Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The history of Brian Wilson's facial hair

From:  Yahoo Sports has been in negotiations with the 31-year-old baseball pro to have him shave off his beard and they’ve offered him a lucrative 7-figure deal, which would also have Brian Wilson become a brand ambassador for the company. 

“His management feels we need to match his present salary of $1 million at a minimum,” Co-Founder and President of Philip Masiello told Radar
— Radar Online 

Take a look at Wilson's facial hair through the years. Which look do your prefer?

The Dodgers will be welcoming Brian Wilson and his beard to Los Angeles. Wilson, once a clean-shaven and fresh-faced rookie, now sports a grizzly beard that has become more popular than most baseball players. Take a look at the ever-evolving facial hair and see how the beard became the beard that it is today.
(L) Los Angeles Dodgers relief pitcher Brian Wilson watches batting practice before a baseball game against the Miami Marlins, Tuesday, Aug. 20, 2013 in Miami. (R) Brian Wilson of the San Francisco Giants poses during photo day at Scottsdale Stadium on February 23, 2009 in Scottsdale, Arizona

Guess His Dick: DILF Next Door

Photos Removed Per Request  Photo Owner: December 9, 2013

"Can you please take them down. Queer  Click took them down already. I would appreciate if you would as well. I don't know how these pics got on the net. They're old and they're catching up with me now with my marriage. I would appreciate it. If you would take them down. "

From:  Queer Click
 You've seen him next door. You don't know how, but you can just tell that he's a horny bastard. Maybe you've seen him mowing the lawn with his shirt off, sweating profusely. He's the sexy DILF next door, the perfect combination of good guy and horndog, and you've been staring at his package since he moved in!
What's this delicious daddy packing between his beefy thighs? We can't wait to find out, come back tomorrow to find out!

The 11 Gayest Wins in MTV Video Music Award History

From:  The Backlot
 “Everybody Hurts” 
Best Breakthrough Video

REM‘s ballads didn't tend to make big splashes as music videos, but the notable exception is “Everybody Hurts,” this tearful classic where a highway of stalled drivers embrace an impromptu connection, leave their cars, and follow a jauntily attired messiah in Michael Stipe. He looks amazing here, and he’s pouty and overcome and balletic too. Yes always to this gay and powerful songwriter.

Meet the Men of Survivor: Blood vs. Water

Survivor: Blood vs. Water is the upcoming twenty-seventh season of the American CBS competitive reality television series Survivor, which will premiere on Wednesday, September 18, 2013. The season will feature returning castaways and their family members competing against each other. It will be the third consecutive season, and the ninth season overall, to feature returning contestants. As with the previous two seasons, the season was filmed in the Philippines, but this time at Palaui Island, Cagayan. The tribe names are Galang and Tadhana, which mean respect and destiny in Filipino respectively.

A modified version of Redemption Island, a twist formerly seen in Survivor: Redemption Island and Survivor: South Pacific, was utilized after a three-season hiatus. In this season, remaining contestants may choose to switch places with their partner if their partner is on Redemption Island. The game began with a twist called Day Zero, in which each of the ten pairs was marooned in a separate location, spending the night together before congregating as a full cast the following morning and dividing into two tribes. Due to this twist, this season is one of two to last longer than 39 days, after Survivor: The Australian Outback which lasted 42.

