Thursday, December 1, 2016

Daniel Köllerer Full Frontal Naked on TV

From: Spy Guy Cams
 Hey dudes, do you remember Daniel Köllerer? He is the tennis player who took part in the Big Brother  and I believe you did not forget his huge uncut cock. Me too, and you have no idea how happy I am to see him again naked on TV. Now I think that this gorgeous stud starts feeling at ease completely naked in reality TV shows.

 You all know the German "Adam sucht Eva" (Adam & Eve) reality TV show, the program where guys and girls meet totally naked on an island to find a soul mate. Daniel Köllerer is one of the guys who took part in this extremely hot TV show and as soon as I heard about that I knocked off my feet! I loved Daniel while taking a shower in the BB house, now I’m more than happy to see his enormous uncut dick again on TV! I’ve watched all of his videos, so I wanna share with you some uncensored pictures: you have to watch the full videos, you’ll be amazed by his… beauty!

Donald’s Transition Team Is Utterly Dedicated To Antigay Pseudoscience

From: Queerty
More good news from the country’s incoming clown car: Trump’s transition team has almost no relationship with science, and leans heavily on crazy fake studies to justify their anti-gay bigotry. So, this should be a fun four years.

For example, they’ve got Ken Blackwell advising the transition team on domestic policy — he’s a senior fellow at the Family Research Council, an organization notorious for making up facts and publishing junk science. There’s also Kay Cole James, who is in charge of the team’s budget — they’re a former vice president of the FRC. Betsy DeVos (education) and Ken Klukowski (constitutional rights) have also been tied up with the FRC.

Various other figures have spoken at FRC events, including Reince Preibus and Mike Pompeo. And let’s not forget Mike Pence, who used his power in congress to encourage the jailing and execution of queers in other countries.

And what’s so bad about the FRC, you might ask? Well, for years now, they’ve been manipulating phony studies and fabricating results to make it look like gays die young and molest kids. Among their tactics is citing groups like The American College of Pediatricians, which sounds legitimate but is actually just a little club started by a couple of friends so that they could spout artificial data while sounding like actual researchers.

So now these people are going to be crawling all over the White House, inserting their phony facts into actual government policy.

Deep breaths, everyone; deep breaths.

Dolly Parton, Miley Cyrus and Pentatonix Dazzle with A Cappella Version of ‘Jolene’

From: Towleroad
Dolly Parton was joined by her goddaughter Miley Cyrus and also musical group Pentatonix to perform an a cappella version of her hit “Jolene” on The Voice.

While Parton has performed “Jolene” with Pentatonix before, this is the first time all three have gathered to sing the iconic track.

Watch, below.

Back in 2012, Cyrus performed a cover of “Jolene” as part of her “Backyard Sessions” that has racked up over 94 million views on YouTube to date.

Building A Movement To End AIDS

David Furnish explains how the Elton John AIDS Foundation is helping us reach an AIDS-free world.
From: NewNowNext
 This World AIDS Day marks 35 years since the first cases of HIV/AIDS appeared in the United States. To date, this horrible disease has claimed the lives of over 35 million people globally.

But World AIDS Day also marks something else. It marks the beginning of a movement, of a fierce, three-decades long fight to end the epidemic.

It was the LGBTQ movement that gained momentum first. The community organized, quickly realizing they’d have to care for one another. They had nowhere else to turn. Doctors debated whether they had a moral obligation to treat patients with HIV. Politicians were not talking about the epidemic. Everyone was afraid.

 The movement was born out of necessity. And it’s evolved out of necessity.

This epidemic has always preyed on the most vulnerable people in our society – people who don’t have access to the healthcare they need, people who our legislators fail to serve.

Take a look at the organizations fighting HIV/AIDS today and you’ll see they are representative of the communities most impacted by the epidemic: people of color, gay men, the transgender community, and those who battle with drug addiction.

