Monday, February 22, 2016

Lifeguard Gets Embarrassing Email From His Boss After Complaints About His ‘Huge Eggplant’

 A 20-year-old lifeguard shared the embarrassing email he recently received from his boss about his ‘huge talent’.

The boss writes: “We have received a few complaints in the past few weeks from a few members about your attire. I’m not sure the most prudent way I can put this, but a few parents have complained about how visible your anatomy is in your suit.”
He adds: “Now, please understand that this is not an issue for me, and none of the other guards have indicated this is a problem for them…The possibility I see at this point is offering you the board shorts instead.”

Read the entire email message Jake received, below:

Jake also shared a post on Reddit’s “Big Dick Problems” thread about the unforeseen consequences he has experienced because of his 6-inches soft and 9.5 inches hard penis.

He writes:

I just found this page, and thought I’d share my story and see if other people have had some of the same issues. So I’m 20 now, and up until a few years ago I thought I was average. In school health class they never really talked about what the average size was, and I never really bothered to compare myself to other guys. Obviously, the guys in the porn that I’d seen had huge dicks and I didn’t really think that maybe they would be above average at the time. When I was around 14, I joined my high school’s swim team and experienced a school locker room for the first time. I had taken gym class in middle school, but there were no showers, and we never got down to anything past our underwear so I never really noticed anything different about me other than I had more body hair than most of the other guys. I started puberty pretty early and I was one of the few in my class to have pit hair, a happy trail, etc.

When I joined my high school’s team, I learned that we, first of all, had to wear Speedos, which I had never done before, and second of all, had to take showers before and after practice and meets. Like in most schools’ locker rooms, the showers were communal with no privacy. The first day, I went into the locker room like everyone else, we got our Speedos and were told to shower and change into them for the first practice. (Keep in mind, up until this point in my life, no one else had really seen me naked except maybe my doctor and my parents from when I was really young.) We got into the showers and I just tried to focusing on getting in and out as quickly as possible. That part went fine, as far as I knew, and I walked over to the lockers to get my suit on. I had a few friends on the team with me, and as I was changing, one of them came up to me and said something along the lines of, “Dude, your dick is huge.” I didn’t believe him since I thought I was average, but the next practice I looked around in the showers and noticed most of the other guys were maybe 1-2 inches soft, and I was closer to 4.5. From that day on, in every locker room and public shower I go to, I get looks, some of them of interested guys and some of them disgusted looks from guys who probably think I’m being a show-off.

For the four years I was in high school, I stayed on the swim team and took two years of standard gym class. Every day in the locker room I’d see guys glancing in my direction, trying not to make it obvious that they’re looking, then whispering to their friends. I had friends with me in the room in most of these situations, and they would usually just tell me not to let it bother me, but it usually would. I eventually got used to wearing the Speedos, even though I had the most noticeable bulge on the team, at that point we were all usually focusing on other things, so it didn’t matter as much.

I’m now 20, a freshman in college, and on my college’s swim team. Generally, the guys are more mature in the locker rooms than in high school, but occasionally I’ll catch some guys laughing and trying not to make it obvious that they’re looking. Being in the United States, most guys are circumcised, and I’ve always been the only uncut guy in the locker room (that I noticed anyways), so that might have something to do with the looks as well. Last time I measured a few months ago, I was 5.5-6 inches soft and between 8.75 and 9.5 inches hard depending on my arousal, the temperature, and who knows what else. I believe I’m also fairly above average in girth, but I haven’t measured that. I assume I’m done growing since it’s been about the same size for a year or so.

Wearing any kind of athletic shorts (Under Armour, Nike, etc. basketball/lacrosse shorts) produces a noticeable bulge, to the point where some people have thought I had a boner. I avoid skinny jeans, but normal jeans are generally fine, especially if I have a longer shirt that can cover that area a little bit. I actually wear jeans for as long as I can before the weather gets too hot because I never look forward to wearing shorts. Even with normal swim trunks / board shorts, there is a fairly large bulge, especially when getting out of the water.

