Saturday, October 8, 2016

Adele Invites Two Dads And Their Baby To Join Her Onstage At Concert

And the crowd went crazy over the cuteness.
From: NewNowNext
Adele pulled a gay couple and their baby boy onstage with her at a concert in Toronto this week, and as you may have guessed, it was really freakin’ adorable.

New York couple Jon and Steve were invited to bring their toddler, Jackson, onto the stage to take a selfie with the English superstar and the crowd could hardly handle the enchanting moment.

“Sorry, he’s suffocating in my boobs,” she quipped at one point as she was trying to sign the baby’s noise-canceling headphones.

Adele is known for picking fans out of the crowd during her shows, even agreeing to attend a gay couple’s wedding at a concert earlier this summer, but adding a baby into the mix obviously takes it all to the next level.

Check out The Huffington Post’s video of the precious moment below.

Brett Gleason: The Dream Is ALIVE

From: Favorite Hunks & Other Things
If you're a regular reader of FH you have no doubt seen some of my features, and listened to songs from musician Brett Gleason. We're used to seeing Brett behind the keyboard, but The Dream is Alive is one of two guitar based songs on his new collection Manifest. A ten song cycle about being Human on Earth. Is that you? MANIFEST = Sex + Death + Love + Time + Consciousness. The Dream is Alive is a wee bit addictive, and I have been listening on Brett's kickstarter again and again as I worked on today's posts. Give it a listen for yourself HERE:
Brett by Stanley Stellar CEO Pleads Guilty To Promoting Prostitution

"We do good things for good people"— CEO Jeffrey Hurant
From: NewNowNext
 The head of pleaded guilty to charges of promoting prostitution on Friday, 13 months after the company’s Manhattan offices were raided by Homeland Security and six employees were arrested.

According to the AP, Jeffrey Hurant faces up to 21 months in prison.

 It was never quite clear why Homeland Security was involved in the case, though authorities claimed escorts were traveling to and from the United States to conduct their business. It’s believed the raid was prompted by Rentboy’s launching of a $1,500 college scholarship program.

“Twenty years we’ve been doing it—and I don’t think we do anything to promote prostitution,” said Hurant last fall. “I think we do good things for good people and we bring good people together.”

Before the site was shut down and its assets confiscated, Rentboy also sponsored Hustlaball and the International Escort Awards.

The site, which posted more than 10,000 escort profiles, reportedly received 500,000 unique visitors a day.
“As alleged, attempted to present a veneer of legality, when in fact this internet brothel made millions of dollars from the promotion of illegal prostitution,” said acting U.S. Attorney Kelly Currie last August.

Hurant’s sentencing hearing has been scheduled for February 2.

American Cleric Who Called For Gay Men To Be Killed Now Lecturing In UK

In a recent video, Shaykh Hamza Sodagar rattled off five ways to execute homosexuals.
From: NewNowNext
 A Muslim cleric who advocates for gay men to be executed has taken up a teaching engagement in London.

American-born Shaykh Hamza Sodagar will deliver a series of talks at the Islamic Republic of Iran school this month, which caters to children as young as 6.

 Though Sodagar, a native of Washington D.C., describes himself as a “role model for young Muslims all around the world,” he recently counted off various ways to murder gay homosexuals.

“The easiest one, maybe, [is to] chop their head off. That’s the easiest,” he advised. “Second—burn them to death.”

“Third—throw ’em off a cliff. Fourth—tear down a wall on them so they die under that.”

He also suggested as a fifth option, “a combination of the above.”

LGBT rights activist Peter Tatchell is urging UK Home Secretary Amber Rudd to rescind Sodagar’s visa.

“In a free society, Hamza Sodagar has a right to believe that homosexuality is sinful but not to preach about ways to kill lesbians and gay men,” says Tatchell.

“Many people with far less extreme views, who have never advocated violence, have been banned from entering the UK.”

The Ahlulbayt Islamic Mission, which is sponsoring Sodagar’s lecture series, argues the preacher’s comments were taken out of context.

“Decontextualized excerpts of this series were used by right-wing media to suggest that Shaykh Hamza was calling for ‘the beheading and burning of homosexuals,'” the group said in a statement. “This is untrue and a mischievous and malicious accusation to make… [it] is laughable and absurd.”

So what was he saying, then?

Abs olutely!

