Saturday, October 15, 2016

MLB Championship Series, featuring Dodgers fan, sizzling model William Levy

From: Speed o Rex

 The MLB Post-Season is in high gear now, with the league championships underway.  We're down to our final four teams now, so be attentive!

2016 MLB  League Championship Series

Friday, October 14
Cleveland Indians 2, Toronto Blue Jays 0

Saturday, October 15
Cleveland Indians 2, Toronto Blue Jays 1
Los Angeles Dodgers 0, Chicago Cubs 3 - Bottom 3rd

Sunday, October 16
8:00 PM: Los Angeles Dodgers @ Chicago Cubs

... plus model William Levy showing his support for the Dodgers.  Do you have your favorite?

Favorite Classic TV Star: October 15th

Charlene Tilton, Lucy Ewing from Dallas.
From: Favorite Hunks & Other Things
 Dallas was required viewing in the early eighties. For some reason Lucy Ewing caught my interest. Maybe it was the hair, maybe the character, not the shows best actress but one of the most interesting.

Charlene with the Dallas Cast.

Men’s Locker Room Designers Take Pity on Naked Millennials

From: New York Times
Gym designers have rid locker rooms of the gnarly shower curtains, trading them in for sexy glass escape pods. They have made bathroom stalls ever more private. Comfy couch corners, Wi-Fi and lockers with built-in locks have gone from swank options to standard issue.

“Everyone wants to get upgraded now,” said Rudy Fabiano, an architect who estimates he has designed about 500 gyms in the last 25 years.

But gyms are still unable to provide the one thing younger men in particular seem to really want: a way for them to shower and change without actually being nude.

Each day, thousands upon thousands of men in locker rooms nationwide struggle to put on their underwear while still covered chastely in shower towels, like horrible breathless arthropods molting into something tender-skinned. They writhe, still moist, into fresh clothes.

“In the last 20 years, maybe 25 years, there’s a huge cultural shift in people that ultimately affects gyms,” said Bryan Dunkelberger, a founding principal of S3 Design, which has worked for clients like Equinox and the Sports Club/ LA.

“Old-timers, guys that are 60-plus, have no problem with a gang shower and whatever,” Mr. Dunkelberger said. “The Gen X-ers are a little bit more sensitive to what they’re spending and what they’re expecting. And the millennials, these are the special children. They expect all the amenities. They grew up in families that had Y.M.C.A. or country club memberships. They expect certain things. Privacy, they expect.”

Gym Buds

Your gym wants you to have gym buds, with whom you buy expensive carb-infested juices on site and with whom you swap tips about trainers and teachers (but with whom you definitely don’t swap spit). And now your gym wants you to feel a little more at ease in that most sensitive space: the men’s locker room.

Showering after gym class in high school became virtually extinct in the ’90s. And if Manhattan’s high-end gyms weren’t riddled with ab-laden models or Europeans (or both), there would be few heterosexuals under 40 who have spent any naked time with other men.

“It’s funny, they’re more socially open with everything — Facebook, social media — yet more private in their personal space,” said Kevin Kavanaugh, the president of David Barton Gym.

The Urinal Study

Not long after the invention of the idea of personal space in 1959 came a classic ’70s study gamely titled “Personal Space Invasions in the Lavatory.” In it, researchers spied upon urinals to see how long it took for men to begin emptying their bladders.

It takes, we learned, almost twice as long when there is a man at a urinal next to you, and about half as long as when someone is one urinal away, compared to going it alone.

Closeness breeds anxiety; penis-related closeness can be overwhelming.

“Someone standing next to you at the subway station fully clothed is less close than someone standing next to you naked at a gym,” Mr. Dunkelberger said.

“Privacy and space is kind of where it’s at,” Mr. Fabiano said.

A Matter of Taste

Gyms, like black holes, resonate at a frequency. There is the chartreuse and violet and space-black thrum of David Barton Gym, and the clean white with candy red accents of New York Sports Club — a red wholly different from the sensual deep red ping of Barry’s Bootcamp. The blistering white and yellow of a SoulCycle burns the hottest.

Our budget-conscious friend Blink Fitness has a funny soft blue that I can’t even hear. Crunch has the palette of those awesome Indian comic books. The wheat and marble of Equinox is like “Mussolini does the Hamptons.”

Mr. Dunkelberger believes that women pick a gym based on whether it is clean and safe. Only then do they imagine themselves in the environment. Men choose a gym more abstractly, less sensibly, more ineptly.

Now, more than ever before, they choose tastefulness. In almost every high-end locker room there is a wet door, leading to a dank troll cave. This is the steam room. But at the Equinox abutting the High Line, the men’s steam room instead intrudes: It is a glass box that presents itself as a wall dividing the sink area and shower area.