Name (Age): Vytas Baskauskas (33)
Tribe Designation: Loved Ones
Relationship to Significant Castaway: Aras Baskauskas’ Brother
Current Residence: Santa Monica, Calif.
Occupation: Yoga Instructor/Math Professor
Personal Claim to Fame: Beating heroin addiction, yoga discipline and receiving a graduate degree in math.
Inspiration in Life: I don’t have one particular hero. I greatly admire the brilliant scientists and mathematicians of the past and also social activists such as Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr.
Hobbies: Movies, music, good food, body surfing and chess.
Pet Peeves: Stupidity and show-offs.
3 Words to Describe You: Smart, strong-willed and unique.
If You Could Have 3 Things on The Island What Would They Be and Why? 1) iPod – love music. 2) Yoga mat – practice every day to keep the body & mind right. 3) Chess set - it's not just a game, it's a way of life.
SURVIVOR Contestant You Are Most Like: The intellect and wit of Jonathan Penner, the likability of Aras Baskauskas and the flirtatiousness of Parvati Shallow.
Reason for Being on SURVIVOR: I want to be on the show for the experience. I truly believe I can outwit, outplay and outlast. Of course I also want the prize.
Why You Think You’ll “Survive” SURVIVOR: I have the necessary elements to make it to the end. I’m strong minded, smart and cunning. Through my addiction, I learned to easily manipulate people and although I don't use that skill as much anymore, it is still there.
Why You Think You Will Be the Sole SURVIVOR: I am very assertive. It is unlike me to not get what I want. I am also smart and sociable so my people skills will do me well. I have a good social awareness. My personality is unique and although I may not be the most-liked, that's not such a bad thing in getting to the end.
What Does It Mean to You to Play Survivor with Your Loved One? Playing with Aras means the world to me. Our relationship hasn't always been the best, but over the past few years, it has definitely begun to improve. I love my brother very much and this experience will surely bring us closer together. That being said, there can only be ONE sole survivor. Aras and I have been competing with each other in almost every way since he was born. This will be the ultimate competition. Whether I win the game or not, I desperately want to beat my brother!

 Name (Age): Aras Baskauskas (31)
Tribe Designation: Returning Player
Relationship to Significant Castaway: Vytas Baskauskas’ Brother
Previous Season: Survivor: Panama – Exile Island, winner
Current Residence: Santa Monica, Calif.
Occupation: Musician
Why Did You Want to Return to Survivor and Play with Your Loved One? I want to play Survivor with Vytas because I know we'll have a great shot at winning. More importantly, I know an experience like Survivor will bring us closer together. Early in our lives, we had a very rocky relationship. Taking on adventures as adults gives us the chance to make up for lost time.
Name (Age): John Cody (30)
Tribe Designation: Loved Ones
Relationship to Significant Castaway: Candice Cody’s Husband
Current Residence: Washington, D.C.
Occupation: Physician, Army Orthopedic Surgery Resident
Personal Claim to Fame: Being a West Point grad, graduating from Georgetown Medical School and training at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center for my Orthopedic Surgery residency.
Inspiration in Life: The Wounded Warriors that we care for at Walter Reed.
Hobbies: Basketball, golf and working out.
Pet Peeves: Slow thinkers, talkers and movers; people who eat paper; illogical, irrational and inflexible people; excuses; mouth breathers.
3 Words to Describe You: Competitive, off-the-cuff, and loyal.
If You Could Have 3 Things on The Island What Would They Be and Why? 1) My wife – someone I can always trust! 2) My dogs – great listeners and never talk back. 3) Deck of cards – helps pass the time.
SURVIVOR Contestant You Are Most Like: I relate most to Mick and Marcus because of my profession. I also relate to Penner and Boston Rob, as smart family oriented guys who realize they have more to play for then just themselves.
Reason for Being on SURVIVOR: This is one of the most intense, intellectual and physical challenges I can think of, and being able to play with Candice will make it that much more interesting and crazy!
Why You Think You’ll “Survive” SURVIVOR: My work ethic, determination, outside-the-box thinking, flexibility and mental toughness.
Why You Think You Will Be the Sole SURVIVOR: I have a well-rounded mix of athleticism, grit and social emotional intelligence.
What Does It Mean to You to Play Survivor with Your Loved One? This will be such an incredible experience and an awesome opportunity for us! How many people can say they've competed in a game for a million dollars with the love of their life? There’s nobody in this world I trust more than Candice and this will be a crazy story for us to tell our kids someday.