I’ve actually been asked by the management at several water parks to wear “appropriate swimwear” the next time because apparently in their rules they have a section about “revealing swimwear”.

Like many others have posted here, it touches the toilet water when soft, and presses up against the side of the bowl when hard.

I haven’t had a ton of sex, but the few times that I have, or have tried, the girl was either too scared because of the size, or we had to stop shortly after because it was hurting her. I’m bi, but I’ve never had sex (anal) with a guy. Only one person has been able to deepthroat it all the way. Regular sized-condoms are generally too tight, so I usually go for the larger sizes.

Trying to talk about these things with friends has been hit or miss. 99% of my guy friends are straight, and generally don’t like talking about any of this for fear of sounding too “gay”. Some of them will indulge my complaints sometimes, but I try not to bring it up too often. Finding someone that will actually listen, give helpful advice, or can actually relate, has been challenging, so I generally have been keeping these things to myself.
I think that about sums it up, if anyone has any questions or comments or anything feel free to comment. Thanks for reading. :)

LGBT Activists Shot With Water Cannons And Kerosene By Peruvian Police

The attacks took place during a Valentine's Day kiss-in protest.
From: NewNowNext
An annual event held by Peruvian LGBT activists called “Kisses against homophobia” was met with violence from police on last week.

Those attending the Valentine’s Day kiss-in, created to protest homophobia, were reportedly shot with water cannons and sprayed with kerosene by local police.

Activitists claimed that the event, which was held in Lima’s Plaza de Armas, sees its protesters met with police brutality every year, but they keep coming back to fight for what they believe in.

Lima-based LGBT website Sin Etiquetas posted photos of same-sex couples kissing and holding hands in the street while armored police trucks began to infiltrate the scene and confront the protesters.

YouTube videos show the activists shouting “No to homophobia,” while officers are seen aggressively pushing and handling them.

“The aggression was excessive towards the young people who gather each year in the main square to kiss against homophobia,” said George Liendo, a member of a Peruvian LGBT rights group called Promsex.

Liendo also said that although Peruvian authorities have banned protests of “any kind” in the square, religious and cultural demonstrations often take place without any trouble from the police.

You can watch some footage of what went down in the videos below.

Let's Talk About What This Gorgeous Man Does With a Cucumber

From: Fleshbot

Ever since the days of Adam and Eve people have been getting naughty with produce - it's just human nature! While gays have been perfecting fucking themselves with cucumbers for probably as long, today's amateur hunk does more than just tickle his ranch hole with a GMO monster. In a move that really brightened up my Monday, our boy works himself up while laying on a massage table, then effortlessly grabs a cucumber from somewhere, cums on it, face fucks himself with his dude juice, and THEN shoves the cucumber up his ass!

Is this a turn on? Have you done something similar in your own life? With an artichoke? Did you think he was going to eat the cucumber after he was done with his bag of tricks? How cool would it be if two guys jizzed on that monster cucumber and then used it as a two sided dildo? So much to think about right now!

Lady Gaga Delivers Epic Grammy Tribute To David Bowie

Ziggy Stardust would have been proud.
From: NewNowNext
 Fresh off her Super Bowl triumph, Lady Gaga took to the Grammy stage last week and delivered a stirring (and oh-so-Gaga) tribute to David Bowie.

 She didn’t go for an imitation, but managed to evoke Bowie’s spirit, moving through a catalog of some of his greatest hits, from “Space Oddity” to “Let’s Dance,” with help from longtime Bowie collaborator Nile Rodgers.

It was an affecting and effective tribute to a true rock pioneer.

Kyle Lowder ~ The Bold And The Beautiful

Kyle Lowder played Rick Forrester on The Bold And The Beautiful
From: Favorite Hunks & Other Things

Guess His Cock #006

Check after the jump to see this Marine's cock!

King of the Hill

From: Boy Culture

More of this, Bill. And less of this ...
(Hillary's got this.)

