Thursday, August 25, 2016

Freaks And Geeks: What Were The “All Stars” Queens Like In High School?

You're like a teacher in the summer: NO CLASS!
From: NewNowNext
 With summer winding down, kids are getting ready to go back to school. So we thought we’d ask the queens of RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars what they were like back in high school.

What cliques did they hang out with? Who was Miss Popularity and who was the Class Clown? Find out below.


“I was in Rolaskatox, We’ve been doing that for years,” reveals the Season 5 star. “Just kidding! I didn’t really have a clique, but if it was Mean Girls and they were going around the map of the cafeteria, I would be with the art weirdos.”

Phi Phi O’Hara

“I was a choir kid and theater kid,” reveals the Season 4 finalist. “My style was very gay. I lived in Texas—I would wear sparkly shirts or super-fitted stuff, so I definitely stood out. Since I live in New York now, though, everything has gotten baggier and black.”

Alyssa Edwards

“My clique was myself,” declares the mother of the Haus of Edwards. “I had 10 people in my head and those were my friends.”

She says having her cousins in school with her was a lifesaver, as was her one special girlfriend.

“I will never forget her. Patricia loved me so much and she got me, she understood me. I’m very thankful because she was my only friend like that.”

Alyssa’s biggest secret may be that, as a kid, she was painfully shy.

“Drag changed me. This character changed me as a person. I know it’s hard to believe I was shy! Can you imagine?”


“When I was in high school I didn’t really have a clique—I was friends with a whole bunch of different people,” says the Season Two queen. “I was in high school from 2002 to 2006—that’s when baggy jeans, Ecco, Sean Jean track jackets and everything was in style. It was cute!”

Back then, Tatianna didn’t sport her signature sleek, straight black hair.

“I had cornrows. That was a choice—they did not last very long!”

Coco Montrese

“I hung out with other girls from the drama department and dated the football players,” teases the Season 5 star. “Everyday in school was a fashion show for me—I always dressed up. I’m a label whore. I love labels! Everything’s labels!”

Roxxxy Andrews

Where would you find Miss Thick & Juicy in high school? Two words: “Drama club.”

“I was the thespian president and drama club president,” Roxxxy reveals. “I love theater, I love acting.”

Her style, though, was surprisingly preppy: “I worked at Abercrombie, so I wore a lot of their clothes.”


“Our clique didn’t really have a name, but we never went to the bathroom,” says Season 7’s Miss Congeniality. “It was like ’Urinary Protestors.’ I swear to God, I never went to the bathroom once in high school. I had two other friends and they were part of this club I created.”

Was Katya rocking babushkas and eye-patches back in the day?

“My style was all black all the time. It was ’gutter goth’—really cheap, but really goth-y. We drank blood and sat in the dark. I’m not joking, we drank each other’s blood. No lights, no peeing. Just blood and sadness.”

Sounds like a really bad episode of Untucked.

Ginger Minj

“I didn’t really have a clique because I was home schooled,” says the Glamour Toad. “So I got along with everybody in my class. And I was valedictorian!”

As for her style, it was waaay casual: “I wore pajamas all day long. I think they were Ninja Turtles—probably still are.”

20 year old fitness model and bodybuilder Marek shows off his form in photo shoot video

From: Wicked Gay
A very reader turned us on to this 20 year old Slavic bodybuilder and "physique" model Marek, who was 19 when he did this photo shoot video.

Incredible form, definition, and poise if you ask us!

It's Friday and we figured you needed a distraction from the 9 to 5 dullness!

Photo and video via

Explosive Detonated Inside LGBT Newspaper Box In Salem, Massachusetts

"Fear and hate may cloud the hearts of those committing this act, but it will never, ever characterize this community," said Mayor Kim Driscoll.
From: NewNowNext
 A newspaper box carrying a local LGBT publication exploded in what is being investigated as a possible hate crime.

A box for The Rainbow Times in Salem, Massachusetts, blew up on on Essex Street early Tuesday morning around 1am, shaking the downtown area.

The explosion, heard up to a mile away, was captured on security camera.

Publisher Gricel Ocasio said the staff was “dismayed and astounded” by the incident, but despite other boxes having been vandalized recently, she
she didn’t expect it to escalate this far.

“Hatred against our community and any other marginalized community happens everywhere and the progressive City of Salem isn’t an exception,” she said in a statement.

