Sunday, May 22, 2016

Summer Jam Grind And Groove Remix By Shane Phoenix Harris

Check out this new remix by my friend Shane P. Harris

Joe Biden Salutes Openly Gay West Point Class President At Graduation Ceremony

"I expect we’re going to hear big things from you, pal.”
From: NewNowNext
 Vice President Joe Biden addressed the graduating class at the U.S. Military Academy in West Point on Saturday, telling them that greater diversity in strengthening the Armed Forces.

“Having men and women together in the battlefield is an incredible asset, particularly when they’re asked to lead teams in parts of the world with fundamentally different expectations and norms,” Biden told more than 950 cadets at Michie Stadium.

Biden saluted class president Eugene “E.J.” Coleman for publicly coming out as gay.

Before the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” in 2010, he said, “E.J. would have been discharged from the Army, and we would have lost an incredible talent.”

Thanking Coleman for his courage, he added, “I expect we’re going to hear big things from you, pal.”

It’s almost impossible to believe how far we’ve come in six short years—from brave servicemembers being forced to hide who they are to Eric Fanning being made the first openly gay Secretary of the Army this week.

Of course there is still work to be done, as activists wait for the the Armed Forces to follow through on its promise to lift the ban on trans men and women in them military.

Helen Mirren Played The Queen To Grant A Dying Boy’s Wish After Real Queen Said No

Yas, Queen!
From: NewNowNext
 Helen Mirren doesn’t just play a queen, she is a queen — especially after her latest act of kindness.

When 10-year-old Oliver Burton declared that his dying wish was to have afternoon tea with the Queen of England, he never received an invitation to Buckingham Palace.

Luckily, Dame Helen Mirren was willing to step in as an understudy for Oliver, who has Down’s syndrome and has been battling terminal spine and bone marrow cancer.

Mirren is currently playing the Queen in Peter Morgan’s The Audience, and invited Oliver and his family to the Gielgud Theatre to watch the show.

But things really got exciting when she brought Oliver backstage for tea and cakes, while still dressed as the Queen!

Footmen served them their treats while Oliver got to meet the actress’ corgis.

Mirren even knighted Oliver, giving him the title of Sir.

“She stayed in character for the whole thing,” said Oliver’s father, James Browne. “Oliver thought she was the real Queen, and well, that’s good enough for us.”

Golden: Walt by LightWeaver

From: Favorite Hunks & Other Things
With Walt's beautiful blonde hair, and the surge of pink that cascades all around his naked body, you might wonder why I chose Golden as the title. Whenever I profile the work of Indianapolis photographer Jay Rickard, (LightWeaver) Golden, as in The Golden Age of Hollywood, always comes to mind. Jay's striking visuals, his use of bold colors, classic poses, not to mention his masterful mix of beauty with masculinity, always transport me to another place and time.
 The golden age of Hollywood began at the end of the silent era of films in the late 1920s, through cinema in the early 1960s, were driven by the big Hollywood Studios. Independent films, along with stories based on serious issues existed, but were rare. The studio's provided beauty and glamour. Big stars bit big lives to provide distraction from the depression, from war, a beautiful escape from the real world.

 A part of the golden age included the rise of the pin-up girl. Although pin-ups had been around for decades before, it the 40's when the theme was popularized in the US. The images popped up everywhere, in magazines and newspapers and on walls all around the globe. As part of promoting many female celebrities, pin-ups were mailed out to fans and ended up on walls, in lockers and in barracks for the next thirty years.

 Pin-ups were not reserved just for women, the 40's also saw many actors looking seductively (and often shirtless) at the camera. Johnny Weissmuller, Tyrone Power, Rock Hudson and many other actors were also popular pin-ups, but I am guessing as many of these shots ended up under mattresses, in the bottom of drawers and within encyclopedias as did get stuck on walls. In addition to actors, body builders were also heavily photographed, with muscle and form being the 'acceptable focus,' although most fans knew, like the shots of Betty Grable and Marilyn Monroe, sex was always at the core.

 One of the things I love so much about Jay's work is his weaving old Hollywood glamour with beefcake. Jay's work is beautiful and erotic but also skilfully mixes an innocence with the risky underground erotica found in classical beefcake photography. Through the 70's and 80's, with magazines like TigerBeat and Playgirl, beefcake went mainstream, but after climaxing with Marky Mark in his Calvin's in the early 90's, beefcake seems again to have sadly gone a bit underground. Unlike actors in the 70's and 80's who routinely went shirtless for pin-ups and magazines shoots, many of today's actors seem most comfortable going shirtless only for fitness focused magazines like Men's Health. Of course, thankfully, (Channing Tatum) there remain a few exceptions.