 The Elton John AIDS Foundation is proud to be a part of this incredible movement. We have been for 25 years. It’s been an honor to support thousands of organizations across the United States and around the world since our founding.

And, true to the roots of this movement – to what makes it so strong – each one of the organizations we support focuses on a particular aspect of the fight against HIV/AIDS.

My Brother’s Keeper, for instance, works in Jackson, Mississippi—where approximately 3,500 people are living with HIV. Many of them do not know they are infected or are not accessing the care they need.

With support from EJAF last year, My Brother’s Keeper—and its partner clinic, Open Arms—helped over 100 black gay men access social support and medical services and helped 200 people to start pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), a daily pill that helps HIV-uninfected people to prevent HIV infection.

 In Puerto Rico, Intercambios works to support the overwhelming number of people contracting HIV through unsafe drug use in the country. There, unsafe syringes account for 71 percent of all HIV infections among women and 37 percent of all HIV infections in men. In the past year, with support from EJAF and Housing Works, Intercambios served 795 people who inject drugs and distributed more than 165,000 clean syringes while removing 148,500 used syringes from circulation.

Health Frontiers in Tijuana and Centro de Servicios, both organizations EJAF supports, work in Tijuana, Mexico—where some 10,000 people are living with HIV. There, populations at high risk include gay men, transgender people, sex workers and people who inject drugs.

And yet, the city lacks HIV testing where it would do the most good: in places like gay bars or the red light district. This year, EJAF provided grants to the two organizations to improve HIV testing and care for these key populations. In 6 months, they reached over 2,600 people with HIV testing, half of them were migrants and all were at risk due to unprotected sex or injection drug use.

Organizations like these, and the movement they make up, are the reason we’ve come so far in this fight. Together, they fill open gaps in servicing vulnerable people, and combat the disease on its many fronts.

They are the reason that we’re becoming a more equal and just society. They are the reason that we’re seeing less discrimination, and more compassion. They are the reason that we’re inching closer, every day, to an AIDS-free world.

To donate to the Elton John AIDS Foundation, click here.

Big Sack

That is, indeed, an epic sac. But thin, fabric cock rings like this make me nervous…

Today Is World AIDS Day

From: kenneth in the (212)
 Let's remember all of those we lost, and think of how many we saved thanks to our vigilant fight for research and equality for all.

The long-awaited trellis at the AIDS park was finally unveiled this morning. My friend Andrew attended and writes: 
Glad to be at the dedication this morning and proud of the words and voices of Scott Stringer, Lillias White, and my friends, Corey Johnson & THE Billy Porter.

Song of the Day: 'That's What Friends Are For' by Dionne Warwick and Friends

From: kenneth in the (212)
While often regarded as a punchline these days, Dionne Warwick not only sang some of the definitive versions of the classic Bacharach-David songs, this song raised more than $3 million for amfAR when few celebrities were doing anything about the AIDS crisis at all.

‘Ribbons’ is a Poignant Elegy for Those Lost to AIDS, and a Pact Between Generations

From: Towleroad
Set in Provincetown, Massachusetts, and based on the experience of its writer-director Brandon Cordeiro, Ribbons tells the powerful story of a second-generation Portuguese kid whose first connection to the AIDS crisis came when his mother brought him to a memorial service at the beach for those who had been lost.

The experience left an indelible impression on Cordeiro, who chose to make it the subject of his first film, and he’s sharing it online in full for the first time today, World AIDS Day. It’s a poignant elegy offering a message of hope that bridges generational divides.

We hope you’ll take some time to watch the film (enlarge it to fit your screen) and share this post with others.

The strands of ribbons depicted in the film still exist today, and have become part of an all-too-large tribute to those we’ve lost and a reminder that there is still work to do in the battle against HIV/AIDS. They are displayed together each September at Provincetown’s Swim 4 Life charity event, where they line the deck of the Boatslip, a resort that hosts a popular tea dance during the summer season.

Cordeiro shared some thoughts about the film, which he is currently developing into a full-length feature (you can help, see below), and the reception it has received.