From three sides, fleshy moving colors are visible inside. It is reminiscent of the absurd smoking chamber of Rome’s Fiumicino airport. It is a thirst trap as drawn by Michel Foucault and executed by Olafur Eliasson. It’s great.

Workout and Blowout

The Equinox on East 61st Street, two David Barton locations and the Setai Club on Wall Street have lately partnered with Glam & Go, a blowout bar that starts at $25 for 15-minute dry-hair blowouts.

At the David Barton Gym on Astor Place, Glam & Go was installed inside the women’s locker room. “Our men are saying: ‘Hey, what about me? I can’t go in the ladies room to get it,’” Mr. Kavanaugh said. “So we’re talking about how to put it in gender-neutral areas.”

For the conceivable future, the all-gender blowout bar looks to be the only moderately intimate gym location where men and women are likely to mix. For a city now seemingly mostly composed of subsidized young people from posh liberal arts schools who all dormed and often showered together, it’s queer, and a little sad, to see that desires for privacy and gender segregation are still entrenched in design.

“We had an attempt at a coed sauna, thinking it would work well,” Mr. Kavanaugh said. “But it didn’t. I was surprised at the amount of puritanical behavior around mixing the sexes. I guess it goes to wanting more privacy.”

“If there was a man in there, women wouldn’t go in,” he said. “If there was a woman in there, men wouldn’t go in. It became very strange. I’m surprised at how less enlightened we are about crossing and mixing genders.”

I Feel Pretty

Gym designers have waged a long battle to make the locker room not sad, not alienating and not a place that smells like butts. They treat urban loneliness and personal shame as a product problem — with a product solution. And their success means that the gym is now both everyone’s extra bathroom and extra living room.

The other day I visited the new Equinox Brookfield Place, where the men’s executive locker room is reached by iris scan. The perfection of all possible lighting has been achieved at the very manly locker sinks, and I spent quite some time staring lovingly at myself there. I’ve never looked better.

Gym capitalism works. I don’t think I’m lonely anymore.

Meet The Only Gay Couple At Trump’s Ohio Rally

From: Queerty
Reporter Jason Bellini of the Wall Street Journal recently braved a Trump rally in Cincinnati, where he ran into perhaps the only gay couple in the entire state of Ohio, possibly the nation, voting for the gay-hating, pussy-grabbing Republican.

“I’m pretty excited,” one of the men told Bellini.

When asked if they felt comfortable being affectionate with one another in a roomful of racists, sexists and homophobes, one of men replied, “Ain’t nobody said nothing ’bout it.”

Then he added, “I gotta lotta gay friends that support Trump.”

“Same here,” the other nodded.

And when asked why exactly they want Donald Trump to be the next president, one looked at the other and laughed, “Hmmmm, I don’t know baby… Why?”

His boyfriend quickly replied: “Tired’a the bullshit government! I work in the steel industry I see it hardcore at the trades and stuff. Time for a change. Trump’s the man for it.”

“Plus,” the other man added, “I really feel like he would bring more jobs to the country. Everything would be a hell of a lot better.”

See the young men explain exactly why they’re supporting a homophobic, racist, xenophobic, womanizer over a champion for LGBTQ rights in the video below…

Massachusetts Will Put Transgender Rights Up For Public Vote

"If he has a male body, I have problem with him being in a locker room with my daughter."
From: NewNowNext
 A new Massachusetts law that protects transgender people from discrimination is in danger of being repealed by public vote, after the organization fighting it gathered enough signatures to send the referendum to voters in 2018.

Governor Charlie Baker signed Senate Bill 2407 into law in May, effectively banning discrimination based on gender identity and ensuring that transgender people can use restrooms and locker rooms that match their gender identity.

According to Buzzfeed, the Keep MA Safe organization has been using fear tactics to spread misinformation about the “transgender bathroom myth” while gathering signatures to repeal the law.

The transgender bathroom myth is the imaginary concept that allowing transgender people to use restrooms that match their gender identity will inspire male sexual predators to identify as female so they can gain access to women’s restrooms in order to sexually assault children.

In accordance, the Keep MA Safe website claims the new law, which had been on the books in Boston since 2002 without issue, exposes girls to “sexual predators who claim ‘confusion’ about their gender as a cover for their evil intentions.”

Dominic Holden reports Keep MA Safe gathered 34,231 valid signatures using this logic, thereby forcing a referendum.

“We think it is a dangerous law and we would like to repeal it,” Keep MA Safe spokesperson Andrew Beckwith told Holden. “The definition of gender identity in the law is extremely broad and ripe for abuse.”

Beckwith added: “It doesn’t matter how a 50-year-old man identifies. If he has a male body, I have problem with him being in a locker room with my daughter.”

LGBT advocates, however, are confident that the public will ultimately vote the right way.

