Monday, January 13, 2014

Dish of the Day #1317: Cool Pool Boys Who Make Me Warm Week

Every Monday through Friday a new Dish of the Day is featured. If you haven't yet voted in last week's Deep Dish Pool Party, choose your three favorite hunks in the sidebar poll here. 

Josh & Ben - New York Straight Men

 "Ben had been lusting after Josh, the Ginger Giant, ever since he first appeared on NYSM. Josh agreed to let Ben worship and service him. We thought it would be hot to see one redhead on another and we were right!"


From: Manhunt Daily
This three-part series began in November 2012, but we’ll give it a pass since the final installment came out in early January. (It’s also one of my all-time favorites from the project.) Part one deals with quantity, part two focuses on flavor, and finally, part three will help you go for distance.

COLBY KELLER IS BACK! We missed our Manhunt Daily resident “sexpert” and we know you did, too. We’ve got a LOAD of new “In Bed With Colby Keller” vids guaranteed to entertain and inform.

Speaking of loads, Colby’s next three vids comprise an epic. An epic about cum. Yes, Mr. Keller is doing a three part series on joy juice, baby batter, spunk, jizz, whatever word you use for semen. He’s going to clear up every misconception you ever had about the sticky stuff that usually signals the end of a satisfying sexual encounter, and give you advice on how to improve your workload. So to speak.

Hope you had a Merry Christmas, everybody! Here’s Colby Keller telling you all about cum flavors! I’d much rather watch this amusing and informative video about semen than some “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” bullshit.

We’re returning you post-sex toy series to Colby’s tutorials on jizz. Did you see Part 1? Our “In Bed With Colby Keller” vids are on a 60 Minutes/Dr. Oz-level! You learn stuff about sex! And Colby is so adorable. I want to run my fingers through his hair while he’s sucking my cock.

Oh, I would explore his magic kingdom. Colby Keller finishes up his insightful 3-part series on cum this week. Our resident Manhunt “sexpert” tackles topics like shooting bigger loads, edging, and other jizz-related topics. Seriously, my sex education was pretty poor back in the day, so I usually winged it. Truth be told, I honestly learn things from Colby! And you will, too. 

Universal Hunks: 1895-1975

From: OUT
Tarik Akan
Turkish oil wrestling is as popular today as it was 300 years ago. In this publicity photo, actor Tarik Akan (b. 1949) (stage name Tarik Uregul) poses as the wrestler Bilal in the 1984 film Pehlivan (Wrestler). In the film, wrestling becomes a metaphor for the difficult position that many Turks find themselves in, suspended uncomfortably between the modern and traditional worlds.

Guess His Dick #16: Reveal

From: Queer Click
 We can tell that the suspense has been killing you, so we'll put you out of your misery. This week's contestant is a bad boy punk-type that you're dying to bring home to mom -- assuming your mom is Courtney Love, of course. But what's his dick like? Giant? Tiny? Cut? Pierced? Tattooed?! (Dick tattoos are all the rage these days, after all.) Check it out.


The verDICKt? 
7.5 inches, cut 
We like to call this kind of dick a starter dick because it's long and a little on the thin side. Are you new to the world of big dicks? You need a starter dick to break you in before you take on the monster cocks. Get this guy's number.

Mug Shot Monday

Elgin Parfait Jr. looks good enough to eat. See what this bad boy did to get the police hot on his trail HERE.


From: Manhunt Daily
A documentary about iconic gay porn star François Sagat? YES PLEASE! Again, this might break the “non-porn” rule to some extent, but I’m genuinely interested about learning what makes this man tick. Cameos by Dean Monroe and the late Wilfried Knight are only icing on the cake.

(This one is all about the butt.)


From: Manhunt Daily
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
I ain't even bovvvvered
A short profile.

January 13th is Stephen Foster Memorial Day

Many Americans pay tribute to one of the United States’ finest musicians on Stephen Foster Memorial Day, which is on January 13 each year. Stephen Foster was a songwriter who lived in the 19th century. His songs, such as Oh! Susanna and My Old Kentucky Home, are still popular in modern times.

January 13th is Public Radio Broadcasting Day

Birth of public radio broadcasting is credited to Lee de Forest. A 1907 Lee De Forest company advertisement said,
It will soon be possible to distribute grand opera music from transmitters placed on the stage of the Metropolitan Opera House by a Radio Telephone station on the roof to almost any dwelling in Greater New York and vicinity... The same applies to large cities. Church music, lectures, etc., can be spread abroad by the Radio Telephone."
On January 13, 1910, the first public radio broadcast was an experimental transmission of a live Metropolitan Opera House performance of several famous opera singers