“In the current political climate, when a presidential candidate can use inflammatory words and actions—even encouraging violence—towards people of other backgrounds, races, ethnicities, religions, sexual orientations and other identities, then we must prepare ourselves for the inevitable consequences of such violent rhetoric.”

Ocasio called the incident an attack “against the heart of Salem.”

“Salem is a community that has worked hard to be a place of progress and unity,” said Mayor Kim Driscoll, who appeared on the cover of Rainbow Times’ August issue. “This cowardly attack runs contrary, not simply to that work, but to what it means to be a city whose very name means peace.”

“Fear and hate may cloud the hearts of those committing this act, but it will never, ever characterize this community,” she added.

Below, read The Rainbow Times’ full statement:

“This act is something that affects Salem as a whole. We were dismayed and astounded by this vitriolic hate crime that happened to The Rainbow Times on Tuesday at 1:19am. The Rainbow Times had experienced, for the past three months, various instances in which our news boxes in Salem were being vandalized. The acts were happening often enough that I believe we have close to 10 reports with the Salem PD.

However, we didn’t expect the situation to escalate to this level.
Hatred against our community and any other marginalized community happens everywhere and the progressive City of Salem isn’t an exception. In the current political climate, when a presidential candidate can use inflammatory words and actions–even encouraging violence–towards people of other backgrounds, races, ethnicities, religions, sexual orientations and other identities, then we must prepare ourselves for the inevitable consequences of such violent rhetoric. Most importantly, this is not just an act against The Rainbow Times or the LGBTQ community and its allies, but against the heart of Salem.
Anyone could’ve been hurt by this irresponsible and cowardly act and we should all unite as a community to find the perpetrators.
We at The Rainbow Times will not be censored. We will continue our diligent work and we will not be silenced by ignorance or hatred. In the meantime, we will have new boxes at the site of the explosion and will continue to work with the Salem Police Department, the Mayor’s Office and the community as a whole to stand against hatred of any kind. Lastly, we thank the Mayor, the Salem PD Captain Conrad Prosnewski, City Councilors David Eppley and Beth Gerard, Salem No Place for Hate Committee Chair Jeff Cohen, State Representative Paul Tucker and many other community leaders, members, and allies who have joined us in the fight against hatred and discrimination from these seven individuals who obviously do not know what community is really about and what it means to Salem residents.

Donald Trump: ‘Hillary Clinton is a Bigot’

From: Towleroad

At a rally in Jackson, Mississippi yesterday, Donald Trump tried to make the case that Hillary Clinton’s a “bigot”, not him:

“Hillary Clinton is a bigot who sees people of color only as votes, not as human beings worthy of a better future.She doesn’t care what her policies have done to your communities. She has no remorse. She’s going to do nothing for Hispanics and African-Americans.”


Clinton responded in a phone interview with Anderson Cooper:

“He is taking a hate movement mainstream. He’s brought it into his campaign. He is bringing it to our communities and our country. And someone who has questioned the citizenship of the first African-American president, who has courted white supremacists, who has been sued for housing discrimination against communities of color, who has attacked a judge for his Mexican heritage and promised a mass deportation force, is someone who is very much peddling bigotry and prejudice and paranoia.”

Clinton said she would have more to say in a speech today:

Before They Were “All Stars”: The Best Of Tatianna, Roxxxy Andrews And Phi Phi O’Hara

From: NewNowNext
Tonight’s the night, kitty girls: The premiere of RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars Season 2! But if you’re like us, you have the memory of a goldfish. To help get you up to speed, we’re sharing some of the All Stars best moments from their respective seasons.

Below, catch up with Tatianna, Roxxxy Andrews and Phi Phi O’Hara.

Roxxxy Andrews

Phi Phi O’hara

Am I the only one that think Paul DiLillo is sexy ?!

AUGUST 25TH, 2008
From: Homotrophy

 Am I the only one that think he is sexy ?! I don’t think so!! This sexy Paul DiLillo is 19 years old located in New Jersey.

 His gaze is so intense and his physique is stunning! It is nice to see an individual with a strong face character and it is refreshing to see his photos.


Paul DiLillo also featured Joe Oppedisano in Athletes 2009 Calendar. Yes!! Paul Di Lillo photos never ceased to imagine, and I can’t wait to see his next photo set!

Hillary Clinton Ties Donald Trump to Racist ‘Alt-Right’ Movement

From: Towleroad

Hillary Clinton made a speech in Reno, Nevada today, discussing Donald Trump’s ties to the so-called “alt-right” (aka the racist right).