Said Kasey Suffredini, chief program officer of the LGBT group Freedom for All Americans, in a statement: “When presented with the question of whether to continue to treat transgender people as equal members of the Commonwealth in 2018, they will vote yes.”

Man Wearing ‘Gays for Trump’ T-Shirt Attacks Protester at Trump Rally

From: Towleroad
A man wearing a ‘Gays for Trump’ t-shirt and a Human Rights Campaign sticker on his ‘Make America Great Again’ cap and holding a rainbow flag in one hand attacked a protester at Donald Trump’s rally in Greensboro, North Carolina yesterday. The protester was holding an American flag upside down.

FOX8 reports:

The altercation, just the latest incident of violence against protesters at Trump rallies, came moments after Trump pointed directly at the protester and told him to “get out!”
…As the two men scrapped, a police officer intervened to break up the scuffle and escorted the protester out of the venue.
As the Trump supporter who put the protester in a headlock ventured back into the crowd, high-fiving other Trump supporters along the way, police returned into the crowd to escort the man and another who had shoved the protester out of the venue.
Asked by CNN why he hit the protester, the Trump supporter simply said “I didn’t hit him” as police pushed him toward the exit, arms behind his back.

Trump did not denounce the violence, but instead attacked the protester:

“It’s really total disrespect for the American flag. There he is, look, look (pointing at the protester). That’s what’s happening to our country, that’s what happening. That is total disrespect for our flag, that’s what’s happening to our country. We’re going to turn it around, folks. We’re going to turn it around.”

Yesterday we posted about a gay couple supporting Trump at a rally in Ohio. It’s unclear what percentage of the gay population supports Trump, or why.

It’s unclear if either person was arrested.

Unfortunately, Trump’s supporters don’t realize that Trump himself is a far greater disgrace to this country than any flag-holding protest could be.

Daniel Newman in "Endgame"

 Daniel Newman was born in the city of York but was raised on a council estate in London. He moved from school to school he missed most of his last year of school because of filming Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1991). Daniel was married by the time he was 18 years old but was separated from his wife in 1997 and had a 9 month old daughter. Also in 1997 Daniel lost his 25 year old brother Mark in a car accident. Daniel now has another daughter called Jessica Lauren.

Plot Summary
Sex is currency. It commands power and can instill fear. Tom, a young man with a troubled past finds himself sucked into a seedy underworld by George Norris, a now super villain with a sadistic streak. A helpless pawn in one of Norris's narcotic scams with a bent cop, Dunston, Tom is dragged deeper into a vicious circle of blood money, vice and ruthless violence from which their seems no way out. Until fate gives Tom a glimmer of hope. When Norris is killed in his apartment, Tom seizes his chance to escape. Terrified and covered in Norris's blood, Tom heads downstairs to his neighbors, Max and Nikki his new friends in the city. With going to the police out of the question, Max and Nikki speed Tom to their desolate cottage deep in the Welsh countryside. With the luxury of space, Tom begins to realize a long-forgotten dream; a return to happier times before his innocence was shattered. Suppressed emotion flood back provoked by Tom's attraction to Nikki, a beautiful women fascinated by Tom's past. Yet how long can this last with Dunston desperate to hunt down Tom before he exposes the corruption? It's only a matter of time before his deadly past catches up with him again. But just how much is Tom willing to sacrifice...

Straight Irish Football Player Says Doing Gay Porn Helped Him Understand The LGBT Community Better

When Cathal McCarron's x-rated exploits surfaced, he was slammed with homophobic vitriol on social media.
From: NewNowNext
 Cathal McCarron is a star player in Gaelic football—and straight. But in 2014 he appeared in several gay porn movies to pay off gambling debts.

Now McCarron, who plays for Tyrone, says the whole experience helped him understand the LGBT community better.

 In his new memoir, Out of Control, the 28-year-old relates how a crippling gambling addiction led him to film both solo and partner sex scenes, as both a top and bottom.

“As we had sexual intercourse, I did everything to suppress my real emotions, to dislocate myself from the moment. All I was thinking about was the money I was going to receive afterwards,” he told The Irish News.

“When the filming was over I felt physically sick, disgusted that I had allowed myself to sink into such an abyss of degradation and humiliation.”

 He spent the approximately $3,300 he was paid in just two days. It was just a drop in the bucket, after all, compared to the $220,000 he had stolen to feed his gambling habit, mostly from his father.

McCarron says he was told the videos would only appear on pay-per-view in U.S. hotels but he was quickly outed.

“Anyone in their right mind knows that uploaded material can appear anywhere, but I wasn’t in my right mind,” he confesses. “I accepted the offer of some work.”

 A steady stream of hateful and homophobic comments on the Internet soon followed, leading him to delete his social media and go into rehab.

“I had sold my body. I had blackened my soul. All for just two-days gambling,” said McCarron, who confessed he considered suicide.

