Friday, June 24, 2016

Christina Aguilera, Shirley Manson, Glenn Close And More Call For Gun Control In “We Are Orlando” Viral Video

"I will not be silent."
From: NewNowNext
Celebrities united for a new “We Are Orlando” video where they voiced their anger over the recent tragedy at the Pulse nightclub, and the lack of gun control in America.

“I am sick and tired of gun violence,” said actor Denis O’Hare in the clip. Allies like Kathy Griffin, Kelly Osbourne and Sia also pledged their support to the LGBT community and everyone affected by the shooting in the moving video.

Watch the emotional clip here:

Favorite Photo Shoot which should not have happened...

June 24, 2008
From: Favorite Hunks & Other Things
 I have no real issue with Mario Lopez, I mean he seems OK. I am just not a big fan. I have yet to be overly impressed with a performance of his and although cute I guess, seems a bit overexposed for the actual work he does. That being said, I think Mario made a big mistake doing the People magazine spread. 

 Now, I know you Mario fans will not be happy to hear me say this, but you usually do pics like these for a laugh (which is maybe why he did them) or to improve on the original. Well, lets just say, in my humble opinion, Mario does not hold a candle to the original pics of Richard Gere, Mark Wahlberg, Burt Reynolds, Christopher Atkins and the other actors he copied. Sorry Mario fans, but these guys are icons, even Atkins whose acting jobs are few and far between is an icon to many gay fans growing up in the 80's. Mario pales in comparison.

Bernie Sanders: I Am Voting For Hillary Clinton

The Vermont senator has yet to suspend his candidacy.
From: NewNowNext
 Bernie Sanders still hasn’t suspended his candidacy, but the progressive senator from Vermont confirmed he will vote for Hillary Clinton in the presidential election.

Asked on MSNBC’s Morning Joe whether he will vote for Clinton in November, Sanders responded “Yes.”

 Though he doesn’t have the electoral votes to secure a Democratic nomination, Sanders has avoided conceding the election so far. But he’s shifted focus toward stopping the Republicans rather than challenging Clinton.

“I think the issue right here is I’m gonna do everything I can to defeat Donald Trump,” he said.

“I think Trump in so many ways would be a disaster for this country if he were to be elected president,” he added. “We do not need a president whose cornerstone of his campaign is bigotry, is insulting Mexicans and Latinos and Muslims and women.”

Asked why he hasn’t dropped out of the race, Sanders seemed nonplussed.

“Why would I want to do that when I want to fight to make sure that we have the best platform that we possibly can, that we win the most delegates that we can?” he responded.

He insists continuing his campaign is not threat to party unity.

“You talk about disunity,” he said. “I talk about involving the American people in the political process,” he said.

Last week a Bloomberg poll indicated only 55% of those who favored Sanders plan to vote for Clinton. Instead, 22% say they’ll vote for Trump, while 18% favor Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson.

Adore Delano Discusses Her Inspiration, Working On New Music “As A Boy”

What is the "RuPaul's All Stars Drag Race 2" star up to next?
From: NewNowNext
Adore Delano sat down with NBC News this week as part of the network’s ongoing celebration of LGBT Pride month, and discussed finding drag inspiration in her Mexican-American heritage as well as the people she’s met while on tour with RuPaul’s Drag Race Battle of the Seasons.

“The community that I grew up with was Latin,” the Drag Race season 6 finalist said. “I just grew up kind of absorbing all the beauty from that.”

Adore also went on to describe her coming out process, which was eased by a supportive mother:

“My mom made it super easy. Everybody has their different journey but…I was lucky enough to have a mom that was super progressive and super chill. She was raised Jehovah’s Witness but raised us…very chill. She’s almost like a hippie chola.
When I told her that I was gay when I was 12, she was like, ’I knew that since you were one. Stop making this awkward.’ She told me, a month before I came out, she prepped my brothers because she thought I was about to tell her.”

Delano also talked about creating some new music as her “boy self” — a process that’s been “testing [his] boundaries.”

