Saturday, October 29, 2016

10 Shania Twain Halloween Looks That’ll Impress Your Friends Much

From: NewNowNext

Don’t Be Stupid (You Know I Love You)
Simple: grab your favorite all black ensemble and rip the sleeves off—but start practicing your Riverdance moves now.

“Trump Tower Live” Is A Total Stinking Mess

From: Queerty
Like the festering dead mouse for which it is named, Trump Tower Live is apparently pretty unbearable.

The whole point of Trump’s run for office was not, of course, for him to win — he has no interest in being President, don’t be ridiculous. It’s all been a marketing tool for his soon-to-launch “Trump TV” network, where he can squeeze money out of his sad scared supporters.
But the test-run for the network doesn’t seem to be going too well. For the last few days, they’ve been doing Facebook live streams that are barely watchable, even if you love Trump.

For one thing, they never start on time — the show is always delayed. The hosts are a bunch of nobodies who have no on-screen charisma. The backdrop for their chatter looks like a high school study hall. And, get this, there are commercials. Yup, commercial breaks in a Facebook live stream. Oh, lord. The whole thing sounds like the most dismal broadcast in the history of motion pictures. (If you’re looking for a more engaging live stream to watch, consider Jeffery Self Live, or the queer gamer livestream next weekend that doubles as a fundraiser for charity.)

If things were going well for the campaign, we would probably be telling a different story. But Trump’s dismal electoral performance is undermining his ability to attract talent, and so you have only the craziest weirdos working for him these days.

When this election is over, hopefully Trump will have notched another series of failures under his belt, and the family can go back to what they do best: killing animals and spreading STDs.

“King Cobra”: James Franco Explains The Downside To Being A Twink To Keegan Allen

"What, have you been living under a porn rock?
From: NewNowNext
 Directed by Justin Kelly (I am Michael), the moody gay porn drama King Cobra sees Christian Slater playing Bryan Kocis, the man who discovered rising star Brent Corrigan (played by Garrett Clayton).

But when Corrigan wants out of his contract, rival porn-makers Joseph Kerekes (James Franco) and Harlow Cuadra (Keegan Allen) decide to terminate their competition.

In the preview below, Franco strokes Allen’s ego by telling him Corrigan is nothing but a twink—”you blink and they’re a fucking ’twunk’—but that he’s a “man.”

King Cobra is in theaters and On Demand now.

‘SCREAM’ Gay Porn Parody Comes Out Just in Time for Halloween

From: Cocktails and Cocktalk
 The porn parodies are cumming thick and fast this year, pun intended, obvs. Bromo have remade Wes Craven’s horror classic Scream – and that’s exactly what Tom Faulk does when he gets stabbed in the kitchen. Although he’s penetrated by a dinky purple vibrator, not a knife. The dialogue stays true to original script, although when the helpless bimbo asks: “WHAT DO YOU WANT?” we can’t imagine Wes Craven ever imagined the reply to be: ‘to see how tight your ass is’.

Gay Abu Dhabi Man Faces Death Penalty For Doing Drag On Instagram

The man was officially charged with "practicing" and "promoting homosexuality."
From: NewNowNext
A gay Lebanese man who posted images of himself in drag on Instagram is being prosecuted in Abu Dhabi on charges of “practicing” and “promoting homosexuality,” which carry possible death sentences in the country ruled by Sharia Law.

Prosecutors claimed in Abu Dhabi Criminal Court that the pictures showed the 21-year-old man “wearing short women’s clothes, wigs and make-up.”

The man had also allegedly posted his phone number on the social networking site and was offering sexual services to other men.

The United Arab Emirates website 7days reports the man was arrested in a sting operation after soliciting an undercover cop who made an appointment while posing as a customer.

In court, the man reportedly claimed his friend had taken his friend and posted the pictures on Instagram without his knowledge.

LGBT people around the world face discrimination, isolation, and violence simply for being gay, and can be arrested for engaging in same-sex sexual relations in 75 countries. In 10 of those countries, including the United Arab Emirates, homosexuality is punishable by death.

10 Gayish Halloween Movies To Watch This Halloween

From: Queerty
Hush… Hush, Sweet Charlotte
Another macabre must-see Bette Davis picture. This time she portrays a lonely spinster living in a crumbling antebellum mansion whose sinister cousin, played by none other than Olivia de Havilland (a.k.a Melanie Wilkes), tricks her into thinking she’s going crazy in an attempt to steal her riches.