From: Speed o Rex
Lenny San

Bryant Wood

William Nunes

5 Things You Simply Must Know About ‘Scream Queens’ Season 2

From: Queerty
 Since Fox’s Scream Queens is Ryan Murphy’s one shot at television success, we really want him to nail this one. We have a good feeling about him and want to see his career go places.

OK, so maybe you can’t channel surf for long without seeing one of Murphy’s shows on the airwaves, from Glee-runs to American Horror Story to the critically acclaimed The People v O..J Simpson. There was also HBO’s The Normal Heart about the emerging AIDS crisis in the 80s.

Well another one of Murphy’s projects — Scream Queens — is on Tuesday nights, and here’s the skinny on what’s in store this season, no spoilers:

Farewell, sweet prince

Yes, Nick Jonas and his on-display body will sadly not be returning for season two shenanigans. It was fun while it lasted.
Hello, daddy

As the show matures, it’s only natural we get an equally mature guy to take the reigns from Jonas. Enter John Stamos, stage left, who has signed on as a series regular. We’ll just go ahead and set that DVR now.
 Also, Taylor Lautner will joining the gang at some point as well as that Scientologist Kirstie Alley.
Original flavor returns

All this new casting can be mighty overwhelming (note: if you find new casting overwhelming you need to seek professional guidance). Breathe easy — Lea Michele, Jamie Lee Curtis and Emma Roberts are all coming back to haunt you. Also returning are Billie Lourd and Abigail Breslin as Chanels Nos. 3 & 5, Niecy Nash as Denise Hemphill and Keke Palmer as Zayday Williams.

 And speaking of repeat casting, let’s all take a moment to appreciate the fact that Glen Powell will be returning as Chad Radwell. We’re OK with it if you are.
Change of scenery

The college campus/Sorority House trope was fun in season one, but this year the plot will revolve around a creepy hospital, run by Curtis’ character. We can almost hear the surgical drills powering up now…
There’s a time hop

Season one ended with the Chanels in less-than-stellar form, being checked into a mental hospital. Apparently being a patient at a mental hospital qualifies a person to get a job at a medical hospital (logic seems sound), because when the show picks up three years later, they are recruited by Curtis’ character to enroll as med students and follow doctors around. Metaphor for the American healthcare system or lazy plot development? Tune in to find out!

Scream Queens returned for Season 2 and can be seen Tuesdays  at 9/8c on Fox.

#FaithfullyLGBT Photo Series Captures Queer People Of Faith

"I hope to show those who don't believe you can be an LGBT person of faith that there are many of us doing just that."
From: NewNowNext
 A new photo series from columnist/speaker Eliel Cruz highlights queer people of faith within our community.

 #FaithfullyLGBT is a place for LGBT people of faith, any faith, to share news stories, their own stories and find other people going through similar experiences in places of worship.

 “Despite their being ample evidence that there is a significant portion of LGBT individuals who are themselves religious, both LGBT organizations and faith traditions perpetuate the false divide,” Cruz tells us. “Meeting so many LGBT people of faith made me want to share their stories to begin to put a face to those of us who live in the intersection of faith and sexuality. I hope to show those who don’t believe you can be an LGBT person of faith that there are many of us doing just that.”

 Cruz says he’s most surprised by the willingness of the participants to share their stories. “You can tell they haven’t been given the space to share their truths, not in LGBT or religious spaces,” he says. “For some of them, they were being seen for the first time as both Christian and LGBT and not one or the other.”

Here are the first 9 participants, all photographed by Daniel Rarela.

“The Order” Is The Power Rangers Reunion We’ve Been Waiting For

Blue Ranger David Yost looks totally bad ass.
From: NewNowNext
 There’s been a lot of buzz about the upcoming Power Rangers reboot starring Elizabeth Banks as Rita Repulsa. But more than a dozen original Power Rangers stars are teaming up for a different movie: The Order, a modestly budgeted action flick, sees a covert group of vigilantes facing betrayal when a global threat turns out to come from one of their own.

Directed by Supergirl fight coordinator David Wald, The Order brings together 18 actors from the myriad Power Rangers series, including the original Blue Ranger, a.k.a. out actor David Yost.

“We were yearning for something that wasn’t rated G,” producer-costar (and ex-Yellow Ranger) Karan Ashley told Inverse. “We wanted something edgier. We wanted to fight and punch each other in the face.”

An IndieGoGo campaign successfully raised more than $130,000 for the film this summer.

We’ll keep you posted on when the film is released. For now check out cast pictures below.