Says Cordeiro:

 Sharing RIBBONS with the world has been a beautiful gift and continues to bring opportunities that I would never have imagined. Highlights include screenings with LGBTQ Youth at the Harvey Milk High School in NYC to inspire the next wave of artists, supporting group therapy sessions for South American women, both cis and trans, that have been victims of physical and verbal abuse, and meeting such incredibly diverse audiences at international film festivals. If someone would have told me a year ago that these global connections would be possible, I simply would not have believed it!
RIBBONS is a very personal story for me, but represents only the beginning of the journey. I am currently adapting the short film into a feature-length screenplay. Two key collaborators have come on board, Producer Chris Panizzon (Shelter, Pedro, Political Animals) and a long time friend/co-writer, David Epstein (Optioned with Rene Bastian, Coronado). Our goal is to encourage discussion about differences and to keep communication about our LGBTQ history open and alive, especially as it pertains to HIV/AIDS.
Born and raised in Provincetown, MA, I was fortunate to be surrounded by a diverse and inclusive LGBTQ community, people like me, and learned about our struggles and accomplishments in a unique way. Many lack this exposure and support, but LGBTQ visibility saves lives. It is imperative that we continue to tell stories with LGBTQ protagonists and tribute the many untold stories within our community.

The entire cast and crew, except for three people, are local Provincetown residents.  Many local businesses donated services to make the screening happen.  The production of the film was supported and endorsed by Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS, Provincetown Community Compact and the AIDS Support Group of Cape Cod.

Ribbons is having some upcoming screenings. It’s screening today at its Caribbean premiere in the Dominican Republic at Out Fest Santo Domingo and in Provincetown, Massachusetts for the AIDS Support Group of Cape Cod. The L.A. premiere will happen March 2017 and 2017 screenings are planned in 2017 in Barcelona and Valencia, Spain, and in the Canary Islands.

You can visit the film’s site HERE and follow them on Twitter @RIBBONSshort.

Readers might recognize Cordeiro as the host of a recent video series sponsored by Lexus. He also just shot a role in the upcoming Super Troopers 2 starring Rob Lowe, Linda Carter, Will Sasso and the Broken Lizard Comedy Troupe. He was also in the year long National Broadway Tour of Camelot.

If you are interested in contributing to the making of the feature length version of this film or in screening RIBBONS – please email: or visit

A Pill, A Promise: On PrEP

From: Boy Culture
Joseph Osmundson writes extensively about PrEP — his personal experience — for this week's Village Voice. Like so many great essays, it's not 100% about the thing you think it's about, and there are going to be passages that most gay men will recognize.

On how AIDS has always informed his sexuality:

My generation of gay men came after the plague but before the pill. What I knew was that fifty thousand people died in the U.S. in 1995. I was thirteen. What I knew was that sex kills, that no pleasure is ever free of worry, of death. The first thing I learned about sex was Kaposi's sarcoma lesions, gaunt thirty-two-year-olds on TV. I became a gay man and a scientist with a background in microbiology and biochemistry. Viruses have always fascinated me for being so complex and yet so simple, for being so deadly with so few genes.

On the tendency to have condomless sex as soon as you're in something like a relationship:

We'd been having unprotected sex for a year. I've always had unprotected sex with my boyfriends, a sign that we cared for each other, that we had built something like trust. I insisted on couples trips to the free clinic after three months of monogamy. I loved this man in part because his sex seemed so free, so out of my control. I begged him not to put me at risk. I told him my body was in his hands. He looked me in the eye and said I could trust him. I did trust him. After I caught him cheating, we used condoms. I got tested. He said that he never had raw sex with anyone but me, that it was an intimacy I alone had earned. I believed he was telling the truth. I trusted that he only cheated safely.

Read more at the Voice.

Favorite Hunk of the Day: December 1, 2007

 James Taylor
From: Favorite Hunks & Other Things
 I was first introduced to James Taylor in a UK documentary on the beauty of the male body. There was something captivating about this guy, yes hot, but also the smile and the eyes.