Gary Johnson: President Who Doesn’t Know World Leaders, Geography Would Prevent More Wars

From: Towleroad
Gary Johnson spoke with MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell on Tuesday about his foreign policy failings.

Johnson was widely criticized for his “What is Aleppo?” moment and also for his inability to name a foreign leader he respects while talking with Chris Matthews in a recent town hall forum. Johnson’s critics argue that both incidents exposed him to be dangerously unprepared and unfit to serve as president.

Johnson disagrees. Regarding his inability name a foreign leader he respects, Johnson told Mitchell, “I have a hard time with that one. That’s politics. That’s just who I am.”

Johnson then suggested that being ignorant to world geography and foreign leaders would prevent him as president from getting the U.S. involved in another war.

“The fact that somebody can dot the I’s and cross the T’s on a foreign leader or a geographic location then allows them to put our military in harm’s ways,” Johnson said.

He added, “we wonder why our men and servicewomen suffer from PSD [sic] in the first place. It’s because we elect people who can can dot the I’s and cross the T’s on these names and geographic locations, as opposed to the underlying philosophy, which is ‘Let’s stop getting involved in these regime changes.’”

“Christian” Haunted House Includes Depictions Of Pulse Massacre

At a public elementary school, no less.
From: NewNowNext
 A Chicago haunted house is being criticized for including depictions of the June massacre at Orlando’s Pulse nightclub, where 49 LGBT people and allies were brutally murdered.

“The Room: A Journey to Hell” is being billed as a “Christian interactive experience,” with 12 rooms of “action-packed, real and jaw-dropping” terror.

 Hell houses are popular with evangelical Christians during Halloween—spooky attractions filled with the “horrors” of modern life—teen sex, drinking, homosexuality—and their infernal consequences.

Tyrone Tappler Productions, which organized “The Room, put out a call on Facebook earlier this year for volunteers willing to recreate the Pulse shooting.

“Club Pulse, Dancers, Victims … CAGED PEOPLE/SCREAMERS, Extras needed trying to escape a cage! … SOUNDS INTERESTING? COME OUT THIS SATURDAY!!!”

 Other scenarios described in promotional material include a botched abortion and the 2015 shooting at a church in Charleston, South Carolina.

“The Room” was originally slated to run October 29 and 30 at Fernwood Elementary School on the Far South Side, but a rep for the Chicago Public School System now says it’s pulled the plug.

“The event organizers mischaracterized the true content of the event, and we did not approve any association with the activities the organizers have now advertised,” spokesman Michael Passman told Windy City Times.

One reader told WCT that after finding a flyer for the event that referenced Pulse, “my head just about blew up. How could they depict that?”

They added, “what really bothered me was that this was in a public school supported by our tax dollars.”

UPDATE: Last night, Tyrone Tappler posted on the now deleted Facebook page that the event had been “banned”, promising refunds to ticket holders.

Note: As of now he still has a Twitter account (@TyroneTappler) if you would like to let him know how un-Christian he is.

“Big Brother” Star Gets Totally Naked For Roxxxy Andrews At London Show

Ah, the perks of being a drag queen.
From: NewNowNext
Aaron Frew, the housemate who was ejected from the Big Brother UK house last year after flashing another contestant and trying to touch him with his penis, got completely naked again last night on stage at London’s G-A-Y club.

The cheeky underwear model put his goods on full display for a crowd of Roxxxy Andrews fans as he joined the RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars 2 legend on stage in a pair of briefs, which were quickly 86’d.

 Andrews was in the house for a performance at the bar’s long-running weekly Porn Idol competition, where club goers are plucked from the crowd and encouraged to strip completely naked on stage.

Needless to say, the challenge was right up Aaron’s alley.

At one point during Roxxxy’s performance, Aaron tried to earn extra brownie points by standing in front of Roxxxy and leaning back with his arms outstretched to provide a full unobstructed view of himself.

Asked by The Gay UK whether the titillating performance meant he’d be interested in doing porn someday, Aaron said: “Haha no im not was just for fun :)”

Check out a clip of the performance below:

‘Big League’ or ‘Bigly’? Donald Trump Finally Ends the Debate

From: Towleroad
Donald Trump can’t settle many political debates this election cycle, but one he has finally brought to an end is over his syntax.