Blades Of Glory — 12 Openly Gay Skaters

From: Queerty
Johnny Weir 
1984 – 
John Garvin "Johnny" Weir-Voronov (born July 2, 1984) is an American figure skater. He is the 2008 World bronze medalist, a two-time Grand Prix Final bronze medalist, the 2001 World Junior Champion, and a three-time U.S. national champion (2004–2006).
Weir was born in Coatesville, Pennsylvania, to John and Patti Weir. He is of Norwegian heritage. He has a brother, Brian, who is four years younger. Weir was raised in Quarryville, Pennsylvania, a town in southern Lancaster County. As a child, he was a successful equestrian, competing with his pony, My Blue Shadow, an Arabian-Shetland cross.
Soon after Weir began skating at the age of 12, his family moved to Newark, Delaware so he could be near his training rink and coach. In the summer of 2007, he moved to Lyndhurst, New Jersey, and began training in nearby Wayne. Weir was an honor roll student at Newark High School and studied linguistics part-time at the University of Delaware before dropping out to concentrate on his skating.  He is a self-proclaimed Russophile who admires the skating style and culture of Russia  and taught himself to speak and read the language. He also speaks some French.
In July 2008, the United States Figure Skating Association and Skating Magazine announced Weir as the winner of the 2008 Reader's Choice Award for Skater of the Year, an annual trophy voted upon by skating fans and awarded to the American skater or skating team whose achievements were of the highest merit in the previous season. In 2010, Weir won this award again.
Weir has two pet chihuahuas named Bon-Bon and Vanya, and is a collector of Russian Cheburashka memorabilia. He has an interest in fashion design and, in addition to designing some of his own skating costumes, has designed ice dancing costumes for Melissa Gregory and Denis Petukhov, show costumes for Oksana Baiul and Yuzuru Hanyu's costume for his free program of 2010-2011 season.
He is Roman Catholic and open to other belief systems, including practicing Kabbalah, stating, "I believe in anything good, and anything that can teach love".
During the 2010 Olympics two Canadian broadcasters commented on Weir's flamboyant demeanor, made derogatory comments about his sexuality, and questioned his gender.
Weir's sexual orientation had long been the subject of media speculation; however, when asked about his sexuality, Weir responded "'s not part of my sport and it's private. I can sleep with whomever I choose and it doesn't affect what I'm doing on the ice." In his memoir Welcome to My World, published January 2011, Weir officially came out as gay, citing a string of gay youth suicides as one reason for his decision: "With people killing themselves and being scared into the closet, I hope that even just one person can gain strength from my story."
In 2010 a main-belt asteroid, discovered in 1995 by T. V. Kryachko, was officially named after the skater, at the suggestion of his Russian fans.
Weir married Victor Voronov – a 28-year-old Georgetown Law graduate of Russian Jewish descent – in a December 2011 civil ceremony on New Year's Eve in New York City. Weir said, the "wedding [will be] in the summer, but all the official stuff is done now!" Weir's representative said, "The couple has taken the new surname, Weir-Voronov, but professionally, Johnny will continue to be known as Johnny Weir." In February 2012, Weir stated that he was considering converting to Judaism.

January 13th is National Clean Off Your Desk Day

Clean Off Your Desk Day heralds the beginning of some serious spring cleaning. Do you really need all that junk, old paperwork and mess on your desk? If the answer’s no, take the opportunity to do a little tidying!

10 Best Moments In The World Of Underwear, 2013

From: Queerty

By the time April rolled around this year, we caught some celebrities showing their junk off. Once again Zac Efron gave us another glimpse of what he’s packing below. David Beckham hiked up his shorts for us during a Galaxy game, John Mayer channeled Borat’s one piece swimsuit, Jon Hamm free balled while Mark Wahlberg stepped outside and showed us his sunny side up in boxer briefs and a tank top.


From: Manhunt Daily
Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA
Hot BB/FF Poz Btm
Visiting Ft Lauderdale seeking experienced FF top man.

Live in PA full time, but in NYC one night a week. (usually Tues)
I love HUGE cock, huge cock double fucks, and Fisting. I have my masters in bottoming.
(I am aka Brandon Hawk ) NO PNP

Know your status and own it. Please educate yourselves on what undetectable really means. We don't need to know what races you aren't need to type that out. You can ignore or block freely without being openly racist. No, I won't "charge you up," I'm a bottom. If you write "hey, hi, sup" or anything like it, I will not likely respond. if you don't unlock, i definitely won't respond. Face picts required. So, all that makes me seem mean or bitchy, I know. If you have gotten this far, you will be interested to know i am actually very funny and easy going and good in bed. i just get bothered by mean, ignorant and/or racist people.
**I was told to calm down and get off my soapbox by a 61 year old man on here with no profile text and no picture. Proving my point..

**if you relock your picts every time you sign off, we are NOT a match. Relax. Likely that no one is using your pictures.

Accept This Rose: The 9 Hottest “Bachelor” Stars

From: The Backlot
Travis Lane Stork 
Season 8

He’s not just any doctor; he’s a doctor on the talk show The Doctors! Like I said, real world legitimacy is a major component of Bachelor attractiveness, and Travis’ self-assured demeanor made him practically an un-guilty pleasure, which is the opposite of the show’s appeal. He also dated Carrie Underwood, in case that fills your loins with intense desire.

January 13th is Rubber Duckie Day

Start running the bath, it’s Rubber Duckie Day! Celebrate by taking a rubber duck (or taking a whole load of rubber ducks) in the bath and acting out small, theatrical scenes of your choosing. Why not try Macbeth, or your favorite opera?


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