A 2017 Calendar Featuring Hunks Helping Animals in Distress? Okay, Yeah.

From: Queerty
 Don’t worry: The kid is alright.

 In this brave new world, shirtless hunks coming to the aid of injured barnyard animals are more important than ever. That’s the takeaway from the 2017 Men of the Vet School Calendar, which features handsome Cornell men selflessly helping a menagerie of goats, cows, dogs, and kangaroos in distress.

And it’s all for a good cause, too: Proceeds go to Omega Tau Sigma and the Patient Assistance Fund, which provides financial resources to animal lovers who can’t afford medicare care for their pets. If you want to purchase the calendar, click HERE.


It's National Daddy Day today.  Not really, but it should be.
From: Mensmut

'80s Singing Star Colonel Abrams Dies Homeless In NYC

Colonel Abrams: May 25, 1949 - November 24, 2016. 
From: Boy Culture
Another '80s singer has died unexpectedly — Colonel Abrams, who snagged four #1 dance hits, died homeless in NYC on Thanksgiving. He was 67.

19-Year-Old Lawmaker Is Only Opposition To Canadian Law Protecting LGBT Families

Sam Oosterhoff says he understands the burden of being a parent because he was once a camp counselor.
From: NewNowNext
 A measure passed by Ontario’s provincial parliament puts same-sex parents on equal footing as their opposite-sex counterparts. But 19-year-old Sam Oosterhoff, the youngest MPP in Ontario history, says the law is “a horrible piece of legislation.”

 Oosterhoff, who was sworn in yestrday, told the Toronto Star that he “would definitely not have supported” the All Families Are Equal Act, which changes “mother” and “father” on birth certificates and other legal documents to “parent.”

The Star explains:

It means same-sex parents will no longer have to go to court — spending thousands — to get legal recognition, allowing them to register births in the same way heterosexual couples do. The new legislation also means a birth parent can enter into a parenting agreement with up to three others before a child is conceived.

But Oosterhoff, a member of the Progressive Conservative party representing Niagara-West Glanbrook, claims the law could lead to guardians fighting it out for custody. “I think it just goes to show how out of touch they are with people,” he said.

The bill passed unanimously 79-0, though dissenters did not show up for the vote.

Osterhoof reportedly believes same-sex marriage and abortion should be outlawed in Canada. Asked if he supported same-sex families, he said it was important that “all parents” be respected.

“I was a counselor at camp . . . I had four kids I was taking care of—man, I was beat, like I was so tired… Anyone who takes it upon themselves to be a parent should be commended because it’s a sacrificial job.”

Because summer camp is just like raising a child.

These 10 Cities Have The Highest Rates Of HIV In America

Get tested.
From: NewNowNext
Today is  World AIDS Day and Get Tested has released information on the cities with the highest rates of HIV infection.
 Miami tops the list, with more than 52,000 people living with HIV, a reported spike of 23% from past reports. While it and several other cities on the list, are known as gay meccas, others are not.

Below, view the full list.

1. Miami
2. New Orleans
3. Baton Rogue
4. Jackson, Mississippi
5. Washington, DC
6. Baltimore
7. Memphis
8. Atlanta
9. New York
10. Jacksonville, FL

Get Tested also examined which cities have the highest rates of new HIV diagnoses. Baton Rouge topped the list with 44.7 new cases of the virus per 100,000 people, per the CDC.

 Most of the cities on both lists are in the South, where the average rate of infection is 18.5 per 100,000. That’s in comparison to the Northeast (14.2), Midwest (8.2) and West Coast (11.2).

In all, more than 44,000 people contracted HIV last year, and men who have sex with men accounting for 67%. Rates of new infections are going down across the board, except among young gay/bi men, where they continue to spike.

Some cities have made major inroads in addressing HIV: In San Fransisco, education and increased access to PrEP has seen infection rates go down by a third.