Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Favorite Video of the Day- July 13, 2008

From: Favorite Hunks & Other Things
I was sent this beautiful video by blog reader, CBEntr. Given it is 2008 and gay marriage is still such a huge issue in politics and religion the video hit me hard with it's haunting images of how hate still plays itself on a daily basis in many lives. With a war going on, death daily by hunger, weather realted disasters hitting many around the world, homelessness and other pressing issues, the fact that anyone can have the energy to put time into hate is beyond me. The fact Obama took the political stand on gay marriage with all the other important issues present makes me think no matter who gets into office now, little will change.

The song he chose, One Tin Soldier is a haunting ballad to have behind the images. Wanted to share it with you all. Thanks CBEntr! Beautiful work.

Favorite Sports Guy For July 13, 2008

Dutch Badminton hottie Tijs Creemers
(Insert your own birdie comment...)
From: Favorite Hunks & Other Things

Favorite Classic Playgirl Guy for July 13th, 2008

Alex Hawn from a James Bond type pictorial, Playgirl, March 2008.

Chris Scali

Those Eyes Just Draw You Right In

Favorite Birthday Boy for July 13th

Actor Robert Gant turns 48 today looking as hot as ever.
From: Favorite Hunks & Other Things

 Robert on Friends.
 Robert in Queer As Folk.