Earlier in the day, Clinton released an ad targeting Trump for his support of white supremacists and radical conservatives.

The New York Times reports:

The speech, at a community college in Reno, Nev., will come one week after Mr. Trump named Stephen K. Bannon, the executive chairman of Breitbart News, as his campaign chief. Mr. Bannon has eagerly described the site as “the platform for the alt-right” — a loosely defined and contested term often associated with white nationalist and anti-immigrant sentiment.
Accordingly, one of Mrs. Clinton’s challenges will be explaining the “alt-right” to a national audience that may have little familiarity with it. Her campaign has accused the ideology’s proponents of “embracing extremism and presenting a divisive and dystopian view of America.”

“Prince Charming” Robert Sepúlveda Jr. Has Major Instagram Game

He looks pretty damn eligible online. But is he IRL?
From: NewNowNext
The 13 suitors of Logo’s Finding Prince Charming will learn more about Robert Sepúlveda Jr. when the series premieres next month, but there’s at least one thing they’ll know before then— Prince Charming has major Instagram game.

Robert keeps his Instagram so tight you’d think it’s a part-time job.

Judging by his shirtless selfies on the beach, shots from black tie affairs, and photos from his travels around the world, we’d say Robert looks pretty damn eligible. But is he IRL?

Tune in to Logo on Thursday, September 8, at 9/8c to find out!

And in the meantime, acquaint yourself with Prince Charming’s Instagram:
A photo posted by Robert Sepúlveda Jr. (@rsjdesign) on

A photo posted by Robert Sepúlveda Jr. (@rsjdesign) on

A photo posted by Robert Sepúlveda Jr. (@rsjdesign) on

A photo posted by Robert Sepúlveda Jr. (@rsjdesign) on

A photo posted by Robert Sepúlveda Jr. (@rsjdesign) on

A video posted by Robert Sepúlveda Jr. (@rsjdesign) on

Apollo & Glenn

 "Apollo initially was very concerned about getting head from a guy. He debated doing the oral video, and only wanted to fly to Austin to do the solo. I already had a peep video of him, and even though we get a much clearer view of his jerk-off process with a studio solo, I wasn't sure it would be worth flying him out for 'just' another solo.

So we talked a bit, texted, emailed, and he finally came around to receiving head.

His solo, as you know from yesterday, went very well, and it gave him a lot of confidence to work with a dude.  I had set the shoot up to be the standard "lay on your back and watch your porn" instead of a side-by-side, but when Apollo saw

how I had the room configured, he thought it would be strange and he said he would likely be fine if Glenn took his cock out too. Just no sucking back! Props to him for pushing his limits given how sketched out he was in the first place.

It did take him a while to get hard (the magic of editing!) but once up he was up he stayed solid.  He would look from the porn playing, to Glenn, to me/the cameras, and generally had a pretty easy time.

He enjoyed the ass eating a lot, mostly because he has a dominant streak in him and the licking felt good, but also he could relax and not worry about his dick staying hard.

After that, the shoot got a lot easier for him. He "let go"a and really began to face-fuck Glenn.  Glenn took it as a personal challenge to deep throat Apollo, plus they had time to chat before the shoot and they got along great.

Glenn is a lot like Ransom now. He knows when a guy is good or promising, so he goes the extra mile to make the dude feel comfortable and kind of "up sells" doing the whole gay-for-pay thing. He truly enjoys working at ChaosMen, and when he sees potential, he wants them to come work here too.

Not sure why Glenn is the dude who always gets cum in his eyes (well in this one he pretty much puts his eyes right in the line of fire) but he once again took a major facial that nailed his right eye.

 We sent him home once again with the Red Eye Badge of Honor.

Took Glenn a little bit to nut. Very hard to focus with a burning eyeball, but he ramps up and Apollo even helps to encourage him.

When I dropped Apollo at the airport, he seemed pretty certain he would be back to do more, so hopefully we will see his thick dick splitting a guy in two! But I am not holding my breath!" - Chaos Men

Arkansas Luggage - Old Reliable - Part One

The Old Reliable series offers a unique alternative to standard all-male fare. There are no story-lines, no sets, no scripts... just real people talking about real experiences. Most of these men are hustlers, selected off the street by the producer and representing a diverse cross-section of American manhood. They're encouraged to strip, flex, show off their bodies, and, in most cases, masturbate.