Thursday, September 1, 2016

Southern Decadence Is Not The Only Great Gay New Orleans Festival. It’s Just The Start

From: Queerty
 If there’s one thing the people of New Orleans love, it’s a good festival. Mardi Gras. Jazz Fest. Essence. Labor Day weekend is, of course, the iconic Southern Decadence. These are probably the best-known annual events, but just the beginning of what the city has to offer.

There’s always something going on. So no matter the season, you will find no shortage of special experiences you can’t find anywhere else.

Check out all unique festivals and events happening year-round in New Orleans…

 New Orleans Pride

The city’s annual Pride celebration has nearly tripled–yes, tripled!–in size over the past four years, making it one of the fastest growing Prides in the country. The weekend in June is composed of your usual Pride festivities–a kick-off party, family day, parade, after-party and brunch–and tends to be less rambunctious and more family friendly (but no less fun!) than Southern Decadence, which happens later in the year.

 Mardi Gras Bourbon Street Awards

A tradition for more than four decades, the Mardi Gras Bourbon Street Awards held on Mardi Gras day has been heralded as “the most famous drag-queen contest in America.” Dozens of competitors dressed in their flashiest, most outrageous getups vie for such titles as Best Drag, Best Leather, Best Group and Best of Show. Always a hoot, the spectacle is staged at the corner of Bourbon and St. Ann streets, in the heart of the city’s LGBTQ district.



Although not specifically an LGBTQ event, this one’s for the ladies–and their fans. Each July, the famed Festigals don their most colorful outfits, hats and feather boas for the annual summer shindig, which has been deemed “The Ultimate Girlfriend Getaway.” The weekend-long Downtown event includes everything from professional development conferences to cooking demonstrations, plus sip-and-shop parties, Bloody Mary mixers and private home tours.

 Halloween New Orleans 

What started as a grassroots fundraising event during the darkest days of the HIV/AIDS crisis more than 30 years ago has turned into one of the most popular and most jubilant events in the entire South. Halloween New Orleans is a volunteer-run weekend that includes a silent auction, parties and a grand costume ball, with proceeds benefiting Project Lazarus, a local non-profit organization that offers a home to people with AIDS.

 Whitney White Linen Night 

As one of the oldest cities in the country, New Orleans is rich in history and tradition. The Whitney White Linen Night was originally inspired by city residents of yesteryear, who wore white linen to stay cool in the summer heat before the invention of air conditioning. On the first Saturday of every August, art aficionados put on their fanciest threads and hit the Warehouse District to peruse the local art galleries and sample food and drink provided by local vendors. The block party is followed by an after-party at the Contemporary Arts Center with even more food, live music and artwork on display.

Faux/Real Festival 

Art lovers will appreciate this annual festival that showcases over 100 different performances over the course of three weeks in November. Whether you’re in the mood for theater, opera, dance, music or literature, it’s all happening at the Faux/Real Festival. There’s also food and drink tastings, parties, after-parties and after-after-parties, making for one heavy dose of authentic NOLA culture.

Gay Easter Parade 

Only could a city as creative as New Orleans find a way to turn a holiday like Easter gay. And for 17 years now, that’s exactly what folks have done. The Gay Easter Parade takes a leisurely hop through the French Quarter, passing by every gay bar and many gay-owned restaurants and retail shops. The parade typically includes hunky bunnies, drag queens in horse-drawn carriages, colorful floats and brass marching bands, with onlookers dressed in their Easter Sunday finest, bonnets and, of course, rainbow beads.

 Saints & Sinners Literary Festival 

Writers and book nerds won’t want to miss the Saints & Sinners Literary Festival. Each March, the leading voices in literature gather for three days of readings, book signings, panel discussions, master classes and workshops–with more than a few cocktail parties, live performances and networking events thrown in for good measure.

Southern Decadence 

Of course, no list of New Orleans events would be complete without Southern Decadence, one of the most wonderful times of the year to visit New Orleans. Held annually over Labor Day weekend, the celebration attracts nearly 100,000 people from all over the world. It features block parties, pool parties, parades, drag shows and dancing.

It’s a wild weekend of celebration of community and the rainbow spirit of the Deep South.

South Florida Promoter Threatens Gay Labor Day Party With Orlando-Style Attack

"If you losers thought the Pulse nightclub shooting was bad, wait till you see what I’m planning for Labor Day."
From: NewNowNext

 A South Florida man is in custody after making threats against Beach Bear Weekend in Fort Lauderdale, promising to “exterminate you losers.”