“It’s more vulnerable,” she said, “of course, because you can’t hide behind eyelashes and two stacks of wigs.”

Check it out below:

Catch Adore on an all-new season of RuPaul’s All Stars Drag Race 2, premiering August 25 at 8/7c on Logo.

Owner Of Pulse Nightclub To Ride Lead Float In New York Pride March

Just one of the NYC Pride events she will attend.
From: NewNowNext
Barbara Poma, the owner of Pulse Nightclub - the site of the mass shooting in Orlando - will ride on the lead float in this Sunday’s Pride March in Manhattan, reports the New York Daily News.

Poma will also be joined by the club’s entertainment manager, Neema Bahrami.

According to the Daily News, the names of the victims of the Orlando massacre will be read aloud, followed by a moment of silence. “The lead float will be surrounded by a color guard carrying 49 orange flags, each with a rainbow stripe, to remember the victims,” said the organizers of the event. “Marchers will follow directly behind, carrying banners, reading #WeAreOrlando and #SomosOrlando.”

Poma and Bahrami will also address the NYC LGBT Pride Rally Friday at Hudson River Park’s Pier 26, organizers said.

NYPD is predicting that this year’s Pride March will have the largest turnout ever, topping last year’s crowd of 1.6 million people.

“The Advocate” Through The Decades: From Before Stonewall Into The Digital Age

"The Advocate was the voice of 'we'—that was the gay story from our voice."
From: NewNowNext
 Since its launch as a local gay newsletter in January 1967, The Advocate has been the publication of record for the LGBT community. At a time when mainstream media wouldn’t tell our stories or report on our issues, it was a lifeline that informed and united.

As the magazine heads into its 50th year in publication, Logo is saluting The Advocate at this year’s Trailblazer Honors. Below, we take a look back at the history of the magazine and some of the seminal issues and people who have appeared in its pages.

Watch Trailblazer Honors, June 25 at 8/7c, on Logo and VH1

 The Early Years

It’s hard for young LGBT to fathom, but when the Advocate began, receiving a gay magazine in the mail was a dangerous prospect. As former editor-in-chief Anne Stockwell explains, the issues would be mailed in plain brown wrappers. “You could be arrested, you could lose your job… you had such a burden when you began to even feel you were different.”

Not very long ago, says Stockwell, to acknowledge you were gay meant acknowledging all those horrible things people said were being said about you.

The Advocate was the voice of ’we’—that was the gay story from our voice,” she adds. “The place where it was proven—in black and white—that we we existed, we were proud, we were fascinating and our community was worth knowing.”


The Advocate debuted two years before the Stonewall riots, and reported on them dutifully.
“The police behaved, as is usually the case when they deal with homosexuals, with bad grace, and were reproached by “straight” onlookers,” wrote Dick Leitsch, then president of the New York Mattachine Society. “Pennies were thrown at the cops by the crowd, then beer cans, rocks, and even parking meters. The cops retreated inside the bar, which was set afire by the crowd.”

Leitsch’s report undercovered some interesting tidbits:

* The day after the riots, Stonewall staffers discovered the police had taken all the money from the cigarette machine, the jukebox, the cash register and the safe. They even pilfered the bartender’s tip jar.

* Straight tourists and students walking through the West Village joined in the protest. “When they were told that homosexuals were protesting the closing of a gay club, they’d become very sympathetic, and stayed to watch or to join in… One middle-aged lady with her husband told a cop that he should be ashamed of himself.”

* The protest reportedly began in a “pleasant and jovial mood,” but turned ugly when more than a hundred police officers were brought in to disburse the crowd. “Some of the cops began to become very nasty and started trouble. One boy, evidently a discus thrower, reacted by bouncing garbage can lids nearly off the helmets of the cops. Others set garbage cans ablaze.”


Jeff Yarbrough, Advocate editor-in-chief from 1992 to 1996 says the AIDS epidemic defined his career path. “I took the job for one reason,” he says in the clip above. “Because my friends were dying—or they were dead. I needed a platform to do something.”

