Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Celebrting Still?

From: Speed o Rex

Chessman Medeiros

 Are you grilling up some tasty snacks for the end of the holiday season? OR have you started your resolutions yet?



Horror Hunks: The Men Of Friday The 13th

From: Queerty
Russell Todd
Friday the 13th Part 2

Those piercing blue eyes and kissable lips are only two reasons gay/bi horror fans have been dying to take a walk in the woods with Russell Todd since he first appeared in this slasher sequel.

MAN CANDY: X Factor’s Ellis Lacy Goes Full Frontal to Show You How To Put on a Condom

From: Cocktails and Cocktalk
X Factor reject and ex-navy lad Ellis Lacy stripped down for a series of YouTube videos, where he graphically reviewed a penis pump over six weeks – and now he’s obviously ready to use his newly enhanced goods! Lacy gets his kit off (and his cock out) for a video from Lad’s Health demonstrating how to put on a johnny – just in case you didn’t know.

 Check out the educational video below!

WWE Says It’s Adding LGBT Characters To Storylines

"We want to make sure that we’re telling the right messages in the right way."
From: NewNowNext
 WWE Chief Brand Officer Stephanie McMahon confirmed the news at a Beyond Sport United event in New York last August, saying that the introduction of LGBT characters into the WWE universe will help the brand to become more inclusive.

 “Throughout my life I have grown up knowing gay [WWE] superstars and executives,” McMahon said. “It’s always been accepted, but now it’s about getting that message out there.”

The brand officer also mentioned the pioneering example of WWE International Champion Pat Patterson, whose new book Accepted details his life as a closeted wrestler before coming out on the WWE reality television show, Legends’ House.

 “We’ve had GLAAD come in and speak to our entire writing team and give a whole tutorial on sensitivities, the right words, the wrong words, why those words matter,” McMahon continued.

“In terms of any issues that require a degree of sensitivity in terms of how they’re being handled. We are always going to incorporate our partners, like GLAAD, to help us tell those stories the right way.”

“We want to be sensitive to our audience,” she concluded. “We want to be sensitive to the community and we want to make sure that we’re telling the right messages in the right way.”

 Though she didn’t mention any specific plans for how the entertainment company plans to incorporate these LGBT characters and narratives into future projects, that the traditionally conservative WWE is discussing the matter at all is extremely promising.

17 States Where Gay Sex Is Outlawed

From: Advocate
Section 13A-6-60 ¶2
Alabama law criminalizes sodomy, calling it "deviate sexual intercourse" and defining it as "any act of sexual gratification between persons not married to each other involving the sex organs of one person and the mouth or anus of another."

7 Facts About Dad Bods You Probably Don’t Know!

From: Gay Pop Buzz
 Dad Bods

In many ways, the label Dad Bod is pretty much self-explanatory. But given that we live in a world of bears, otters and wolves, it can sometimes be difficult to know for sure.

And so in the spirit of education – mixed in with a little fun – we thought it would be kind of cool to present 7 facts about Dad Bods you probably don’t know.

Are you ready? Let’s jump right in!

“Dad Bod” was invented by a college student

Hard has this one is to believe, the phrase “Dad Bod” was invented by a college student. Her name is Mackenzie Pearson and she attended Clemson University. It became part of the official lexicon back in 2015.

Dad Bod meaning

A guy who has a Dad Bod is a man who occasionally hits the gym but doesn’t really have the build of a jock. You can have a Dad Bod at almost any age but it is commonly used to refer to guys who are somewhere between age 30-50. The main picture on this post of Leonardo DiCaprio is a good example of a typical Dad Bod.

Is Dad Bod part of gay body types?

Yes and no. In gaydom, we have our own unique labels for different body types. Generally speaking, guys with Dad Bod’s are straight. In gaydom, men with Dad Bods are the equivalent of being a heavy otter or blossoming bear. The entire thing is subjective.

MOOBS are part of Dad Bods

Have you ever heard of the term, moobs? Well, it’s basically a way of saying a guy has man boobs. What’s more, moobs are pretty much a requirement for a person to qualify as having a Dad Bod.

Are there different types of Dad Bods

The answer is yes. In fact, there are a number of different variations of Dad Bods. Examples include “College Dad Bods” and “Hairy Dad Bods” and “Hairless Dad Bods”. This goes back to point number 2. Almost any guy who is male can have a Dad Bod.

Can you have a Dad Bod if you aren’t a dad?

Yes – you do not need to have children in order to have a Dad Bod. Remember, this particular body type came from the world of straightdom. It is meant to be an affectionate term to describe guys who are not gym rats but are also not obese. “Dad” is used as a descriptor by younger people (college students) to describe what their dad’s bod looks like. “Hey, that guy has a dad bod – like my dad!” for example.

