After Another Ruthless SNL Skit, Alec Baldwin Tells Trump He’ll Stop on One Condition

From: Towleroad
Donald Trump was ruthlessly mocked in Saturday Night Live‘s cold open last night, which shone a light on the disturbing news that the President-Elect is ignoring vital intelligence briefings in lieu of spending time blocking and retweeting random people on Twitter.

It also mocked him for bragging that in just 25 days since the election he has already solved the problems of unemployment and healthcare, “and Osama bin Laden is dead.”

To which Kate McKinnon’s Kellyanne Conway aptly notes:

“Yes, he is dead. Just like my soul and all of my hair.”

Baldwin’s Trump also mistakes himself for a plate of mashed potatoes.

Trump’s dinner with Mitt Romney also comes up.

“Do I have to? … Well then can I at least have a picture of us together where he looks like a little bitch?”

Trump was watching. And Baldwin offered to stop the mockery if Trump releases his tax returns…



From: Summer Diary
 Take a first look at the beauty of Adam in natural surroundings in Part I of our exclusive editorial.

 Shot on location in a wild section of Twin Peaks in the middle of San Francisco, Raging Stallion’s Adam Ramzi “was great to work with … one of the most charming guys I’ve come across in porn” says Summer Diary photography contributor Ryan Scott. “He just finished his masters degree in Sociology and is currently writing about his time in porn”, Ryan adds.


From: Manhunt Daily
 There’s a moment in the sixth episode of the web-series Hunting Season when the group’s resident douche Tommy chastises the lead character over his designation of underwear as a fetish. It leads him to this conclusion, and if you’re too lazy to actually watch the show, you can read my recap here.

I’m bringing this up, because I recently came across someone who legitimately has an underwear fetish. After seeing a picture of me in my briefs, he confided in me that if we ever played together, he didn’t want me to take them off. He sent me pictures of his cum-stained undies, explaining to me that he had to “train” his boyfriend to understand and accept his sexual obsession.

Suffice it to say, we were not a match! I’m used to having sex a certain way, and while I’m certainly open to new experiences, embracing his fetish would mean sacrificing my own joy to bring him pleasure. I like being naked! And while I like wearing underwear as well, I prefer it to eventually wind up on the floor after a little rubbing, licking or groping over the fabric.

Yet, in a weird way, I feel obligated to dedicate this post to that guy (who I rejected due to my close-minded objection to try something different). Maybe you, too, share his fetish, or maybe you just like looking at guys in their speedos or briefs. Whatever the case, here are sixteen Manhunt members who fall into that category… And, yes, some of them have fully nude shots in their profiles, for those of you who prefer their men entirely unwrapped.

Brixton, London, England
PTrainer and MASSEUR
I am looking for interesting people who can inspire me. Somebody who has got something to say, somebody I can learn from..

I am also waiting for MrRight but ,perhaps, this is not the ideal place where to find him and it would be hypocrit to state I am here waiting for him rolling my fingers. 

I have different interests in life and I like training regularly, eating good fresh food and having an healthy life.

No face pic no chat.

"You can't stay with someone who has no drive or ambitions"(Cit. Me)


From: Wicked
 Self-proclaimed “muscle nerd Atlas Gant (@atlasgant on Instagram) loves showing off his delicious bubble butt.

 We’re not sure how Instagram hasn’t taken these down yet, but hey, we’re not complaining.

Bon appetit!
A video posted by ATLAS GANT (@atlasgant) on

Chris Pratt is spending his press tour hilariously cropping Jennifer Lawrence out of all his photos.

From: Some Entertaiment
Beautiful people Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence are currently out on a press tour for their new movie, and Chris Pratt is hoping to remind you that he wasn't always a lovable, beautiful action star, he was once a lovable, goofy comedy actor.

People apparently wanted more Jennifer Lawrence in his photos from the tour, because everyone loves to see two beautiful people of opposite genders doing stuff together, and that's why the movie Passengers is happening.So instead of giving the people what they want, he kept the bit going on Instagram, just barely including Jennifer Lawrence in a selfie:"Finally got that selfie with Jen y'all wanted."
A photo posted by chris pratt (@prattprattpratt) on

And then taking a candid photo where you can't see her face. "Just hanging with my bestie Jen."
A photo posted by chris pratt (@prattprattpratt) on

Then giving her only half a face in a group shot...
A photo posted by chris pratt (@prattprattpratt) on

...and giving her prime position as a growth out of the side of his face.
A photo posted by chris pratt (@prattprattpratt) on

And eventually going back to the classic, rude crop.

Viral marketing at its very best.

Chinese Foreign Ministry Lodges Complaint Over Trump’s Unprecedented Call With Taiwan’s President

From: Joe My God
CNN reports:

China’s foreign ministry said Saturday it has lodged a complaint with the United States over a controversial phone call between President-elect Donald Trump and Taiwan’s President that has overturned decades of diplomatic protocol.
China views Taiwan as a renegade province and, since 1979, the US has acknowledged Beijing’s claim that Taiwan is part of China, with US-China relations governed by a set of protocols known as the ‘one China’ policy.
This means there are no formal diplomatic relations between the United States and Taiwan — so Trump’s decision to take Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen’s call could risk a major upset. “We have noticed relevant reports and lodged solemn representation with the relevant side in the United States,” said a statement Saturday from China’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang.
“I must point out that there is only one China in the world and Taiwan is an inseparable part of the Chinese territory … The ‘one China’ principle is the political foundation of China-US relations. We urge the relevant side in the US to adhere to the ‘one China’ policy, abide by the pledges in the three joint China-US communiques, and handle issues related to Taiwan carefully and properly to avoid causing unnecessary interference to the overall China-U.S. relationship.”

More from NBC News:

The conversation represented a stark break in U.S. foreign policy. The U.S. has not had diplomatic relations with Taiwan since 1979, when it recognized the People’s Republic of China as sole legal government. China sees Taiwan as a breakaway province and the two have nearly gone to war three times since 1949.
The call was one of a series of talks with controversial global figures — including some from countries that are considered in China’s direct sphere of influence such as Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte. According to State Department officials, the president-elect was not briefed by the agency ahead of his call to the Philippines president nor before any of his calls to world leaders since his election.
Kellyanne Conway, who managed the Republican’s campaign and is one of the president-elect’s top advisers, came to Trump’s defense Friday. “President-elect Trump is fully briefed and fully knowledgeable about these issues … regardless of who is on the other end of the phone,” she told CNN.
Meanwhile, a spokesperson for the White House’s National Security Council, said that the administration remains “firmly committed to our ‘one China’ policy.” “There is no change to our longstanding policy on cross-Strait issues,” spokesman Ned Price said Friday.

Beary Sexy Karlo Martinez Goes Full Frontal For HAWT Shoot

From: Fleshbot
 Thanks to the magic of the Internet it seems like hot nude photo shoots with gorgeous models are a dime a dozen, but there's something about the breathtaking Karlo Martinez that makes him really stand out from the crowd. I mean, damn girl! This photography series, titled "Cabin Fever" shows off every inch of Karlo's delish bod, and I don't think I need to tell you that the man has all the hair. It's a full blown forest. And mamma wanna go camping. IDK what that means. 

We can thank and photographer Kurt Banks for these too-hot-for-words photos. Karlo's beard and pubes are so damn full he looks like a dirty Wooly Willy, and all the hair in between is dispersed so perfectly that it makes you think maybe there is a Jesus. And that he's gay and likes hairy bears. Of course, as the pics progress we see more and more of Karlo, including his hot cock and just great balls. Bravo genetics or gay Jesus or whatever! Check out the pics below and tell me this piece doesn't do it for you.