussie Guys

 Have You Got What It Takes?
From: Favorite Hunks & Other Things

'After just coming out of the ocean I mentioned to Roy that he should do what he needed to do, to make himself look bigger, but not hard. He thought trying 'the helicopter' was a most amusing idea and naturally obliged with a smile.'

 Working on FH, some of my favorite artists, models and images to feature have come from Australia. Part of the appeal is my love of travel, even if the trip is a virtual visual one. Another part, is my love of geography, and my desire to see new locations and breathtaking settings surrounding the male beauty featured. Although my focus may be the male form, I have loved my visual journeys to swamps and ammo factories with Robert J. Guttke, the Utah Mountains with Gordon Nebeker and Prisons and Banks with Robert Colgan. These images have taken me places I not would never have gone to, but most importantly, never have imagined. 

 This visual journey, to the Western Coast of Australia, began as most of my journey's do, with my seeing one image. The photo, forth from the bottom, was of a beautiful and naked man, lying within the sand dunes, beach vegetation and marram beach grass, I knew I wanted to see more. The image, so beautifully framed and sunlight, had my senses reminded of the feeling of lying on the beach. You could almost feel the heat of the sun above and also the heat of sand below. I was also reminded of the dry, brittle, even cutting nature of the beach grass, so beautiful to see, but not as beautiful to touch.

The naked man within the dunes I found out, was Roy. The man behind the camera, responsible for the image, was James from Fit Aussie Guys. Based in Melbourne, the aim of Fit Aussie Guys is to show of Aussie guys at their physical peak; linking their athletic bodies to the sport and fitness that shaped them. Few of the men photographed have modeled before, so most of them are unknowns and not seen anywhere else on the web! Through naturalistic lighting, or the blazing sun shining down on the incredible Australian beaches, the focus is to spotlight and exaggerate body definition and celebrate the physical accomplishments of the men in front of their lens.

With the title, Fit Aussie Guys, you can expect to see fit guys with incredible bodies. But by also including Aussie in the title, you're also promised a bit of the country, as not only a location, but as well it's culture and lifestyle. Fit Aussie Guys has been showcased in national and international magazines including DNA, tMf Magazine, Monster Children, and banQuet Pres.

 James discovered Roy through a blind casting call he had put up looking for models. A tradesmen working in the mines in Western Australia, Roy had never modeled before. James shares that Roy had one of those "I'll give anything a go!" attitudes and they immediately got along, being around the same age and sharing a mutual love of Australian sport. James chose the secluded Leighton Beach, just outside of a town called Fremantle as their location. The beach, along a wide stretch of the Australian coast, had only an old swim club with an abandoned, but still functioning kiosk, and shower block which had it's roof ripped off by a cyclone in 2002. 

 'We began with a few surf shots and running along the water shots. There were only a few other kite-surfers on the beach that day. He seemed very much at ease and enjoying the experience on what was a picture perfect day. I moved up to the sand dunes which was full of a variety of vegetation good for the images I wanted and started to shoot. A few shots in board shorts and first and then down to his underwear. Roy knew that there were going to be some nudity required for this photo shoot and didn't flinch when I asked him to take of his jocks. He was very comfortable!' 

'The last part of the shoot was at the old shower block which although abandoned still had running water. We used this for a few more board shorts shots before dropping them in the shower for some final images. Roy was a top bloke and easy guy to work with and I wouldn't hesitate getting him in front of the camera again next time I'm on the west coast. He said afterwards that he really enjoyed the shoot and hanging out and was really surprised at how well the photos turned out. The feeling was mutual.'

Favorite Birthday for February 12th

From: Favorite Hunks & Other Things

OK, not a guy, but I am sure many young gay boys besides myself dabbled in reading Judy Blume books as a kid. Mine were usually borrowed from female friends. Although targeted for the teen girl, I read a few and enjoyed them. The book to the left was my favorite, but also enjoyed Blubber and a few others. Tell me I was not alone!
Happy Birthday Judy Blume who turns 79 today.