Are Dad Bods hot?

That’s entirely up to you to decide. In gaydom, the premium seems to be placed on youthful looks and an athletic builds. We of course are generalizing here but many people who do not comport to the ideal within gay-o-topia report feeling invisible. This includes guys with Dad Bods.

And for what it is worth, not everyone in straightdom digs the Dad Bod.

Trans Performer Miss Shalae Delivers A Flawless Remake Of BeyoncĂ©’s “Lemonade”

They ain't sorry!
From: NewNowNext
 After debuting nearly nine months ago, BeyoncĂ©’s epic Lemonade has inspired countless tributes, including this from trans creative team “Glass Wing Group” being perhaps the most striking yet.

Their remake, “Lemonade Served Bitter Sweet,” is a sweeping 11-minute homage to the original, starring Miss Shalae in the role of the scorned Ms. Carter-Knowles. The video, shot in just 16 hours, features “Hold Up,” “Freedom,” “Sorry” and “6 Inch.”

Miss Shalae shared the video on her Facebook page, writing: “I hope you guys enjoy it as much as we enjoyed creating! Thank You BeyoncĂ© for being such an amazing artist and inspiration!”

It’s a stunning re-creation, which is no surprise given that Shalae works as a BeyoncĂ©-impersonator, sharing some of her best Bey looks on Instagram.

Find out more about Ms. Shalae, here.

Chaz Bono Explains Why He Won’t Take Trans Acting Roles

The only child of Sonny and Cher says it's "been a good year" for his acting career
From: NewNowNext
 Chaz Bono says he’s finally “starting to break through” in the acting business but refuses to accept any transgender roles to avoid being “pigeonholed.”

The 47-year-old only child of Sonny and Cher discussed his  role in the feature-length indie thriller Dirty, where he plays a cisgender “hoarder/former crack addict with bad teeth.”

“It’s just a decision that I made at least at this point, until I get established,” Bono told People.

“I’m a character actor and I really like to do stuff that’s kind of out there and edgy and I don’t want to be seen as anything when I’m acting. I want to be able to morph into whatever. I don’t want to get pigeonholed.”

Bono first opened up about wanting to be an actor in 2013, around the same time he focused on losing weight and leading a healthier lifestyle.

Now, after a stint on Dancing With the Stars and several smaller projects, including an appearance on The Bold and the Beautiful, Bono says he’s happy to be working on his passion.

“This has been a good year for me,” he said. “I’m finally starting to get paid to act. So it’s been a great year.”

Dirty the movie has been released digitally. You can watch it online here.

17 Creepy Stories That Show What Death Row Inmates Really Want For Their Last Meal

From: Brain Jet
Allen Lee Davis

Davis was controversially executed by electric chair, which sparked debate on issues of capital punishment. He was charged for the 1982 murder of a pregnant woman and two children. His last meal was one lobster tail, fried potatoes, a half pound of fried shrimp, six ounces of fried clams, half a loaf of garlic bread and 32 ounces of A&W Root Beer.

“ShowBears” Is The Ultimate “Showgirls” Remake

Thrust it! Thrust it!
From: NewNowNext
 A group of bears have added their furry touch to the the camp classic Showgirls, and their reenactment of the movie’s iconic dance rehearsal scene is one of the best (and beefiest) we’ve ever seen.

In the ShowBears remake below, an up-and-coming go-go dancer named Tommy (Tony Vega) “arrives in Anaheim with only a suitcase and a dream of becoming a top Go-Go bear.”

A description reads: “He quickly at lands a job at a seedy strip club. A chance working with the dance captain, Marty (Scott Ruiz) and the director Butch (Jeffrey Marx), brings Tommy one step closer to realizing his dream. But, as he ascends to the top, Tommy begins to wonder if it’s all worth it.”

 Tony’s journey is almost a mirror image of the film’s star Nomi Malone, played by Elizabeth Berkley.

The two and a half-minute clip is apparently promotion for Kub Kamp, a gay party that joined forces with the Bearracuda circuit to celebrate the opening night of Gay Days Disneyland on October 1, 2016.

It reminds us of another legendary Showgirls parody, performed by comedian John Early to promote his stand-up comedy show in 2013:

And for those who haven’t seen the original— who are you?! You can check it out below:

Revolutionary LGBT history: The Black Panthers supported gay rights

From: LGBTQ Nation
Many people like to criticize the Black Panthers by saying that they were racist, sexist, and/or homophobic, but this is just an attempt to delegitimize one of the most revolutionary organizations this country has ever known. White people especially hold onto these claims and ignore the many social programs that the Panthers provided: health care, free breakfasts for kids, clothing distributions, police patrols . . . the list goes on. This post is not going to be a summary of all the things that the Panthers did for their community. This post is meant as a response to those who would slander the Black Panthers with charges of homophobia and sexism.