Eventually he returned to football and, this year, was chosen for an All Star. He’s also studying to become a therapist and hopes to be able to counsel others.

And while he still gets propositioned by gay men, he says it's not a huge deal.

“When the video went viral, some of those forums were laced with comments from gay men about how much they wanted to have sex with me. The last thing I am is gay, but I’ll take those comments above vile, vitriolic, homophobic and personal abuse any day of the week… It’s embarrassing when some man asks to meet you, but I don’t look on that as a negative.”

McCarron adds, “I completely respect the lesbian and gay community because I really appreciated their messages of support when so many others wanted to bury me.”

Joe Jonas Opens Up About The Size Of His Manhood, Losing His Virginity & More

From: Queerty
Joe Jonas (“former flat iron hair model”) participated in a Reddit Ask Me Anything Q&A on Wednesday, and the questions were as scrappy as you’d expect. People really did ask him pretty much anything (“Where can I find the best tacos in California?”), and his answers were surprisingly funny and good-nature.

Here are some highlights.

“How do you feel when fans call you daddy?

I just hope their actual father isn’t reading their Twitter accounts. But I take it as a compliment…if you’re old enough to say that. I think you should at least be 18 to be able to say daddy to someone.
A video posted by J O E J O N A S (@joejonas) on

Did you have a boner 100% of the time while filming the Body Moves music video? What was your favorite part about filming? (I feel like there [are] definitely quite a few.) [Were] there any embarrassing moments? It’s definitely one of the sexiest music videos of all time. Tastefully sexy.

Thank you very much about saying it’s tastefully sexy. There was definitely some half chubbing going on during the video. I wouldn’t say a full blown boner, but I would say a haflie. I mean it’s kind of hard not to in that situation especially when you’re trying to be intimate, and also they put us in an elevator, me and Charlotte McKinney who I’m sure Reddit is very familiar with. They put her in an elevator with me and then they had kind of a hidden camera filming this whole time, and I had a great time doing the video.
Who did you lose your virginity to?

I lost my virginity to this girl named Ashley. You can probably just Google it. It’s pretty easy to figure out. I dated a girl named Ashley, so just Google it to figure out which Ashley that is. It’s quite the great story because I didn’t have any condoms, so I went to our drummer, Jack’s room, who was my roommate at the time and I demolished his room looking for them. Found them underneath his underwear drawer. When he came home, he thought somebody broke into his room because his whole room was demolished because I was in dire need. Needed to happen then and now. Safety first, kids.
A video posted by J O E J O N A S (@joejonas) on

Is it true that [you’re] the Jonas Bro thats hangin’ the most meat in his skinny jeans?

I like to think so. Although, it’s not often that I’m in a locker room or shower with my brothers, so I couldn’t really tell you. But, I’d like the Internet to believe that I’m still killin’ it.
What’s up with Nick’s nipples, bruh? – shit is weird.

Nick’s nipples are not as big as they may appear. It did take multiple surgeries to get them down to a normal size. I think it was like 30-40 surgeries to just get them to a little quarter shape.
RIP Harambe.
P.S. Dicks out for Harambe.
On a scale from 1 to 10, how embarrassing is Camp Rock to you now?

Oh my god. My dance moves in Camp Rock were so terrible. I thought I was killing the game, too. Actually, Tyler The Creator posted it one day and I was like, “Oh, cool! Tyler thinks my dance moves are sick!” and I realized he was just totally calling me out for being a total dickhead and the way I danced, but respectfully. I think my flat iron hair and my squeaky voice are a little embarrassing. Also, I watch it now and realize it was so many years ago, it is really bad quality. It just reminds me of how much older I am now. I’m 27.
1-10 rating of how embarrassing Camp Rock is to me now, 10 being the most and 1 being the least, I’m going to give it a solid 8. When I see old merchandise from Camp Rock days or somebody is like, “Oh my god, Camp Rock is my jam”, I really have a hard time believing them.
Who is your man crush?

I have a few. One being Daniel Craig. I have had multiple Daniel Craig birthday cakes in my life. One was a photo of him coming out of the water from Casino Royale and they made it into a cake. Obviously, Matthew McConaughey is one, too. I think he’s the man. So, between those two, there’s a lot of man crushing going on.
Also, I’m pretty into this guy, Ken Bone, recently, tbh. He kind of takes top of the list for me. Depending on who he votes for.
C’mon Ken, we’re believing in you. Don’t let us down!
Oh, and here’s what you really want to know: Jonas is a fan of the tacos at Cactus Taqueria on Vine Street.
A video posted by J O E J O N A S (@joejonas) on

In the Locker Room

From: Speed o Rex
Christopher Murdock

Francis Mossman

Eddie Cambio

Jay Cass

Justin DeRoy

Justin Leonard

Logan Franklin