Kentucky approves ‘segregated’ marriage licenses for straight and same-sex couples

From: LGBTQ Nation
Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis 
 Kentucky‘s State Senate approved a bill Thursday that creates different marriage license forms for gay and straight couples, with one Republican senator saying any form that does not include the words “bride” and “groom” is disrespectful to traditional families.

The primary purpose of the legislation was to remove the names of county clerks from marriage licenses, a response to the controversy surrounding Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis and her refusal to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

But the Republican controlled Senate amended the bill as a way to show their support for traditional marriage. Former Democratic Gov. Steve Beshear changed the marriage license form last summer once same-sex marriages became legal, removing “bride” and “groom” and replacing it with “first party” and “second party.”

“Quite frankly, it’s almost disrespectful to the traditional family,” said Republican state Sen. John Schickel of Union. “That’s’ why, wisely, we decided to have two forms. That has nothing to do with bigotry, nothing to do with discrimination. It has to do with the vast majority of Kentuckians that respect traditional marriage.”

Democratic Sen. Morgan McGarvey of Louisville tried to amend the bill to create one form, where a person would have the option to check “bride,” ”groom” or “spouse” beside their name. He said having one form would be cheaper and more efficient, and it would treat everyone fairly. It failed.

The American Civil Liberties Union, which brought the lawsuit against Davis, said in a news release the Senate was “setting a dangerous slippery slope precedent by catering to one specific religious belief and privileging that over others.”

“Separate forms for gay and lesbian Kentuckians constitute unequal treatment under the law,” said Michael Aldridge, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Kentucky. “Pure and simple, this bill is motivated by the desire to accommodate discrimination against same-sex couples.”

Republican Sen. Stephen West, the sponsor of the bill and whose district includes Rowan County, said gay couples could choose to use the “bride” and “groom” form if they wished.

Two Republicans voted against the bill — Julie Raque Adams of Louisville and Wil Schroder of Wilder — citing their wish to have one form. But others, including Democratic Sen. Gerald Neal of Louisville, said creating two marriage licenses is taking the state “down a path that has already been paved in this commonwealth that has a tendency to reinforce bigotry.”

The bill now heads to the Democratic controlled House of Representatives, where Speaker Greg Stumbo has said the House is likely to pass its own version.

Kelly Bishop: At The Ballet

From: Favorite Hunks & Other Things
 FH began in 2007, the same year The Gilmore Girls went off the air. I hadn't started watching the show until about 2005, with the release of the DVD's. I was all caught up by the shows final season. Many of the 'TV HUNKS' I chronicled during the first couple of years on FH were Gilmore guys.

 In addition to Milo, Jared & Company, one of the reasons, and one of my favorite characters on the show was Emily played the fabulous Kelly Bishop. I am beyond excited the show is returning, and although sadly Emily's Richard (Edward Herrmann) cannot return, I am looking forward to seeing lots of Emily. I never really felt the shows last season (not written by Amy Sherman-Palladino) did justice to Lorelai's relationship with her parents. Kelly's scenes with Lauren Graham were certainly some of the most interesting to watch.

 A Chorus Line

 There were many comments during the shows run about Emily's legs, and no wonder. Kelly is a dancer whose biggest Broadway role was her 1976 Tony Award winning turn as Sheila in A Chorus Line. You can see some of the spirit that eventually ended up in Emily in Kelly's performance of At The Ballet above.

With Gilmore co-stars Keiko Agena and Melissa Mccarthy

He’s Naked: Karel Fernández in ‘Alfa’

From: OMG
 Karel Fernández is a translator, TV News writer, photographer, graphic and 3D designer, vocalist, AND actor. Now you can find him naked  in the short film Alfa 

Justin Charles Reed

From: sextinguys
 Justin Charles Reed…  he is now a daddy with a fiancé working as a fitness consultant for Golds Gym. I originally found him on Guys With iPhones. He posted a ton of selfies. Then Is Anyone Up came around and I got to finally see Justin’s goods! Lol Enjoy if you haven’t already. His exposure will never end. <3