Friday, January 15, 2016

Six Things We Can All Do Right Now To Make It A Great 2016

From: NewNowNext

Don’t bail

In our modern age, commitment is elusive: We don’t just mean in a relationship—even getting your besties to show up to brunch is an ordeal.

Try to go as long as you can without backing out of plans—and definitely don’t be iffy because you want to see if something better is going on. That’s #notcool.

Six Classic Works Of Gay Literature Everyone Should Read In The New Year

From: Queerty
Dear Lupin: Letters to a Wayward Son 
Roger Mortimer and Charlie Mortimer

This witty and heartwarming book tracks the correspondence between a father and his gay son. When the book begins, Charlie, the son, is studying at Eton, although the studying itself is not a priority, much to his father’s chagrin. After Charlie graduates and begins traveling the world, Roger continues to write regularly, offering advice as well as humorous updates from home. The correspondence is packed with warmth, humor and wisdom that offer a unique insight into the relationship between a father and son.

Let me wash your rock'n'roll hair

From: Beauty's Pimp

and those filthy finger nails. Lose the polish.

Dan Haggerty, 'The Life and Times of Grizzly Adams' Star, Dead at 74

From: NBC News
 Dan Haggerty, the burly, bearded actor who became a 1970s icon playing a mountain man in "The Life and Times of Grizzly Adams," died early Friday after a long battle with spinal cancer. He was 74.

Haggerty played a fugitive who flees into the wilderness and befriends a bear in a 1974 movie that became a surprise box office hit — and in a TV series of the same name that ran on NBC from 1977 to 1978.

Later, Haggerty played a modern-day version of Grizzly named Jeremiah in the films "Grizzly Mountain" and "Escape to Grizzly Mountain."

"Dan was a beloved award winning actor in dozens of films and TV roles, but he will be remembered by millions of fans as the man who made Grizzly Adams famous," Haggerty's manager, Terry Bomar, said in a statement.

Haggerty outlived his Grizzly co-star Bozo, a female grizzly that played Ben on the show and died in 1999 at age 39.
Dan Haggerty arrives at the premiere of the musical feature film
"Standing Ovation" in Universal City, California in 2010
Born Gene Jajonski on Nov. 19, 1941 in Wisconsin, Haggerty's family made a living running a wild animal attraction that included a black bear.

Haggerty got his start in show business playing a bodybuilder in the Elvis Presley movie "Girl Happy" and a biker in "Easy Rider."

After "Grizzly," Haggerty landed small roles on TV shows like "Charlie's Angels" and "The Love Boat." But his career took a big hit after he was busted in 1985 for selling cocaine to undercover police officers. Tragedy struck in 2008 when his wife Samantha was killed in a motorcycle accident.

He is survived by his children: Megan, Dylan, Cody, Tracey and Don.


January 15, 2013
From: Manhunt Daily
A couple of years back, Village Voice columnist Michael Musto wrote a cover story for Out about “the glass closet.” Not sure if he coined the term, but it was one he used for celebrities who are known to be bisexual, gay or lesbian but will not confirm it for the hungry masses. The cover featured models holding masks of Jodie Foster and Anderson Cooper in front of them, and Musto cited them as prime examples of two famous people who were gay in plain sight but remained ambiguous about it – whether out of a need for privacy or a concern for career. That cover has become ironic, because Anderson’s out now and Ms. Foster (pretty much?) is as of Sunday night.Jodie’s speech has polarized the people who care. Some people found it very inspiring (I leaned that way, and not just because she semi-came out in it), others thought it was a self-serving mess from a millionaire actress whining about her need for privacy and who came out only when it was safe and she was already ensconced in Hollywood royalty.

Anyway, the point is that some “glass closet” people eventually confirm their sexuality pretty much off-the-cuff. Somehow, it’s a little less flashy which almost makes it more dignified than some big public speech or magazine cover. Victor Garber is an established actor, who’s one of those multi-talents from Broadway, film, and television. He’s also one of those actors who everyone knows is gay but it’s all about the work so it’s a non-issue. He was recently doing a press junket for his new television show and blogger Greg Hernandez got bold and asked him about it.

I just decided to ask him: “Wikipedia lists Rainer Andreesen as your partner. I wondered if that’s something that’s public, that you’ve confirmed.”

He seemed surprised by the question but said: “I don’t really talk about it but everybody knows.”

Garber then added: “He’s going to be out here with me for the SAG Awards.”

That was nice and casual. Admittedly, the real reason I’m posting about Vic is that I want him SSSOOOOO bad. Mature men aren’t even my thing, but I’ve wanted to get at his cock since he was Sydney Bristow’s dad on Alias. The steely hair, the patrician face, the gorgeous smile. I want him to be MY dad, if you’re feeling me. Nice to know that he’s definitely into the D today. Let’s celebrate by you getting naked, Vic. Oh wait, he’s involved. And his bf is hot. THRUPLE!

His Butt: Cheyenne Jackson in American Horror Story: HotelH

From: OMG
 Check out Gaga traipsing around on a very naked Cheyenne Jackson‘s tuckus, — something normally reserved for his “UH-BOI-FRANNND” as Cheyanne might say!

'American Horror Story' Actress Dies

From: Extra
TMZ reports that Rose Siggins, familiar to "American Horror Story: Freak Show" fans as Legless Suzi, died unexpectedly at 43 on 
December 12, 2015.

Siggins, who did not have legs (she was born with a rare genetic disorder called sacral a genesis) had long battled kidney and pancreas problems. She went into the hospital for the treatment of kidney stones, but contracted an infection that spread and became fatal.

A GoFundMe account set up to defray the costs associated with her health issues and to benefit her kids raised over $6,000 in one day.