In his book We Want Freedom: A Life in the Black Panther Party, Mumia Abu-Jamal deals specifically with the issue of sexism within The Black Panther Party.

The great African American educator and civil rights leader Mary McLeod Bethune (1875-1955), a major force in the Black women’s club movement in the 1920’s and 30’s, called on women to “go to the front and take our rightful place; fight our battles and claim our victories.” Women tried to do this in the heyday of the Black Liberation movement, as well as during the Civil Rights movement, with varying degrees of success. In these movements, women generally were relegated to subordinate roles and were virtually invisible within the hierarchy of the organizations, even though they provided the bulk of memberships and labor. . . .
It is with a focus on these macho and misogynist attitudes that much of the popular press has examined the role of Black women in the Black Panther Party. in The Shadow of the Panther, Hugh Pearson, who had no discernable background in the Black Liberation movement, and therefore no firsthand knowledge of what he wrote, damned the Black Panther Party’s “routine” mistreatment of women as both wide-ranging and “flagrant.” Peterson relied on three BPP insiders, “those who would never forgive Huey for what he did to the party,” and on “nonblacks who had been affiliated with Newton and the party,” whom he found to be the “easiest” sources for him to interview. It is not surprising that he comes to flawed conclusions upon these limited and biased sources. . . .
While it may be proper to be sharply critical of the Black Liberation movement generally, it is also proper to give credit where credit is due. For the undeniable truth is that the Black Panther Party, for ideological reasons and for reasons of sheer survival, gave the women of the BPP far more opportunities to lead and to influence the organization than any of its contemporaries, in white or Black radical formations. . . .
And point seven of the BPP 8 Points of Attention in the Party’s rules states, “Do not take liberties with women,” showing an awareness that sexual misconduct must be confronted within the Party. Kathleen Cleaver writes, “In 1970 the Black Panther Party took a formal position on the liberation of women. Did the U.S. Congress make any statement on the liberation of women? . . . Did the Oakland police issue a position against gender discrimination?” (p. 159-162)

The Panthers didn’t just talk the talk in regards to gender equality, they walked the walk. Women were in key leadership positions at all levels of the organization. The most prominent ones, of course, were Tarika Lewis, Kathleen Cleaver, Ericka Huggins, and Angela Davis.

Abu-Jamal goes onto say that:

This is not to suggest, but any means, that sexism was not a serious problem in the Party, nor that it did not hamper Party growth, development, and maturation. What is clear, however, is that sexism did not exist in a vacuum. As a prominent feature of the dominant social order, how could it not exist in a social, political formation that was drawn from that order, albeit from that order’s subaltern strata? (p. 165)

Just as sexism must be viewed within the broader social context of the time, we have to examine homophobia from the same lens. To echo Abu-Jamal, homophobia was and is a part of the dominant social order. How, then, can we expect that the rank and file members of the BPP could emerge spotless from that environment? The fact is, however, that Huey Newton did take a stand in favor of gay rights in 1970 when he issued “A Letter from Huey Newton to the Revolutionary Brothers and Sisters about the Women’s Liberation and Gay Liberation Movements” in the BPP’s newspaper.

We must gain security in ourselves and therefore have respect and feelings for all oppressed people. . . . Remember, we have not established a revolutionary value system; we are only in the process of establishing it. I do not remember our ever constituting any value that said that a revolutionary must say offensive things towards homosexuals, or that a revolutionary should make sure that women do not speak out about their own particular kind of oppression. As a matter of fact, it is just the opposite: we say that we recognize the women’s right to be free. We have not said much about the homosexual at all, but we must relate to the homosexual movement because it is a real thing. And I know through reading, and through my life experience and observations that homosexuals are not given freedom and liberty by anyone in the society. They might be the most oppressed people in the society. . . .
When we have revolutionary conferences, rallies, and demonstrations, there should be full participation of the gay liberation movement and the women’s liberation movement. Some groups might be more revolutionary than others. We should not use the actions of a few to say that they are all reactionary or counterrevolutionary, because they are not.

To repeat Kathleen Cleaver’s question, did Congress issue a statement on gay rights? Did any of the other New Left/radical organizations of the time issue a statement on gay rights? No, they didn’t.

The Black Panthers were by no means perfect. But they offered the best alternative to the status quo and I am positive that if the FBI hadn’t spent so much time making members distrust each other with their COINTELPRO tactics, the BPP could have done even more amazing things.