Nude Photos Prove ‘Big And Beautiful’ People Have Love Stories Too

“Fat femme” photographer Substantia Jones is back with a series just for Valentine’s Day.
From: Huffington Post
 “Romantic love, for me, is a most intoxicating state of being,” photographer Substantia Jones told The Huffington Post. “So I appreciate it having its own holiday.”

Jones is the brilliant mind — and proudly fat body — behind The Adipositivity Project, a photography series encouraging people to love their bodies, no matter its size or shape (adipose means “of or relating to fat”). With her Valentine’s Series, Jones zooms in on couples in love, addressing the lack of representation when it comes to romance and non-conforming bodies.

In her words: “Fat people deserve love and sex and a good, deep hit of the happy, just like everyone else.”

 On February 14, when your eyes will be bombarded with predictable, sugary sweet images of heteronormative couples expressing their love via expensive diamonds and mediocre fancy chocolates, Jones offers a radically different vision of love. Real, raw and big. Jones herself has always been a fan of the holiday.

“When I’m in a relationship, I’m cool with it,” she explained. “When I’m not in a relationship, I’m cool with it. I’ve been to V-Day dinners for single friends. I’ve gotten candy and flowers from platonics. You make it what you want it to be. In fact, the finale of this year’s ‘Adipositivity Valentine Series’ is all about celebrating whatever the day means to you, even if that doesn’t include hot monkey love.”

 The timely series features a diverse variety of couples getting their romance on — whether posing cheekily in burlesque gear or cuddling gently in the nude. The images, as you might imagine, come with some pretty cute stories as well. 

“My two most memorable shoots this year were both for the current ‘Valentine Series,’” Jones explained. “I photographed ‘The Adipositivity Project’’s first ever male couple in their undies during a cold morning on the East River Esplanade. It earned us approving smiles, horn honks (admittedly of unknown sentiment), and thumbs-ups from passersby. And they didn’t even know they were witnessing history being made(ish).”

The second memorable shoot ended not so romantically, with a surprise visit by the NYPD. “The other recent shoot I’ll not soon forget was while photographing the couple with the giant wings painted on the wall behind them. It was under a rail bridge in Harlem, and we drew a small audience (not unusual), followed by police intervention (also not unusual). But this was the first time an Adipositivity shoot was interrupted by police sirens and flashing lights. The cop was cool about it, saying he appreciated our pursuit of ‘artistic expression.’ But we did have to move along.”

Jones’ work capture all the beauty of V-Day, sans the saccharin of Hallmark cards, stuffed animals and dinner reservations. Through the passion-filled photos, Jones hopes to show the world that, whether or not you’re paying attention, fat people are getting some, thank you very much.

“For every kid whose parent insisted they’d never ‘land’ [eyeroll] a partner unless they lost weight, have a look,” Jones said in an earlier interview with The Huffington Post. “For every fat person who’s let some nimrod convince them their relationship isn’t working because of a jiggly tummy, have a look.” 

The images capture pure, happy love, the kind of love that all humans deserve. Couples interested in dropping trou for next year’s “Adipositivity Valentine Series,” contact her at “I promise I’ll be gentle,” she assured. Happy Valentine’s Day, lovers!

 "It’s no secret anywhere you look, you see that photography is a commonly used tool for creating body shame. I like to subvert that tool and use it to demystify the fat body."

 "In describing the project I often say the project is part fat, part feminism, and part fuck you... People still get upset by nudity. I tell them nudity is not sex, sex is not porn, and porn is not evil. And I find that a lot of people don’t get that. If they see a naked body, they think it should be sexualized or is being sexualized."

 "I started taking these pictures and posting them on the website, I soon realized I maybe wasn’t speaking to the general public in the way that I had hoped. But I was speaking to fat people and I immediately starting hearing from fat people from all over the world [and they told] me about body shame, body shame at a level that I had never experienced or even realized existed."

 "[I heard] from one woman in particular who told me that the morning she discovered the website was the first morning she had not cried about her body, in memory. And that will stay with me forever and I continue to hear from people telling me these things everyday. So that’s when I realized it’s the subjects themselves that I’m really speaking to and that I need to speak to."

 "The rule is, if you promise me you’re fat and you can get to me and my camera, I will photograph you for the Adipositivity Project."