Throughout the election, on the stump, in interviews and even at a presidential debate, Trump has said a word that sounds both like “bigly” and “big league.” Commentators have argued about which he is saying, unable to come to a consensus on the issue.

However, the debate can now finally end thanks to Catholic broadcasting network EWTN’s Raymond Arroyo. The interviewer recently sat down with Trump recently and put us all out of our misery by putting it to the GOP nominee: what is it, ‘bigly’ or ‘big league?’

“In appearance after appearance,” Arroyo said, “there is one bit of Trump syntax that has created debate in households across America. My final question, it is perhaps the most portentous … are you saying ‘bigly’ or ‘big league’?”

 Trump responded, “Are you talking about for me? I use ‘big league.”

‘Are you talking about for me?’ Seriously?
Yes, we’re talking about you. We’re looking at you!

She’s obviously been drinking too much self-tanner.

You can watch Arroyo’s entire interview, here.

HRC Revokes Endorsement of Illinois Senator Mark Kirk, Endorses Tammy Duckworth

From: Towleroad
The Human Rights Campaign announced today it has voted to revoke its long-criticized endorsement of Senator Mark Kirk (R-IL) and endorse his opponent, Democrat Tammy Duckworth, following Kirk’s racist attack on Duckworth’s heritage. Duckworth’s mother is Thai and her father an American veteran descended from relatives who fought during the Revolutionary War.

Kirk’s remarks came during a debate, after Duckworth spoke about her background.

Said Duckworth, a veteran who lost both legs in the Iraq war, in the exchange:

“My family has served this nation in uniform going back to the revolution. I am a daughter of the American Revolution. I’ve bled for this nation. But I still want to be there in the Senate when the drums of war sound because people are quick to sound the drums of war and I want to be there to say this is what it costs and this is what you’re asking us to do.”

Kirk’s response:

“I forgot your parents came all the way from Thailand to serve George Washington.”

Today, HRC President Chad Griffin wrote an open letter explaining the organization’s move:

After careful consideration, HRC’s Public Policy Committee of the Board of Directors has taken the unprecedented step — a first in our 36-year history — of revoking an endorsement. We are a bipartisan organization and our staff and board make endorsement decisions based on a proven record of LGBTQ equality and a candidate’s ability to drive legislative change. We will not continue to make progress and pass the Equality Act without Republican support. It’s vitally important that we continue to build bipartisan coalitions so that we may continue to move equality forward. We endorsed the sitting Senator, Mark Kirk, because he has been a strong supporter of our cause time and again, scoring a 100 percent on HRC’s most recent Congressional Scorecard. But events this week have gone beyond the pale for our standards of leadership.
Leadership is about more than the legislation one sponsors and the votes one casts. On Thursday night, Senator Kirk’s comments about his opponent’s heritage were deeply offensive and racist. His attempt to use Congresswoman Tammy Duckworth’s race as a means to undermine her family’s American heritage and patriotism is beyond reprehensible. Yesterday, Senator Kirk tweeted an apology that failed to adequately address the real harm and magnitude of his words. So today, following a vote by our board’s committee, the Human Rights Campaign withdrew our support of Senator Kirk.
Attacking someone because of her race and ethnicity is inexcusable for anyone, but especially for a sitting U.S. Senator. The diversity of our movement is our greatest strength, and Senator Kirk’s remarks were an affront to our most fundamental values. We have therefore voted to endorse Congresswoman Tammy Duckworth, who has been a strong LGBTQ ally in the House of Representatives, and HRC will contribute the maximum amount to her campaign. We look forward to working with her in the Senate to secure full federal equality for all LGBTQ Americans.
With only ten days until the election, HRC is focused on executing the most robust get-out-the-vote effort in our history, reaching beyond our own members and supporters to pro-equality voters who have demonstrated an openness to creating a more equal and fair society. This year our community has a clear choice: between Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine — the most robust pro-LGBTQ ticket in American history — and Donald Trump and Mike Pence — who threaten to undermine all of the progress we’ve made in the last eight years. The choice is equally clear in races at every level of government.
This year, we are going to demonstrate together that opposing LGBTQ equality is a political liability. And together, we will continue to fight for equality and deliver real, meaningful change for our country and community.