Jay says he found Walt on Model Mayhem after being blown away by the the few images he had in his portfolio. Jay shares that from just from that small sampling of black and whites, he could tell that Walt was the kind of model he liked to work with. 'Casual, uninhibited and coming from a very classic, artistically minded perspective.' Walt had no issues with nudity and both artist and model seemed very like minded on the issue of a male body truly being a valid subject of art. As I often like to do, with Jay's images with Walt, I started at the end, as this set of images are from their second time shooting together. I was struck by the pulsing pink, and my favorite two images, the last two below, included the two great shots of Walt with the vintage camera.

'I wanted to create a set that would mirror the "around the house" look of some of the images created during the Vintage Beefcake movement of the '50's era. For me the trick was to pay homage to those particular images but giving it my own modern spin. So instead of the literal black and white look I went the opposite direction and created a set in studio full of incredibly vibrant colors and some relatively timeless pieces in the background. If you look closely at some of those images you'll see a first edition of the very first issue of Bruce of LA's "The Male Physique". I've been collecting those issues for awhile now and it was a lot of fun to include one in a shoot that was paying homage to that same time frame.'
Jay Rickard

 Walt hails from Cincinnati, but didn't mind making the trip to Indy for the shoot. Jay shot several themes and in several locations, some have saved for a follow-up. Jay says the thing that he really appreciated the most about his work with Walt was his openness to the creative process, and how he threw himself into each setting in a very natural way. 'His physicality is admirable of course but it's his artistic spirit which allows him to be the focus of the art which really sets him apart from the rest.'\

LightWeaver on tumblr
LightWeaver on ModelMayhem

Genderqueer Model Rain Dove Would Rather Wear A Diaper Than Deal With All This Bathroom Drama

"I shouldn't have to pull my pants down to prove I'm not breaking this law."
From: NewNowNext
Thanks in part to North Carolina’s House Bill 2, using a public bathroom has become a controversial subject — so much so, that genderqueer model Rain Dove has decided to forego the restroom altogether and just wear a diaper around instead.

In a political statement disguised as a joke, Rain posted a video of her walking around the city doing various activities while wearing nothing but a diaper on the lower half of her body.

“What’s happening in North Carolina is not okay,” she writes, after we’re treated to shots of her in her diaper at the laundromat and exercising in the park.

“I shouldn’t have to pull my pants down to prove I’m not breaking this law,” she continues. “I shouldn’t have to show my birth certificate to go to the bathroom. And the government shouldn’t assume my ’sex’ based on what I look like.”

After the diaper montage, the camera cuts to single shots of random men and women, and even a small child, asking what they’re “supposed to look like.”

“This is not just a trans issue, this is a human rights issue that chips away at what makes us human,” she states near the end of the segment.

Check out the passionate video in full below.

Careful Lads—Or Prince Harry Will Torture Your Nipples!

The ginger royal got into some nip play with an athlete at the recent Invictus Games .
From: NewNowNext
 Earlier this month, Prince Harry was in Orlando promoting the Invictus Games, an international athletic competition honoring veterans wounding in battle.

It’s been a pet project for the ginger royal, and he’s done a bang-up job raising awareness about the games with a viral social-media campaign featuring himself, Justin Trudeau, Barack and Michelle Obama and even his granny, the Queen.

But Harry didn’t have the gays until the actual games, where he was running around talking to competitors.

At one point, former Army rifleman Ashley Coles pulled up his shirt to show his tattoo to Harry, and the prince leaned in and tweaked Coles’ nipple.

Had he lead with that, we would have been glued to the screen in a way we usually reserving for men’s diving at the Summer Games.

“He has served himself and knows exactly how we all relate to one another,” said former medical technician Taryn Moran. “It’s a wonderful thing that unites us all no matter what country you come from.”

The Invictus Games were held May 8 to 12 at the ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex in Orlando.

MAN CANDY: Fitness Model Ben Hetfleisch Flexes His Fine Form — & Everything Else!

From: Cocktails and Cocktalk
What is it about fitness guys that love just posing and flexing fully naked in front of a camera? Maybe Michael Hoffman started a trend! And not one we’re mad ’bout. Though we can’t help but wonder, is it now a requirement to become a fully fledged fitness model? Or maybe they’re just really feeling they’re oats. Whatever, boo, we wanna feel more than the damn oats, mhmm…
To be honest, we’re not sure this was made for the web, or just a private show – but we got a ticket and are enjoying the performance.