Craig Jungwirth, who was promoting events connected with the popular gay festival, posted intimidating messages on Facebook, including “If you losers thought the Pulse nightclub shooting was bad, wait till you see what I’m planning for Labor Day.”

 After Peacock and Panache reported Jungwirth’s events and hotel bookings for Beach Bear Weekend were fraudulent, they claim he began attacking.

 “Not only were the events listed for his Beach Bear Weekend event fake, but also all hotel bookings through the event website didn’t actually reserve local hotels (as they’d never spoken to Jungwirth or any event organizers).”

As a result, Jungwirth embarked on a harassment campaign against the site and individual writers.

“He sent harassing text messages. He left vaguely threatening voice mails. He bombarded our social media and comments sections with spam and threats,” wrote Tim Peacock.

“He even attempted to hack our server several times to access the articles written about him.”

On social media, Jungwirth made ominous comments about Beach Bear Weekend promoters and attendees, and threatened residents of Wilton Manors, Ft. Lauderdale’s gayborhood:

My events are selling out cause you faggots are total patsies. None of you deserve to live. If you losers thought the Pulse nightclub shooting was bad, wait till you see what I’m planning for Labor Day…

You can’t never catch a genius from MIT and since you faggots aren’t dying from AIDS anymore, I have a better solution to exterminate you losers…. 
I’m gonna be killing you fags faster than the cops kill n*ggers. It’s time to clean up Wilton Manors from all you AIDS infested losers

Jungwirth reportedly has a history of stalking and abuse, with multiple restraining orders taken out against him.

The Wilton Manors police department says it is conducting an investigation, but cannot comment on the details. (Early reports Jungwirth was in custody have been disputed.)

“The Wilton Manors Police Department is aware of this serious matter and our department is currently conducting an on-going investigation on this matter and the individual(s) involved,” said Jennifer Bickhardt of the Wilton Manors Police Department.

“We ask the community to continue to contact local law enforcement officials should they hear or see any other additional posts.”

Wilton Manors Commissioner Julie A. Carson issued a statement that, in the wake of the Pulse nightclub massacre, threats like Jungwirth’s cannot go unchecked.

“[He] must be held accountable for his intended violence against a targeted group, and his vile comments and mental instability are indicators of impending disaster in the absence of quick and decisive action by law enforcement.”

Some bars in Wilton Manors are stepping up security with armed guards.

“He wants to do bigger than the Orlando massacre and he wants to come down here and do it in Wilton Manors,” Nick Berry, owner of Rumors Bar and Grill, told NBC 6.

“He’s talking about the gay community in a hateful way with slang terms I wouldn’t even want to say on TV… To post something like that, you have to be mentally deranged.”

Berry revealed that there is a criminal complaint pending against Jungwirth for allegedly vandalizing Rumors with spray paint.

Marine Who Saved 70 Lives In Pulse Shooting To Be Honored By LGBT Military Group

"Imran represents the best of America and the best of America’s military community."
From: NewNowNext
 Marine Corps veteran Imran Yousuf was credited with saving more than 70 lives during the June 12 mass shooting at Pulse nightclub in Orlando. To honor his heroism, the American Military Partner Association will be recognizing him at a special gala held in San Diego.

Yousuf was working as a bouncer on the night of the horrific attack at Pulse. After the shooter stormed in, the Army vet noticed that a group of patrons was trapped in a corner of the club. He rushed to them and broke open a door, allowing dozens of club-goers to escape the scene. Without Yousuf’s actions, officials believe the death toll would have been much higher.

The American Military Partner Association, which advocates for LGBT military families, will honor Yousuf at its September 17 West Coast Gala. Yousuf served in the military from 2010-2016 and was deployed to Afghanistan in 2011.

“Imran represents the best of America and the best of America’s military community, as evidenced by his quick and heroic actions amid the chaos and carnage of the tragedy in Orlando,” AMPA president Ashley Broadway-Mack said in a statement.

“While he humbly may not consider himself a hero, his courageous actions in the face of mortal danger that saved the lives of more than 70 of our LGBT brothers and sisters say otherwise,” she continued.

“He is certainly a hero to our community and to all of America, and we are proud to honor Imran with our 2016 Community Hero Award.”

Other honorees will include Palm Center founder Aaron Belkin and Major Gen. Trish Rose, the highest-ranking out service member.

James Corden Looks Yummy On The Cover Of “Rolling Stone”

The talk show host gets cheeky in new photo shoot.
From: NewNowNext
 James Corden is having quite the year!