HRC has been criticized for months over its endorsement of Kirk.

Wrote SiriusXM radio host Michelangelo Signorile in March:

Kirk has only earned a score of 78 percent out of 100 percent from HRC, while his opponent, Democratic House member Tammy Duckworth, has a score of 100 — in addition to a real shot at taking the seat and handing Democrats the Senate. David Nir, political director at Daily Kos, called the endorsement as “appalling as it is embarrassing,” and “pathetic and stupid.” Mark Joseph Stern at Slate acknowledged the “long game” HRC may be playing in backing GOPers who vote pro-gay, but nonetheless drew the line at allowing the terribly anti-gay GOP leadership to retain the Senate this year, observing that HRC “does not seem to grasp…simple reality.”
At The New Republic, Eric Sasson rightly pointed to HRC’s “serious diversity problem” per an internal report that leaked, and to the optics of backing a white male Republican with a meager score over a woman of color and a combat veteran who lost both of her legs in the Iraq war — and who has a perfect score. Chris Geidner at Buzzfeed had obtained the internal report last year, which called HRC “exclusionary,” “sexist,” and “homogenous.” This endorsement certainly lent more credence to that.

Earlier that month Kirk had also pledged to support Donald Trump.

In June he flipped and said he “cannot and will not support” Trump, adding, “”Given my military experience, Donald Trump does not have the temperament to command our military or our nuclear arsenal.”

Hey Hey Whadda ya say? Cubs are gonna win?

From: Speed o Rex

 It's the most exciting baseball weekend of 2016, with Games 4 and 5 of the World Series on tap!  The Indians are up 2-1 after last night's thrilling 1-0 defensive battle, and you can expect more nail-biting action to come.

2016 Major League Baseball Post-Season
World Series
(Eastern Time)

Saturday, October 29 - Game 4
8:00 PM: Cleveland Indians @ Chicago Cubs, FOX

Sunday, October 30 - Game 5
8:00 PM: Cleveland Indians @ Chicago Cubs, FOX

 ... plus flamboyant fan-favorite of the Cubs, first baseman #44 Anthony Rizzo.  Watch for him tonight.

Anthony Rizzo

Date of Birth
August 8, 1989 (Leo)

Parkland, Florida, USA

6'3"/240 lbs

Chicago Cubs

First Base


MLB Debut
June 9, 2011

Costume Parade!

From: Favorite Hunks & Other Things
 Usually as Halloween approaches, I usually do a post featuring costume suggestions highlighting some of the hottest outfits for men that I can find. This year, I am showcasing images from last years 2013 FH Costume party. It was a studded event, featuring some of the hottest trick or treaters you have ever seen.

There was just one rule, and it was a simple one: Create a character using as few props, and as little clothing as humanly possible. The winner is featured in the post below, but here are some of my favorite finalists from the event!
 Little Red Riding Hood
Judges Comments
Bonus points for gender bending the classic character, but your basked shouldn't hide your basket and too too much cape!

Judges Comments
Brenden looks hot and although the coat perfectly frames the torso, why the pants?
 The Scotsman Trio
Judges Comments
Bonus points from coming as a trio, but it took far too much effort to have those kilts lifted!  Only two of your wore them as true Scotsman, shame on guy in the middle!
Judges Comments
Mr. Mummy won best way to wrap a weenie prize.  By the end of the evening, with all the dancing and sweating, that was the only wrap left intact.
Judges Comments
Nice Sword.
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You were close, the eye make-up was distracting, and without fangs, you weren't able to go all the way.
Judges Comments
Underwear was not really needed, but if you had to wear some, underoo's would have been better than the Armani's which came off as a bit pretentious for the Man Of Steel.
Judges Comments
You were close, very close!  Although you didn't win, we did grab you for a special feature coming up on the blog!
 Jason' Victim

 Judges Comments Very creative Simon Sherry-Wood, too bad you worn the same get-up at last years Fred & Jason's Annual Halloweenie Event.  Lazy Simon, Lazy!
 White Arrow
Judges Comments
Perfect costume and cut to show off your best asset.  Well played White Arrow, well played!
The PickAxe Killer
Judges Comments
The dusting of dirt on the derriere was a very nice touch.  You may have won except for your annoying insistence that everyone hold your tool.