Name (Age): Caleb Bankston (26)
Tribe Designation: Loved Ones
Relationship to Significant Castaway: Colton Cumbie’s FiancĂ©
Current Residence: Collinsville, Ala.
Occupation: Post Office Manager/Farmer
Personal Claim to Fame: Shooting a 12 point buck on my first deer hunt.
Inspiration in Life: My momma and dad. They built a small five acre farm into a large cattle/chicken operation and have helped me more than I deserve or could ever return. They are very hard working and focused people and they have taught me how to be a man.
Hobbies: Riding horses, working with my dogs and hunting/fishing.
Pet Peeves: People who don’t put down their cell phones.
3 Words to Describe You: Hard-working, hard-headed and outdoors man.
If You Could Have 3 Things on The Island What Would They Be and Why? 1) My duck call 2) My camouflage Alabama hat 3) A gallon of sweet tea
SURVIVOR Contestant You Are Most Like: JT because we both farm, we are both tough and can do just about anything. We aren't stupid just because we talk slow.
Reason for Being on SURVIVOR: Showing America how farm boys from Alabama do things.
Why You Think You’ll “Survive” SURVIVOR: I can definitely outlast anybody and I won’t have any enemies. 
Why You Think You Will Be the Sole SURVIVOR: I am very good at working with my hands, really good at figuring things out and problem solving.
What Does It Mean to You to Play Survivor with Your Loved One? Survivor made Colton realize a lot of things he didn't know about himself. Some things were good and some were not so good. He grew so much from that experience and I wish I could have been there to experience it with him. When we learned it was a possibility that we could play Survivor together, I jumped at the chance because as much as he grew as a person from the first time playing, I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that our relationship could withstand anything and it would only be strengthened through Survivor. However, on a selfish level, I wanted to help show America what love looks like because it doesn't matter whether it is between two men, two women, or a man and woman. Love is love and I love Colton.

 Name (Age): Colton Cumbie (22)
Tribe Designation: Returning Player
Relationship to Significant Castaway: Caleb Bankston’s FiancĂ©
Previous Season: Survivor: One World – medically evacuated on day 16 due to illness – 6th out
Current Residence: Collinsville, Ala.
Occupation: Student Teacher
Why Did You Want to Return to Survivor and Play with Your Loved One? I probably wouldn't have said yes to returning if not for this specific twist. Last time I played I was extremely homesick and missed Caleb like crazy. He is my best friend and probably is the one between the two of us who should've been on Survivor in the first place. While I'm a highly emotional person, Caleb is very logical. He also keeps me calm in stressful situations. Having him with me will give me the emotional stability I need to combine with my already strong concept of strategy.
 Name (Age): Gervase Peterson (43)
Tribe Designation: Returning Player
Relationship to Significant Castaway: Marissa Peterson’s Uncle
Previous Season: Survivor: Borneo – 3rd jury member
Current Residence: Philadelphia, Pa.
Occupation: Cigar Lounge Owner
Why Did You Want to Return to Survivor and Play with Your Loved One? I wanted to return to Survivor because I felt that I could win the game if given another chance, and what better way to play than to play with my niece, Marissa. She is just as driven, focused and competitive as me. This is the ultimate experience and I get to share it with her.
 Name (Age): Hayden Moss (26)
Tribe Designation: Loved Ones
Relationship to Significant Castaway: Kat Edorsson’s Boyfriend
Current Residence: Springtown, Texas
Occupation: Real Estate
Personal Claim to Fame: Winning Big Brother 12.
Inspiration in Life: My Grandpa - he is the best person I know and someday I hope to be as cool as him.
Hobbies: Snowboarding, working out and traveling.
Pet Peeves: Wrinkly clothes.
3 Words to Describe You: Athletic, popular and respectful.
If You Could Have 3 Things on The Island What Would They Be and Why? I would bring my Ipod because music makes everything better and a surfboard. I really need to learn how to surf.
Why You Think You’ll “Survive” SURVIVOR: I have already played and won a game very similar to Survivor.
What Does It Mean to You to Play Survivor with Your Loved One? Survivor is the adventure of a lifetime, and being able to share that adventure with someone I love is amazing! I can't wait to compete with or against Kat, and watch our relationship grow!