Favorite Click of the Week: Weekend In Madrid

From: Favorite Hunks & Other Things

Weekend In Madrid

Photography by Matt Hopkins | Madrid, Spain

See more of Roberto's weekend at THE SUMMER DIARY PROJECT

Dustin McNeer’s Nude Video

From: Sexflexible
 This is a compilation of Snapchats from Dustin McNeer. There are a few moments of full nudity, but they are brief — there’s no full on jacking off or anything of the sort, so don’t get your hopes up. But, that doesn’t mean it’s not enjoyable to watch!

Dakota Charles by Steve Jerome

From: Over-Flow
Couldn't resist sharing just a few more of Steve's images of the amazing Dakota Charles

Craig Brown: Normal Is An Illusion....

From: Favorite Hunks & Other Things

'Seldom have a had the pleasure of working with a model with such raw athleticism, paired with complete defiance of gravity, and no fear of dirt or grime!'

Earlier this year, I had the pleasure of profiling the work of model Craig Brown and his work with Studio MG Photography. (March Madness) If you check back on that piece, you'll remember the gravity defying shots of Craig leaping into the air, and swinging his naked body up the 10 ft to be able to perch himself atop the basketball net.

Craig by Steven Yancy
Craig's athleticism, and Studio MG's quote about their work together, had me wanting to explore more of Craig's incredible imagery. Craig has one of the most impressive, and extensive portfolio's of any model I have seen. Run way shots, beautiful head and body captures, along with fitness and nudes. Craig's skill in front of the camera, and his ability to bring to life the creative impulses of the artists who shoot him, generates a collection of visually strong, masculine and incredibly sexy, series of images.

Craig by Chad Dutson
 For this piece, Craig not only indulged my curiosity by answering some questions, he also chose some of his favorite images from his favorite photographers.  I of course had to sneak in a few of my favorites into the mix.  I started putting together this feature over a week ago, but every day, Craig kept adding more images, I kept changing up which ones I wanted to use!

 'Chad Dustson is one of my personal favorite photographer. He is one of the first photographers I worked with when I was starting out modeling. Because of his patient and his creativity, he helped me get to where I am today.'

 Odd or Strange Stores from a shoot?

'I was in a hotel room in Portland Oregon getting ready to do a shoot with Humon Photography. At 1:00am in the morning I hear this cat crying and it just go's on and on.... I eventually called the manager and complained! I get a call back and he said no one there has a cat. At this point, it is like 2:30am.  I finally go and start looking around the room putting my ears to the walls under the bed every where finally I found this black cat in my dresser drawer. Long story short I found the cat a good home!'

Craig by Humon Photography

'I love ModelMayhem. It has help me out a lot. Yes you meet people different people. it goes with saying Normal is an illusion. What is normal to the spider is chaos to the fly...'

 Taking It All Off:

'I have always been an open minded free spirited person. I just did it. How I feel about shooting nude is that we're all human, so we all have a body. What's different besides our names? We may look different but it's still just a body.' 

Craig by Studio MG Photography
 'Studio MG is a great photographer we got along right away the second we met . I have learned working through him about body tone, and how to show it, and use it better it in a photos.'

 What was the best/funniest feedback you have gotten from a image?

'I get hit on by more older people, usually 50-60+ men and woman more than any age group.' 

Strangest thing to run through your mind while doing a nude shoot?

'I hope I don't have to fart.'

 What part of your body are you most happy with? What part gets the most attention from others?

'My eyes get a lot attention and my upper body because of my strength, people are always shocked with how strong I am.' 

Why do you think you like modeling?

'I always, always love art and photos, starting when I was a little boy. I feel at peace modeling. It make me happy that the photographer and I are taking something and making something beautiful out of it. That moment we capture to share as a story.'

Craig by Pride Of Paradise
 'Pride of Paradise is another great photographer. He showed me to just be myself and not to be afraid of what others think.'

 'I am trying to get kids and pretty much anyone that's out there going through tough times to not give up . If I can do this, if I can make a name for myself or get my face out there, then there is NO reason they can't. I been put down, abused, jumped. Was in special ed, had a teacher telling me I was not going to be anything when I grow up, homeless! SO if I can do it so can they. They don't need to do drugs or join a gang. If I can live my dream and be a successful male model, actor or work towards it, then they can too. No matter how many mistakes I make or how slow I progress, I am still way ahead of everyone who isn't trying.'