As recounted in Larry Kramer’s The Normal Heart, AIDS activists were furious at mainstream publications like the New York Times for weak and uninformed coverage. At the height of the epidemic, the Advocate was one of the few national outlets sharing vital information and enabling our community to grieve collectively.

 Guess Who’s Coming Out

Before you could just come out in a tweet or a tumblr post, The Advocate was where celebrities went to share their truth.

George Michael came out in the pages of The Advocate in 1999, telling editor-in-chief Judy Wieder, “I thought I had fallen in love with a woman a couple of times. Then I fell in love with a man, and realized that none of those things had been love.”


Though she oversaw the magazine during an amazing period for the LGBT community, Wieder says the story she she was most proud of was America’s darkest day.
Every magazine in America was covering 9/11, but The Advocate’s editors found it hard to see the tragedy through a gay lens.

The idea of calling out all the gay people who died in this tragedy, was a bit disconcerting to Wieder. “What would we be saying? That we’re special from all these other people who were killed?”

Ultimately, she realized that it was only in death that the LGBT people lost in the September 11 attacks achieved a measure of equality. “In death, sure, yeah we’re like everyone else.”

The magazine profiled as many LGBT victims as it could find, including Mark Bingham, one of the brave passengers who rushed the hijackers on United Airlines Flight 93, and Father Mychal F. Judge, the gay fire department chaplain who died while administering last rites at Ground Zero.


In the 21st century, The Advocate continues to inform and unite our community: In 2000, long before he became the presumptive Republican nominee, Donald Trump flirted with a presidential run under the Reform Party and sat down for an Advocate interview with writer Paul Alexander.

“I grew up in New York City, a town with different races, religions, and peoples—It breeds tolerance,” The Donald said. “In all truth, I don’t care whether or not a person is gay. I judge people based on their capability, honesty, and merit.”

Owning casinos and beauty pageants, he added, meant he’d worked with many gay people. “I have met some tough, talented, capable, terrific people. Their lifestyle is of no interest to me.”

In the interview, Trump came out in support of hate crimes legislation and amending the 1964 Civil Rights Act to include sexual orientation—no small feat for a politician, liberal or conservative, nearly two decades ago.

He also said he’d have no problem having gays and lesbians in his cabinet.

“I’m looking for brains and experience. If the best person for the job happens to be gay, I would certainly appoint them. One of the key problems today is that politics is such a disgrace, good people don’t go into government. I’d want to change that.”

How times have changed.

Watch Trailblazer Honors, June 25 at 8/7c, on Logo and VH1

“Big Boy Pin Ups” Take Tattoos In A Sexy, New Direction

These are pin-ups like you've never seen before.
From: NewNowNext

Inspired by the classic pin-up tattoos that surged in popularity during the WWII era, which depicted scantily-clad women in a variety of sexy poses, one Australia-based tattoo artist is flipping tradition on its head by swapping out the babes for beefy and brawny men.

Jamie August started designing the “Big Boy Pin Up” tattoos last year as a way to poke fun at convention. The first mock-ups were essentially just reworkings of popular pin-up tattoos made famous by legendary tattoo artist Jerry Sailor.
A photo posted by BBPU (@bigboypinups) on

A photo posted by BBPU (@bigboypinups) on

A photo posted by BBPU (@bigboypinups) on

Soon thereafter, August began to take inspiration from other iconic female looks in art…
A photo posted by BBPU (@bigboypinups) on

…before inking original designs of his own, which play into both masculine stereotypes…
A photo posted by BBPU (@bigboypinups) on

A photo posted by BBPU (@bigboypinups) on

…as well as traditionally feminine ones.

A photo posted by BBPU (@bigboypinups) on

Check out more of the sexy tats, here.