 Name (Age): Brad Culpepper (44)
Tribe Designation: Loved Ones
Relationship to Significant Castaway: Monica Culpepper ’s Husband
Current Residence: Tampa, Fla.
Occupation: Attorney and retired NFL player. Played for the Minnesota Vikings, Tampa Bay Buccaneers and Chicago Bears.
Personal Claim to Fame: My 21 year marriage.
Inspiration in Life: Monica, because she is selfless in her drive to improve our family.
Hobbies: Any outdoor adventure, kickboxing and gardening.
Pet Peeves: Hypocrisy and long goodbyes.
3 Words to Describe You: Tenacious, independent and forward thinking.
SURVIVOR Contestant You Are Most Like: The outdoorsy types like Ozzy, Colby and the first time Skupin played.
Reason for Being on SURVIVOR: Redeem my wife for being blindsided by Colton.
Why You Think You’ll “Survive” SURVIVOR: Learning from my wife’s experience, I know I can never truly trust anyone. I’ll play paranoid and always play my angle.
Why You Think You Will Be the Sole SURVIVOR: I grew up in a stilt house on Dog Island in the Gulf of Mexico, spent 18 years in various locker rooms dealing with all kinds, and have devoted my last 12 years as a trial attorney, persuading people to understand my clients’ positions.
What Does It Mean to You to Play Survivor with Your Loved One? Monica means more to me than anyone in this world. While this is a once in a lifetime opportunity, I will always place her before me as I would never want to jeopardize her Survivor flame.

 Name (Age): Rupert Boneham (49)
Tribe Designation: Returning Player
Relationship to Significant Castaway: Laura Boneham’s Husband
Previous Season: Survivor: Pearl Island – 2nd jury member; Survivor: All Stars – 6th jury member, won $1 million for fan favorite; Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains – 7th jury member
Current Residence: Indianapolis, Ind.
Occupation: Mentor for Troubled Teens
Why Did You Want to Return to Survivor and Play with Your Loved One? Survivor has been one of the most exciting experiences in my life. And to have the chance to share that with my wife is amazing. To have Laura out there on the island with me, we will have the chance to share one of the greatest adventures one can have. You can describe what Survivor is like, but until you've lived it, it is hard to understand. To be able to go out and play with my best friend will be a dream come true.
Name (Age): Tyson Apostol (34)
Tribe Designation :Returning Player
Relationship to Significant Castaway: Rachel Foulger’s Boyfriend
Previous Season: Survivor: Tocantins – 2nd jury member; Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains – 6th voted out.
Current Residence: Provo, Utah
Occupation: Former Pro Cyclist/Shop Manager
Why Did You Want to Return to Survivor and Play with Your Loved One? I returned to Survivor to play with my loved one so we could make some sweet cash, have a rad experience and an excuse to take all life’s responsibilities off for a couple months.

Queerism - 20 on 40

noun: A term which refers to a 40 year old guy with a 20 year old look, usually in a desperate attempt to be young again.

QQ Magazine - December 1975

QQ's Man of The Month
By Wolfgang Selitsh


Mates of State: "We'd Rather Go Naked Than Wear Fur"

Mates of State are an American indie pop duo, active since 1997. The group is composed of the husband-and-wife team of Kori Gardner (vocals, organ, synthesizer, piano, electric piano, and occasional guitar) and Jason Hammel (vocals, drums, percussion, and occasional synthesizer).
During the course of the band's career, they've released three EPs and six full-length, studio albums. Their seventh album Mountaintops was released on September 13, 2011.

Kevin Zegers Wanking?

From:  Queer Click
 Air Bud hottie, Canadian actor/model Kevin Zegers was photographed stroking his cock?
 Kevin Joseph Zegers (born September 19, 1984) is a Canadian actor and model. He played the role of Josh Framm in the Air Bud film series, Damien Dalgaard in the CW teen drama Gossip Girl and the protagonist in Rock Mafia's music video The Big Bang. He also had a lead role in the film Transamerica. He had also starred in the films Dawn of the Dead, It's a Boy Girl Thing, The City of Bones, The Jane Austen Book Club, Fifty Dead Men Walking, and Frozen.




 Is that really him? 
Tell us what you think.

Mike Shouhed

 Shouhed is a commercial real estate agent in Los Angeles. He is a graduate of UCLA. After losing some money in the Las Vegas commercial real estate market, he has moved back home to rebuild. He and his family are Persian Jews. One of his brothers is a dentist. In January 2013, Shouhed announced he was going to be featured in a photo shoot for Playgirl.