The Late Late Show host has taken over Hollywood by doing everything from Carpool Karaoke with First Lady Michelle Obama and Britney Spears to hosting the Tonys all while still fulfilling hosting duties on his nightly talk show.

 Now Corden hits the newsstand as the newest face on the cover of Rolling Stone. The photo shoot has a bedtime theme to it and makes us want to cuddle up for the night.

Head over to Rolling Stone’s website for more.

August's End

Although not the official end of summer, midnight on August 31st marks the meteorological end of summer...From: Favorite Hunks & Other Things
Callum Winsor by Brian Jamie

A Look at Season 1 of Gossip Girl

September 1, 2008
From: Favorite Hunks & Other Things
 As I have stated many times on the blog, I watch very little TV when it actually airs. I absolutely love devouring an entire season of a show with a DVD set. I do this with almost every show I write about. Last season, like most of you I was taken with the publicity surrounding Gossip Girl. I watched a few minutes here and there on TV, but it never really drew me in. Of course I was taken with it’s resident hotties, Penn Badgley and Chace Crawford, but other than hoping for a few shirtless scenes, I had no expectations of actually liking this show.

Firstly, although I think creator Josh Schwartz (right) is a cutie himself, I could never get into his previous series, The OC. In addition, as a guy in my 30's, despite my love of good TV and great looking men, there was nothing about the publicity for this show that drew me in. I love Heroes and Lost and nothing about the upper crust on the east side of New York really held a draw to me. This show was pushed toward teen girls and I think that was a big mistake. In giving the DVD’s a shot I was absolutely shocked on how addictive this show is. Intelligent writing, fast paced drama, A+ acting, eye popping sets and visuals and music to which had me searching like crazy for full versions of some of the songs. If your like me and have not watched this show, or if you tried it on TV, but could not get into it, BUY THE DVD’S, you will not be disappointed. It is so well structured with delicious back stories and themes way beyond your typical teen drama. In fact I hate to think this show is geared toward the teen, or tween as it is really an adult drama more suited to viewers in their 20's and 30's. In addition, despite the fact the two leads are women, I found myself watching through the eyes of Dan, played by Penn Badgley and see the show as actually a show which could just as easily be geared for men. Dan’s journey to fit into this new world were what streamlined the season for me. I saw very little of this in the ad campaign. The guys are certainly more than just eye candy with the male characters as richly written as their female counter parts.

 I will watch the season premier tonight, but then put the show on hold until this time next year when Season 2 hits the DVD shelves.

Some highlights for me of season 1. All of the cast, each and every one of them. Amazing! Great casting! Special kudos to Kelly Rutherford who rocks out any scene she is in. Also loved the music, the writing. Dan and Serena as a couple, Blair’s downfall and fight back up. Jenny’s journey, such a great story! All the events! GG seems to have a big party every week and between Holiday’s, cotillions, masquerade balls, there is never a dull moment. Ending up liking Chuck was also a surprise as I hated the character and actor before even putting in the first disc, yet by the final disc he was a favorite. Kudo’s also to Kristen Bell who skillfully brought all the action together as Gossip Girl. Also loved New York. As a main character, the city has not been so brilliantly showcased in a TV show in some time! 

 My dislikes were few, but I was not impressed with any character introduced after the pilot. Whether it was Vanessa, Georgina, Carter or Asher, I thought new characters were not introduced well. Although Vanessa grew on me, every time a new person came on board, I just worried that it would take away from the core cast. This was particularly true with Dan and Jenny’s mother, who after quite a buildup was an unappealing character who I just wanted to leave. (Maybe that was the point). The whole Georgina story arc seemed contrived to get attention was to me, the weakest part of the season.. This was especially true given it was the explanation as to why Serena disappeared for a year. Maybe it is that I find Michelle Trachtenberg like nails on a chalk board.. Far too little of Eric as well as the wonderful Margaret Colin who was a stand out as Eleanor. Also, I went from liking to being annoyed by Blair’s side kicks. I felt bad for the actress’s in those thankless roles. But...overall the poor parts were few and far between and certainly did not take away from the brilliance of the season as a whole.

What I am looking forward to in Season 2. MORE MORE MORE of the same! Less new characters and more high drama. More of Eric, such potential in the relationships with is mother and sister, not to mention Dan, Chuck and Jenny. More Eleanor, she is so fun to watch. More exploration of the relationship between Nate and Dan, their scenes interest me as despite their differences they are more alike than any of the other characters. Another breakdown in the relationship between Serena and Blair, it has to happen!