Happy Birthday today June 24th

Happy 25th to actor Max Ehrich!
FH readers know how much I love me some Max Ehrich. The talented actor, wasted by The Young & the Restless, has been shining with roles on Prime Time, most recently in Hulu'sThe Path. The last time I featured Max, (HERE:) he proved he is quite comfortable wearing no underwear at all, but as you can see, when as you can see, he looks equally incredible when he does.

Both Max, and celebrity photographer Luke Fontana have been graciously sharing their work together on their respective media sites. Luke is an incredible photographer and has shot some of my favorite celebrity images. Be sure to check out his Instagram and check out his work for yourself!

Favorite Birthdays for June 24th

No one really excited me much today for favorite birthdays, but I did not want to miss out wishing 3 great actors a Happy Birthday.
From: Favorite Hunks & Other Things
 Riptide's Joe Penny turns 60 today.

 The Pollyanna of Seaview Circle, Michelle Lee turns 74 today.

I loved Sherry Stringfield in her first few seasons on ER. I stopped watching ER many years ago, but tuned back in when she returned, but Susan and the show were not the same. I still think Sherry is great and really enjoyed her supporting part in 54. Sherry turns 49 today.

Creating Courage: Johnny by William Eicholtz

From: Favorite Hunks & Other Things
It was the image, to the left,  that first drew me to the creation of COURAGE. The image, featuring model, sketch and sculpture with the process piece that had me wanting to find out more. Below, sculpture William Eicholtz shares some of the behind scenes stories of the models who helped create COURAGE.

'For the COURAGE sculpture I ended up using 2 different models to get the right 'tone' for the piece. Their sessions were alternated with each other and both were fantastic.'

 'I started with Daniel, a fabulous toned dancer whose passion for the arts was evident from the outset. He is in wonderful shape and a real joy to work with, but as the sculpture progressed, the anatomy of the sculpture became more and more like superman- ripped and quite intimidating on the scale I was working. That's when I asked Johnny, if he would also model. Johnny was thrilled and equally enthusiastic, and his figure brought a softness and youth to the forms I was modelling. The combination of the two body types has made a natural, beautiful figure.'

 'I wanted to steer clear of imperious, fascist body image of 'perfection' for the message of this sculpture- 'the Courage to be your true self, whoever you are inside'. I believe the sculpture I have made is not intimidation, but approachable and human. Of course the references to classical male images are obvious. The Michaelangelo 'David' comes to mind, with his gaze, raised left arm and curly mane. I also tried to reference classical Greek and Roman Hercules images who wears the lion skin in a similar way.'

'From a personal point of view, I feel that a good model makes a significant contribution to the creation for a work of art. Their passion to make art and be part of a creative process is really important to happily spending the many hours it takes to create a work. What may start as a novelty soon becomes many hours of tedious standing around as I work on subtle curves or intricate drapery. Without the focus on the importance of the work, models would soon become bored. There is also an element of touching immortality when your youthful form is recorded as an artwork.'

 'As far as the hours of nudity required, especially for extended life modelling, I believe the nudity is like a working costume. When we start work, the model sheds his street costume and assumed his work attire which is his skin. There is a genuinely comfortable relationship between the model and the artist, me in my dirty apron and heavy boots, and the model in their bare skin..'

 'Even though the finished sculpture may be fully clothed, it is vital to get the anatomy of the figure right from the beginning, so I always sculpt a fully nude figure to get this right. After hours of careful work, the clay layer of clothing can be applied with the knowledge that the anatomy holding it up is correct. I believe this is evident in the final result.'

'What makes a good model is not 'physical perfection' but a comfort and confidence in their own body. When or if I advertise for models, I always stress that its a creative process and enthusiasm for art is essential- life modelling is not a 'get rich quick scheme'.

Anderson Cooper Does Not Like Being A Silver Fox: “It’s Not My Thing”

The CNN anchor says if he had a choice, he'd forever remain a brunette.
From: NewNowNext
 The world knows Anderson Cooper as a sexy silver fox but that doesn’t mean he approves!