3 hot rugby guys totally naked and goofin off on the bed

From: Drunk Straight Guys Caught On Camera

Not sure why these ruggers are so comfortable getting totally naked and doing crazy shit like this...but I am damn sure glad they do it!! Hope you enjoy too guys. Have a great weekend!

2 drunk guys lift their kilts & expose their dicks...

From: Drunk Straight Guys Caught On Camera
I think both of these guys are cute, especially the one on the right, who is cute in a goofy sort of way lol.
Enjoy guys...and have a great weekend!

Hot or Not?

January 15, 2008
From: Favorite Hunks & Other Things
 When first being introduced to X Factor's Rhydian Roberts, I said hot. Then...I thought, not so much. I am currently back to Hot. You?

Honoring David Bowie

From: Big Whack Attack
 It was that man who brought bisexuality out of the closet to a whole generation of people. Until him, many folks I knew had never heard of such a thing! To be brave enough to share things like that, as he did, as Elton did, opens a dialogue which needs to happen.

We may be aroused by tits and pussy,

 we may be aroused by cocks and balls
 we may be aroused by both.
 It doesn't matter. And no matter where we fall on the spectrum of sexuality: Bi, gay, straight, solosexual, asexual, or anywhere in between on the entire spectrum, it is who we are. We should be free to express it and enjoy it.
 Because sex of any (consensual) kind should be a joyous experience.

David Bowie 
(nee, David Robert Jones)
January 8, 1947 - January 10, 2016.
We thank you for your openness, your honesty, we thank you for sharing your creative gifts with us.

Homophobic Feminism: The Left Hand of Darkness

From: Boomer Beefcake and Bonding
 During my sophomore year in college, my class in Science Fiction was assigned Ursula K. Leguin's The Left Hand of Darkness (1968).  I already knew Leguin from The Lathe of Heaven (1971), which has a gay vague protagonist, so I expected significant buddy-bonding.  Instead I found homophobia. 

A human emissary is investigating the planet Winter, occupied by a hermaphrodite species.  They have no external sex organs until they’re in the process of having sex, at which point either male or female organs protrude.  The protrusions are random, so someone might be male tonight and female tomorrow, but they almost always mirror one’s partner: male organs protrude with female, female with male.  Leguin notes that on those rare occasions when the same sets of organs protrude, the partners halt the sexual congress and shrink back from each other in horror.  Even in 1980, I found such a statement odd.  If the alien thinks nothing whatever about sometimes being male and sometimes female, what would be the horror of male-male or female-female contact?  I found homophobia embedded in a book touted as an amazing feminist manifesto immensely puzzling.

Eventually during the semester I picked up a few other novels, all from the “Hainish” cycle.  Though her works bear some resemblance to those of Marion Zimmer Bradley, they almost entirely eliminate gay content.

In Rocannon’s World (1966), emissary Rocannon is the sole survivor of an enemy attack, and must cross the feudal planet Fomalhaut to get help. En route he gathers several companions, including Kyo, a member of a slight, slender, elvish race called the Fiann.  They ride together on a flying catlike creature, talk softly into the night, and touch each others’ shoulders (the touching of shoulders occurs a lot with authors too homophobic to describe a same-sex kiss). 

During a tribal celebration, they develop an affection that sounds very much like romantic love: “Rocannon sat drunk and contented, riding the river of song, feeling himself now committed [to this world.]  Beside him now and then he sensed the presence of the little Fiann, smiling, alien, serene.”   Rocannon is never rescued, so there is no reason whatever for the two to part company, but they do: “between [them] a pattern had come to an end,” LeGuin tells us, “leaving quietness” (92).  She offers no more details, because she has none to offer: relationships between men are by definition transient.  Eventually Rocannon marries a woman.

In City of Illusions (1967), an emissary named Falk finds himself lost, naked and without memories, in the wilds of a barbaric Earth.  He marries a Terran woman, and LeGuin gives us ample passages of them kissing, cuddling, and deriving “infinite comfort” in each other’s arms.  Years later, Falk goes off in search of the rest of his expedition.  He reaches a city occupied by the evil, decadent Shing , an alien species that dresses in garish “transvestite” robes (a detail meant to make readers shudder with dread), and meets the only other survivor, Orry, who was just a child when they crashed.

LeGuin makes Orry only sixteen years old, frail, childish, passive, weak, addicted to garish colors and intoxicants: a gay stereotype.  He has grown up starving for human affection.  He gazes at Falk “yearning and feebly hoping, the look of one perishing of thirst in a dry salt desert who looks up at a mirage” (324).  Any self-respecting hero would at that point hug the boy, if not as an object of desire then as a kinsman, as a fellow prisoner and exile.  Instead, Falk touches him lightly on the shoulder.  And that’s all. 

When Falk steals a space ship and heads for home, he takes Orry with him, but not because he cares about the boy, because it would be inconvenient to leave him behind.  Same-sex relations, even the avuncular relationship between older and younger members of the same lost expedition, can be dismissed with startling ease.

Happy Birthday today January 15th

Happy 48th to actor Chad Lowe!
From: Favorite Hunks & Other Things
 Although he may not be as famous as his older brother, I remember Chad Lowe fondly on television in the late 80's

Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor

Hugh Griffith 
Sheik Ilderim

Hugh Emrys Griffith (30 May 1912 – 14 May 1980) was a Welsh film, stage and television actor. He won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for his role in Ben-Hur (1959) and received an additional Oscar nomination for the same category in Tom Jones (1963).

Hairy Chest Hall of Famer Clint Walker

From: kenneth in the (212)
The "Big Guy Himself" stands 6-foot-6, btw.