Which is exactly why the government had to destroy the movement. Because it was revolutionary.

Republican House Candidate Has Ugly History Of Calling LGBT People “Deviants, Sexually Disturbed”

Mark Assini made the comments on his blog from 2005 to 2009
From: NewNowNext
 GOP House candidate Mark Assini, who was hoping to unseat Democratic Rep. Louise Slaughter in New York’s 25th district, landed in hot water over anti-LGBT comments made on a conservative blog ten year ago.

Local Democrats and members of the district’s LGBT community gathered in downtown Rochester  to draw attention to the remarks, which were written between 2005 and 2009 on the website Writers on the Loose.

 The backlash was focused on Assini’s responses to comments on his pieces. Though the blog has since been deleted, the comment thread can still be seen, which shows Assini agreeing with a reader who called LGBT people “sexual deviants.” In the same response, Assini quoted a pastor who described transgender individuals as “mentally disturbed.”

In another post, Assini wrote that Barney Frank, then an openly gay member of Congress, should go to prison where he would have “plenty of dates along with three squares and cable TV.”

Assini has confirmed that the comments are his, but also insists that his views have changed since writing them. He said that his stance on LGBT equality had “evolved,” crediting a 2013 statement from Pope Francis, which read: “If a person is gay and seeks God and has good will who am I to judge?”

Assini added that he isn’t the only politician to change his opinion on marriage equality, arguing that President Obama changed his in 2012 and Democratic Presidential Nominee Hillary Clinton changed hers in 2013.

“It’s not today. It’s not yesterday,” Assini said of his shift in position. “It’s been a couple of years that position has evolved…To try and hold somebody to a standard from a decade ago is a tough thing to do.”

“I deleted these [posts] years ago…because, as I was moving forward, I was struggling with what my beliefs were,” he concluded. “[I decided] I’d prefer to just delete these because I am not sure where I am going with this. It was a tough transition.”

For local democrats, however, Assini’s change of heart wasn’t enough.

“If you have evolved, tell me something you’ve done for the LGBTQ community,” out Democratic Assemblyman Harry Bronson said at the rally. “Sending out words that say you are something other, you are something different, you are something unworthy, these words matter.”

Slaughter, a longtime supporter and advocate of the LGBT community,  walked away with the LGBT vote  and won the election with 55.7%of the total vote.

Seth Fornea - COLT

 Ever since his COLT debut photo-shoot fans have been clamoring to see more of this red hot stud. You asked for it, you got it... COLT Man Ginger Seth Fornea brings new life to the Legendary Bodies Series in a dreamy scene of intimate and erotic reflection. After a steamy nude soak in the hot tub, Seth takes his leisure by the fireplace. As his inner heat flares Seth sheds his COLT Collection Briefs and sprawls out before the flames, enjoying the warmth of the fire on his nude, furry muscled body. His smoldering eyes tell the story of his innermost thoughts as Seth's magnificent toned body is bathed in warm firelight.

 Look for Seth Fornea in the upcoming COLT Legendary Bodies 3 DVD! And look for even more Seth Fornea in his very own 2015 COLT Man Calendar with companion DVD! Coming Summer 2014!

 Ginger sex god Seth Fornea ranked first place on our list of the 100 Sexiest Men of 2013, and it doesn't take a rocket scientist (or Courtney Love) to figure out how that happened. Seth’s got the kind of body that could convert even the most devout skeptics into redhead lovers. His thighs are thicker than his head, leading up to a perfectly round ass that’s solid as a rock. His lightly fuzzy torso is a dream come true, and it doesn't hurt his case that he’s outrageously handsome with a killer smile.

 Up until yesterday, however, there was one part of Seth that remained somewhat mysterious—his dick. He teased us with every new photo shoot that came out. We’d get a glimpse of the shaft peeking out from under his fiery pubes, or we’d get to see his boner concealed behind a thin layer of fabric. He’d never openly whip it out (though some leaked shots eventually emerged).

 That’s the Seth of the past! He’s officially gone full monty for a new shoot with COLT. The pics and video content aren't quite as pornographic as some of you would like it to be—and we’re saying that as if we’re not in the same boat as you—but it’s progress over his last shoot.

 Honestly, it won’t be the end of the world if we never get to see a cum shot or any hardcore action. Seth is already in the same league as COLT ICONs like Anthony Page, Buck Hayes, Terry Delong, Carl Hardwick, Pete Kuzak and Steve Kelso, in the sense that his pictures alone could send us over the edge. (Though, hey, we still wouldn’t complain if he did a scene with his boyfriend Jared Bradford LeBlanc.)