Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Classic Television - Special

A Charlie Brown Christmas
Original channel
Original airing
December 9, 1965
Voices of
Peter Robbins
Chris Shea
Tracy Stratford
Kathy Steinberg
Chris Doran
Geoffrey Ornstein
Karen Mendelson
Sally Dryer
Anne Altieri
Bill Melendez
A Charlie Brown Christmas is the first prime-time animated TV special based upon the comic strip Peanuts, by Charles M. Schulz. It was produced and directed by former Disney, Warner Bros. and UPA animator Bill Melendez, who also supplied the voice for the character of Snoopy. Initially sponsored by Coca-Cola, the special debuted on CBS in 1965, and has been aired in the USA during the Christmas season every year since: on CBS through 2000, and on ABC since 2001. Long an annual telecast, the special is now shown at least twice during the weeks leading up to Christmas. The special has been honored with both an Emmy and Peabody Award.

Classic Television - Special

The Night the Animals Talked
Original Network
Original Air Date
December 9, 1970
Starring the Voices of:
Joe Silver
Pat Bright
Bob Kaliban
Frank Porella
Ruth Franklin
Ardyth Kayser
Len Maxwell
The Night the Animals Talked is an animated children's Christmas special first shown on ABC television on December 9, 1970. It was broadcast only four times on ABC, from 1970 through 1973.
The Night the Animals Talked was produced by Gino Gavioli and Roberto Gavioli's Gamma Film of Milan, Italy, and was directed by animation veteran Shamus Culhane. The story evolved from an MGM Records children's recording written by writer and voice over artist Peter Fernandez. Although the copyright status of this film is uncertain, bootleg copies are common.
The special focuses on an old Norwegian holiday legend regarding the birth of Jesus Christ. The plot focuses on a simple stable, which suddenly is showered with light from the star that guided travelers to the Christ child. The animals stir, and when they awaken they realize they can communicate with each other. At first, the animals use the ability to disparage each other and to establish superiority over each other, especially over the two hogs who are not allowed into the stable. An ox, the apparent leader of the animals, is angered by such behavior, as it reveals they are acting like humans. The animals realize the error of their ways, and attempt to make amends when word reaches them (through the mule carrying Mary) that an expectant couple desperately needs shelter.
At first, the animals refuse to allow the humans into the manger, as they look down on them and their behavior. But, the animals relent, and Mary and Joseph are allowed into the stable for the night. That night, as the Christ child is born, the animals are overwhelmed with love for each other—even the hogs are allowed into the stable for the first time to see the baby. Then, the animals come to the realization that they have been given the gift of speech to tell the world of the "miracle"--the birth of Christ. However, as they run through Bethlehem, each animal loses his gift, and they return to the stable in silence—but with new found respect and love for each other. The ox, the last to lose his speech, is left to wonder if humanity will ever understand the miracle it has been given.