Hot Heeb of the Day

From: Hot Heebs
Charles Clore Park, Tel Aviv

Google Doodle for September 7, 2016

Paralympics 2016
What started as a small gathering of British WWII veterans in 1948 has bloomed into the world’s largest sporting event for athletes with physical disabilities, drawing 4,500 athletes from 176 countries worldwide.

Today’s Doodle celebrates the opening of the 2016 Summer Paralympics and highlights the incredible feats of athleticism the participants will demonstrate in Rio. They’ll go for gold during a year of firsts: Rio, the first Latin American city to host the Paralympics, will debut canoeing and paratriathlon among the more than 500 existing events.

Tune in to cheer your favorite Paralympians on through September 18 when the Games wrap up.

September 7th is Grandma Moses Day

Happy Birthday to Anna Mary Robertson Moses, aka Grandma Moses, who was born on September 7, 1860.   Each year on September 7, people across America join in the celebration of the anniversary of her birth on National Grandma Moses Day.

Anna Mary Robertson Moses (September 7, 1860 – December 13, 1961) is an example to us all of an individual who successfully began a career in the arts at an advanced age. A renowned American folk artist, Grandma Moses first started painting in her 70s after arthritis made it difficult to embroider, her original medium.  Known most of her life as either “Mother Moses” or “Grandma Moses”, she was discovered when Louis J. Caldor saw her work in a drugstore window in Hoosick Falls, New York. An amateur art collector, Caldor convinced the Museum of Modern Art to include Moses in a folk art show for members-only.  Caldor’s discovery and MOMA opportunity eventually lead to a one-woman show.  While Moses displayed her work under the name Mrs. Moses, the press eagerly dubbed her “Grandma Moses” and the name stuck.   

As part of her 100th birthday celebration, LIFE magazine featured Grandma Moses September 16, 1960, cover.

Many of Grandma Moses’ paintings were used to publicize American holidays, some of which included Thanksgiving, Christmas and Mother’s Day.  In a Mother’s Day feature in a 1947 True Confessions, it was noted how  “Grandma Moses remains prouder of her preserves than of her paintings and proudest of all of her four children, eleven grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.” 
Grandma Moses’ exhibitions were so popular during the 1950s that they broke attendance records all over the world.  

“A cultural icon, the spry, productive nonagenarian was continually cited as an inspiration for housewives, widows, and retirees. Her images of America’s rural past were transferred to curtains, dresses, cookie jars, and dinnerware, and used to pitch cigarettes, cameras, lipstick and instant coffee.”

1950 – Cited as one of the five most newsworthy women.
1951 – Honored as Woman of the Year by the National Association of House Dress Manufacturers.
Age 88 – Mademoiselle Magazine named her “Young Woman of the Year.”
Awarded the first honorary doctorate from Philadelphia’s Moore College of Art.
1969 – A United States commemorative stamp was issued in her honor.
2006 – Her work Sugaring Off (1943) became her highest selling work at US $1.2 million.  Sugaring Off was a prime example of the simple rural scenes for which she was well-known.
Grandma Moses’ painting, Fourth of July, was given, by Otto Kallir, to the White House where it still hangs today.

September 7th is National Attention Deficit Disorder Awareness Day

The US Senate has made a Resolution and Declares September 7th AD/HD Awareness Day 

This is fantastic news and we at wish to congratulate all of those in the USA who have worked long and hard for this to happen. We also hope that maybe our own Government may follow suit and discuss the possibility of the same thing happening this side of the pond. There have been many dedicated people working very hard behind the scenes here in the UK to try to get something similar to happen here so we hope that this will be a great encouragement for all to draw from as we all know that ADDA and others have been working in the USA for even longer than we have over here to get ADD/ADHD recognized by the Government. Let's just hope it does not end up taking us as long as it has them and that our own Government will take note of this and work with us to have ADD/ADHD more recognized and more services in place in the very near future!

Celebrating Today: September 7th

From: Favorite Hunks & Other Things
 Actor Corbin Bernsen turns 62 today.

 Mexican actor Eduardo Victoria turns 46 today.

 Turkish Footballer,Emre Belözoğlu turns 36 today.

 Actor Hugh Mitchell, best known for playing Colin Creevey in Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets turns 27 today.

 English comedian, actor and writer Robert Webb turns 44 today.