David Yost 
Original Blue Ranger
Austin St. John 
Original Red Ranger
Walter Emanuel Jones 
Original Black Ranger
Johnny Yong Bosch 
Second Black Ranger
Karan Ashley 
Second Yellow Ranger
Steve Cardenas 
Second Red Ranger
Paul Schrier 
The one and only Bulk

“I’m Pretty Sure My Husband Is Gay, But He Insists He Isn’t”

From: Queerty
They’ve had sex only once in the last six months. He’s been distant and has been gaining weight. Oh, and he has Tinder installed on his phone. And it’s set to look at men.

So, yeah.

A despondent woman has posted her woes to Reddit, desperate for advice. “Octthrowaway16” is absolutely convinced she’s married to a gay man, but he insists it’s all in her head.

After suspiciously snooping on his phone and finding Tinder, she approached her husband.

“He got incredibly angry with me for snooping,” she writes, “which I understand, and became very defensive when I asked about Tinder.”

“We had a huge argument and nothing was really resolved. He insisted that he installed Tinder as a joke.”

Eventually, she let it drop. But a month later she became suspicious again, and began to root around in his computer:

“In his deleted emails folder, I found several nude selfies that he sent to various men, replies to craigslist's solicitations from men and several dick pics that I didn’t recognize. I confronted him again and he went apocalyptic on me.”

After lots of yelling and screaming, he finally admitted that he “likes to be penetrated,” but has been afraid to tell her.

So they wiped away one another’s tears, and then she pegged the flying fuck out of him.

“We did it and it was a little weird but he clearly enjoyed himself. I was careful to not be judgmental. I thought we were all good until a couple of days ago. His phone was sitting on the counter while he was upstairs and a notification went off. It was Tinder.”

More fighting ensued. Her husband swears that he just “gets off on the attention from guys” but isn’t sexually attracted to them. She doesn’t believe him, and now she’s pulled her daughter out of daycare and is staying at her parent’s house.

“Is this a normal thing that I am blowing out of proportion?” she asks. “Is there a reasonable way to look at this and think that he is telling the truth? I don’t want to destroy my marriage, my life.”

As you can probably imagine, Redditors have been tripping over each other in their eagerness to weigh in.

“Don’t get hung up on some gay/straight dichotomy,” writes mawkish. “He is going outside your marriage for sexual gratification. He is seeking the attention of strangers by sending naked pictures of himself. Obviously this is unacceptable. Don’t fixate on labels. Fixate on the unacceptable behavior.”

Lemonack agrees:

“Don’t focus on the question of whether or not he’s gay, That’s frankly irrelevant. The issue is that he doesn’t respect you and isn’t honest with you.”

“If you work thru this,” writes renaissancex, “expect to be in this situation in about 6-8 months again.”

“I hear how you’re clinging to everything that you once knew,” Lurlo says .”I’m sorry, my heart breaks for you. He isn’t only cheating, he’s lying, maybe even to himself.”


What do you think this distraught young woman should do? Leave forever, or become a master at the art of pegging (and denial)?

Weigh in in the comments below.

4 'Interesting' Favorites Celebrating Today October 8th

The 4 actors below I call 'interesting' because it is not so much their looks, but these 4 men have been in projects that in some way or another has been important to me.
 I find actor Brad Greenquist incredibly sexy! I first saw him in 1987 in 'The Bedroom Window' where he was so creepy! Loved him also in 'Pet Sematary'. Brad is one of those actors I respect, for although he has not become a huge star, is a steadily working actor who consistently gives an outstanding performance. Hope he gets more recognition. If you have watched TV much the last few years, you can bet Brad has been on the show your watching at some point. Brad turns 57 today.

 Love Jeremy Davies who turns 47 today. Such a great performance in 'Spanking The Monkey' an early favorite film of mine. Outstanding in most of the movies he appears in.

 Jeremy With Giovanni Ribisi and Barry Pepper.

 Anyone else have a crush on Michael Dudikoff in the 80's? So darn cute. Hard to believe Michael turns 62 today.

 Actor Tim Draxl is such a beautiful man. Most of you saw him in 'Swimming Upstream'. Tim is an actor I am keeping an eye on. I first saw Tim in 'Dynasty: The Making of a Guilty Pleasure' and have been looking for his work since. Tim turns 35 today.

The above poster for 'In My Sleep' shows actor Philip Winchester, also stars Tim.
Check out the site for 'In My Sleep' HERE: