Monday, October 31, 2016

Harry Reid to James Comey: Release the Explosive Info You Have on Trump’s Russian Ties

From: Towleroad
Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid released a scathing letter to FBI Director James Comey Sunday, accusing Comey of breaking the law in releasing a provocative letter to Congress regarding emails potentially related to the Democratic candidate that he hadn’t even seen yet:

Your actions in recent months have demonstrated a disturbing double standard for the treatment of sensitive information, with what appears to be a clear intent to aid one political party over another. I am writing to inform you that my office has determined that these actions may violate the Hatch Act, which bars FBI officials from using their official authority to influence an election. Through your partisan actions, you may have broken the law.

He charged Comey with withholding information regarding Donald Trump’s ties to the Russian government:

In my communications with you and other top officials in the national security community, it has become clear that you possess explosive information about close ties and coordination between Donald Trump, his top advisors, and the Russian government – a foreign interest openly hostile to the United States, which Trump praises at every opportunity. The public has a right to know this information. I wrote to you months ago calling for this information to be released to the public. There is no danger to American interests from releasing it. And yet, you continue to resist calls to inform the public of this critical information.

And he says he was wrong to have fought for Comey’s appointment, as it now appears Comey has used his position to execute a nauseating political intervention into a US election:
The clear double-standard established by your actions strongly suggests that your highly selective approach to publicizing information, along with your timing, was intended for the success or failure of a partisan candidate or political group.
Please keep in mind that I have been a supporter of yours in the past. When Republicans filibustered your nomination and delayed your confirmation longer than any previous nominee to your position, I led the fight to get you confirmed because I believed you to be a principled public servant.
With the deepest regret, I now see that I was wrong.

Handsome Devils: Behind the Scenes

From: Favorite Hunks & Other Things
I hasten to point out that it is against the studio’s genetic code to show our models in anything less than their very best. We’re not at all sure that “ghoulish” makeup meets that test. So that the viewers can appreciate the men beneath the makeup, we are including a handful of shots that the studio has done sans makeup. Our work with Mason in both New York and Hollywood will be released in early 2017, as will the most recent session with Ricardo, previewed here.

Wes, New Manhattan Studios

Ricardo is featured in two New Manhattan Studios publications, including a recent issue of Captured Shadows. Viewers wanting to see more of Ricardo (and dozens of other models) at New Manhattan Studios can click here.

Austin Wilde - Guys In Sweatpants

 Austin Wilde
29 years old
5′ 9″ | 165 pounds | 8 inches, cut

"Hey guys, welcome to my site! It’s been a long time in the making, but here it is. As you know from my past four years in the biz, I take a lot of pride in my work. I've been a performer my whole career, but now I’m ready to do something real. My goal for the site is to shoot (and give you) hot, fun, REAL sex … and so far, I think I've done a pretty good job at it.

I was born and raised in Saint Louis. I like to stay active (basketball and the gym 5 or 6 days a week), unless it’s cold out, then I just stay in and masturbate/work on video editing (my new favorite thing).
Making out is my favorite thing to do sexually. Eating ass is my second favorite thing to do. I’m usually a top, but don’t threaten me with nine inch uncut cock. If you don’t already, follow me on Twitter, @AustinWilde" -- Austin Wilde

GoT’s Dean-Charles Chapman Caught in Alleged Webcam Scandal with Cousin

From: Cocktails and Cocktalk

Footage has emerged online claiming to be King Tommen Baratheon stroking his sceptre, with his cousin. We’ve heard through the grapevine that the pair were polishing their crown jewels for a girl, through the webcam chat site, Omegle. The few Twitter accounts that have posted the video, and even a couple mentioning the sexcapade have been suspended, while a couple of low-key forum sites have taken down their posts. A while we weren’t 100% sure whether it was him or not, the removal of the posts is slightly suspicious.

Some people have responded to the video, saying that the boys looks underage/or are underage – while others have intervened to state that the incident took place just recently, and that Dean-Charles Chapman is 19.

Curious? HERE’S THE LINK. Though we can’t guarantee how long it’ll be online.

Gay Billionaire Peter Thiel: “What Trump Represents Isn’t Crazy And It’s Not Going Away”

“I don’t agree with everything Donald Trump has said and done, and I don’t think the millions of other people voting for him do, either.”
From: NewNowNext
 Paypal founder Peter Thiel has been an unexpected Donald Trump booster, speaking this summer at the Republican National Convention and writing a $1.25 million check to the Trump campaign earlier this month.

 In a press conference today, the gay billionaire unpacked his support for the maverick reality TV star, saying he points “toward a new Republican Party beyond the dogmas of Reaganism… even beyond the remaking of one party to a new American politics that overcomes denial, rejects bubble-thinking and reckons with reality.”

“No matter what happens in this election, what Trump represents isn’t crazy and it’s not going away,” said Thiel, an early investor in Facebook.

“When the distracting spectacles of this election season are forgotten and the history of our time is written, the only important question will be whether or not that new politics came too late.”

He admitted he doesn’t agree with everything Trump has said and done, and doesn’t believe his supporters do either.

“Nobody thinks his comments about women were acceptable… But I don’t think the voters pull a lever in order to endorse a candidate’s flaws.”

Thiel doesn’t seem to be endorsing Trump at all, so much as he’s endorsing anything but the status quo, explaining, “We’re voting for Trump because we judge the leadership of our country to have failed.”

FAGONY AUNT: Tom Daley Seeks Advice

From: Cocktails and Cocktalk
Dear Fagony Aunt, 

For years there’s been speculation over my sexuality – possibly because my career requires me to wear very skimpy speedos – and I’ve finally came out as bisexual. I’ve found a man that makes me very happy and no longer care what people think. While my family and most of my fans have been supported I have received some spiteful backlash on social networks and wonder if it’s all been worth it. 

Anonymous Olympic Diver

Dear Diver,

Firstly, whether you like both genders, just elderly rich men, or men that tuck their willies between their legs and wear dresses – welcome! *Oprah hug*

Secondly, give yourself a pat on the back – or have your new man nosh you off – to say well done for publicly overcoming a big step in a gay man’s life (I understand you define yourself as “bisexual”… but we’ll see). Even though we have come so far, there are still a lot of things a gay man is not allowed to do, i.e; go cruising in the theatre, wear crocs, masturbate on a bus and DIY (that’s what we have lesbian friends for) – and so it isn’t a wonder that there are still some haters out there. It’s important to bare in mind that these Twitter Trolls are “people” that hide behind their computers throwing bitchy comments because the most exciting thing going on in their lives is that rogue Quaver they found in their pubes from three days ago. The haters are jealous because you’ve got a hot body (probably a Bugatti and a Masuratti) – and now a man… something they’ve never had – unless you count the battered old vibrator they think nobody knows about. Also worth baring in mind, is that a high percentage of these haters are probably jealous bottoms that are now loathing the fact there’s another fit lad that their fella will imagining when he’s having sex with them. You did good – and your Vauxhall survival kit is in the post.

Air kisses,
Fagony Aunt

If you have a problem, you can speak confidentially to Fagony Aunt at:

Bob The Drag Queen And Kim Chi Reunite For a Halloween Bloodbath In NYC

"I wanted to come dressed as the executioner of everyone who came to the party."
From: NewNowNext
 “Let there be blood.” That was the unofficial motto last night at the Copacabana in Times Square, where Bob the Drag Queen and Kim Chi served up Halloween realness at the Bloodbath party, featuring semi-naked muscle boys, drag princesses, Power Rangers and more.

“Me and [business partner Mitch Ferrino] have always wanted to hire all of the New York queens and pay them a fierce wage and get together,” Bob told NewNowNext. “You don’t have to pick and choose where to party—you can party in one spot with all of us.”

How economical!

Bob described her outfit, created by Season Four queen LaShauwn Beyond, as “a blood-spatter gown with just a touch of bloody-lady pussy.”

Later in the night, she performed her new track, also titled “Bloodbath.” The video, which dropped on Friday, is appropriately spooky but was a bit of a rush job.

“It was directed by me and my friend Cheyenne Picardo,” Bob told us. “We did it five days ago. From scratch to finish, it took us three days.”

There was plenty of drag talent on hand: Dusty Ray Bottoms performed a medley that ended with “Bottom of the River” by Delta Rae, while Pixie Aventura conjured up tunes from Wicked. Both were on fire—literally, at one point.

Other notable queens in attendance included Monet X Change, Sasha Valour and Aja, with Alex Newell running around in a black leather dominatrix look.

Then, of course, there was the queen of costume couture herself, Kim Chi, sporting head-to-toe rubber.

“I knew the theme was Bloodbath, says Bob’s Season 8 co-star, “so I wanted to come dressed as the executioner of everyone who came to the party. Queen Of All The Killers!”
A photo posted by kimchi_chic (@kimchi_chic) on

Pointing to the latex lumps protruding from her body, she declared, “These are intestines.”

She was there judge the costume competition, with $3,000 to the grand-prize winner.

“I am looking for creativity and their attention to detail,” Kim explained. “Attention to details like rhinestones or hemmed edges is what really separates a hot-glued mess from a couture piece.”

Are you listening Season 9 queens?

Check out more from Bloodbath below.

A photo posted by Sasha Velour (@sashavelour) on

“Hocus Pocus” Meets “Hamilton” In “The Sanderson Sisters” Parody Video

"How unlucky we are to be alive right now!"
From: NewNowNext
It was only a matter of time before the Halloween classic Hocus Pocus received the Hamilton treatment—now the Sanderson Sisters have replaced the Schuyler Sisters in a parody of the hit Broadway musical.

Watch as Winifred and her sisters run amok around Salem—”the gravest city in the world”—looking for their boooooook of spells and cursing being alive again.

What magical spell do we have to cast to make a full-length Hocus Pocus musical a reality?

Watch the music video from Nina West below.

‘I Believe Evan McMullin Is Gay’: White Nationalist Releases Pro-Trump Robocall in Utah

From: Towleroad
 A California-based white nationalist named William Johnson is trying to rout Evan McMullin’s chances in Utah with a robo-call claiming McMullin may be gay.

As The Daily Beast points out, the call is no doubt in response to McMullin’s strong showing in the beehive state. With just days until the election, McMullin is within striking distance of Trump and could very will win the state.

McMullin announced he would run for president to give conservative voters an alternative to Trump. McMullin hails from Utah and is Mormon.

Says Johnson in his robocall which rolls out today,

 “Hello, My name is William Johnson. I am a farmer and a white nationalist. I make this call against Evan McMullin and in support of Donald Trump. Evan McMullin is an open borders, amnesty supporter. Evan has two mommies. His mother is a lesbian, married to another woman. Evan is okay with that. Indeed Evan supports the Supreme Court ruling legalizing gay marriage. Evan is over 40 years old and is not married and doesn’t even have a girlfriend. I believe Evan is a closet homosexual. Don’t vote for Evan McMullin. Vote for Donald Trump. He will respect all women and be a president we can all be proud of.”

Johnson is well known at the Southern Poverty Law Center who writes of him,

“As early as 1985, Johnson proposed a constitutional amendment that would revoke the American citizenship of every nonwhite inhabitant of the United States. A quarter century later, in 2010, he was still actively supporting white nationalist causes, serving as chairman of the racist American Third Position political party (renamed American Freedom Party in 2013), established the prior year. The party wants to run racist candidates nationwide.”

McMullin fought back against Johnson’s attack, labeling it “desperate” and consistent with Trump’s “bigoted, deceitful campaign and vision for America.”

McMullin also called out GOP chair Reince Preibus, writing, “this is your nominee and your supporter. They’re defining you with white nationalism. Will you continue to embrace them?”

The Daily Beast reports:

When asked what evidence he has for any of these claims, Johnson emailed The Daily Beast: “Wikipedia tells his story (about his mother). Also, if you Google him, it readily comes up. I said that ‘I think he is a closet homosexual.’ Calling someone a homosexual is no longer defamation. Also, he is a public figure. Word on the street is that he is gay.”
The white-nationalist leader added that “There are a lot of homosexual Mormons, some struggling to stay in the Church and some who are bitter.” He cited a Reddit thread full of unverified claims about McMullin’s alleged homosexuality.
In response to news of the ad, McMullin tweeted that this is “another desperate attack” by “Trump and his racist supporters” as his lead continues to diminish in Utah. “This attack is consistent with [Trump’s] bigoted, deceitful campaign and vision for America. Utahns won’t be fooled,” he later added.

Despite Johnson’s robocall, McMullin is on record as saying he believes marriage should be between a man and a woman.

Johnson told The Daily Beast that the robocalls will reach a minimum of 193,000 people who use residential landlines in Utah between today and Wednesday. The robocalls reportedly cost him $2,000.

Johnson also says he has donated close to the limit of $2,500 to Trump’s campaign.

For a look at how McMullin could win Utah, check out these two clips from MSNBC.


From: Speed o Rex

Tyler Hoechlin, Colton Haynes

Ryan Scott Nelson