The 49-year-old CNN anchor was behind the hosting table with his famous BFF Kelly Ripa on Live with Kelly yesteday morning, where he revealed the truth about what he thinks of his sexy silver locks — they’re “a little too much.”

“I don’t really like my gray hair. I wish I still had brown hair. It’s not my thing,” said Cooper. “If I could, I would probably color my hair, but I couldn’t imagine sitting in a salon with tin foil in my hair reading old issues of Rosie for hours. At this point it’s too late — the cow has left the barn.”

Ripa interjected, yelling “but you’re the silver fox! Silver is your signature color — you were born to be silver.”

She went on to show several pictures of a young Anderson with dark hair:

 Comparing himself to a White Walker from Game of Thrones “with the paleness,” Cooper joked, “As soon as the White Walkers came on Game of Thrones, I’m like, ’Hmmm, I’m related to them.'”

He added: “Andy Cohen makes fun of me, and says it’s like, Katniss Everdeen’s ‘hair on fire.’ I don’t blend in a crowd very well. People used to say to me I’m prematurely gray, but that doesn’t happen anymore. I’ve caught up with myself.”

Check out the full interview below. Anderson’s hair talk stars at the two minute mark:

“Hope Never Remains Silent:” 2016 Trailblazer Honors Remembers The Victims Of Orlando

Harvey Fierstein, The Advocate and more were honored at this year's ceremony.
From: NewNowNext
 The 2016 Trailblazer Honors had a more somber tone because of the recent tragedy in Orlando, but spirits were lifted as Pride weekend began in New York, and passionate speeches throughout the night reminded those in the audience of why LGBT Pride is more important than ever.

Rachel Platten started off the evening with a rousing rendition of “Stand By You” and then Wilson Cruz took the stage to memorialize the victims of Orlando, giving special mention to his relative Brenda Lee Marquez McCool, who was killed in the massacre.

  Emma Stone introduced Billie Jean King, presenting her with a Trailblazer Honor. King reflected on being outed in 1981, saying it was the darkest moment of her life and how she “almost lost faith in humanity at that time.” But she reminded the audience to in the end, focus on love, not hate.

 RuPaul made a special surprise appearance, speaking about the family you choose a member of the LGBT community, and warning the world at large not to “fuck with my family.” He then led the room in a moment of silence for the victims of Orlando.

Harvey Fierstein was another recipient of a Trailblazer Honor and when Bob the Drag Queen and Joel Grey presented him with the award, Harvey made an passionate speech about the LGBT community and the Orlando massacre.

“All of those lives destroyed because someone told him he could not be him,” Fierstein said about the Orlando shooter. He went onto speak about LGBT Pride and how you have to realize the impact you have as an LGBT person everyday.

“History is being made in every moment,” said Fierstein. “You either participate or you don’t. It doesn’t matter, just show up. Show up for life and make history.”

Fierstein left the stage, but that wasn’t the end for his part of the evening. Former RuPaul’s Drag Race contestants Ginger Minj, Alyssa Edwards, Phi Phi O’Hara, Tatiana and Alaska paid tribute to the Broadway star, with a rousing rendition of “I Am What I Am” from the musical, La Cage Aux Folles.

The final honoree of the night was the LGBT news magazine, The Advocate. After a segment chronicling the history of the publication, dating back to 1967, Editor-in-Chief Matthew Breen took the stage and gave an empowering and fiery speech about Orlando, and the politicians who stand by and let the lack of gun control ruin American lives.

“We are not interested in your prayers unless they are followed up with action. You have fucked with the wrong group of people,” Breen warned the legislators, as the cheering crowd leapt to their feet to applaud his threat.

A video message from Vice President Joe Biden closed out the evening. In his somber words about just returning from paying his respects in Orlando, he promised that “hope never remains silent. We are Orlando. We are all Americans.”

If the audience reactions were any indication, the next wave of trailblazers were born tonight during this year’s ceremony.

Trailblazer Honors airs Saturday, June 25 at 8/7c on Logo and VH1.