Sunday, June 23, 2013

Juice - 1984

 Juice is a wild, wonderful ride from the first sleazy second to the last, cum-drenched frame. Director Arthur Bressan, Jr. is more concerned with mood than plot and it pays off in brilliantly sexy vignettes that are connected through beautifully shot scenes of New York City and climax in a dizzying montage of man-flesh. This film starts out like a tease, with a handful of solo sequences and furtive blowjobs, but when Juice kicks into gear, watch out: it's one hell of a blue movie experience.
The fabulously ridiculous theme-song, featuring a male chorus gleefully chanting "Juice, it's a wild sensation! Juice, it's an inspiration!", sets an ecstatic tone as the credits roll. The excitement continues as the camera sneaks into hunk Michael Christopher's bedroom (he is STUNNN-NANG!!) just in time to catch him getting a hand job from an unseen bed mate. The doorbell rings just as Christopher pushes his big beef into his pal's ass. Damn. He gets a note from his editor at Juice, the dirty magazine for which he is the head photographer.
Big boss Eric Ryan is unhappy with his work and wants some quality smut within forty-eight hours or his career at the magazine is over. So Christopher goes on a mission to gather potential models, but not before he takes a trip into his darkroom for a little jerk-off session with some shots he took earlier of a blonde jogger, Vincent Thomas.
After he shoots the skuzz, he calls two friends to arrange a photo shoot. He catches them in mid-sixty-nine. Luckily, these two muscle queens return later in the film and go full force anal; for now, though, their scene is cut short. Christopher argues with his editor and is told to cruise the peepshows and dirty bookstores for potential models. What he finds in the back rooms is a stud in aviator glasses who just wants to smoke Christopher's thick, sweet sausage.
Finally he encounters a Latino in a video arcade who follows him home and models his uncut hanger in front of an American flag. He gives Christopher a deep throat hummer (which is strange because you'd think he'd be the one to get paid).
From here on in Juice becomes a frenzy of inter cut scenes that build and build until every single man spills generous slime. Christopher fantasizes about love, the jogger, and hooks up with a wiry brunette, Eric Ryan and his office assistant do it doggie while watching a dirty movie, Christopher gets wild with two men, and the muscle queens reappear to finish what they started some twenty minutes before.
Christopher returns to work, shooting the muscle queens and then paying them with dick, and finishes his whirlwind tour-de-flesh with the blond jogger Vincent Thomas. It's rare to see this much sex, not to mention
great sex, in one single film. Juice ice an extraordinary vintage gay porn classic, so do the right thing and suck down some Juice as soon as you can.
"Two metaphors come to mind in describing Juice. One: It is like a fugue, with one theme, character, or sequence giving way to another, returning, blending, contrasting, functioning contrapuntally against each other. Two: It is like shimmering pieces of glass, a series of vivid sexual images shattering across the screen, not in loop-like sex scenes that have a through line from beginning to end, but in fragments that tantalize, titillate, vanish, and reappear, until all of them are brought together in one remarkable series of orgasms that give the film's title more than one meaning. There has probably never been a more prolonged series of money shots in adult film history."-- Manshots
Year: 1984 
Cast: Eric Ryan; Michael Christopher; Vincent Thomas; Robert Vega; Jeff Stone; Butch La Cross; Francesco Lorca; Jeremy Scott; Andrew Dupree 
Length: 72 
Studio: Mark V Marketing; \
Bijou Director: Arthur Bressan, Jr.
Read more about the film (or grab a copy) at Bijou Video.


 "Mike Enders, who you quite possibly know as The Accidental Bear, has a big month ahead of him, with the launch of a five-city concert tour kicking off right after the 4th. Running up and down the West Coast and then crossing over for a grand finale in New York, the tour will raise some much needed funds for LGBTQ mental health organizations that are based in each of the tour’s stops. So you can see a bunch of hot musical queers and help some really important under-served communities at the same time. Everybody’s a winner!

Mike took some time out of luring hot men into his bathroom—er, I mean tour planning—to answer some questions for me."

- Lawrence
 Lawrence: How are you doing?

Mike Enders: Things are busy busy! I’m a little nervous getting interviewed. You have so much less control when you’re on this side of the table.

I know. I’m sorry I couldn't invite you over to talk in my bathtub. That might have been less weird for you. Or weirder, maybe. So, how’s the tour coming?

It’s coming along really well. This is by far the largest thing that I have ever tried to do. It’s all coming to the end now, on the planning side, and I’m starting to see some light. I’m doing this pretty much by myself, so I’m the tour organizer, the travel agent, the promotions manager… I may have gotten a few more gray hairs in the last month or two.

What gave you the idea to do this?

I had a big party in San Francisco for the two year anniversary of the site, and it just went so well. That was back in February. And I realized I want to do more with live music. At the time, it seemed like every week there was some high profile gay person committing suicide, and I was really blown away that this kept happening. And eventually I got to thinking how this would be a good benefit.
 Tell me a little bit about who’s performing. Since we’re one of the big sponsors, we’re actually interviewing all of the artists next week, but give us the short version.

Logan Lynn is a singer-songwriter. And there’s Big Dipper, who right now seems to be everywhere, exploding like crazy. He actually played the show in February. There’s also Rica Shay from New York, and Conquistador, and Darling Gunsel. There’s actually a free thirteen song compilation with all the artists that you can download for free. It’ll be a fun crowd for sure. Each of them can hold their own and has their own audience. They’re all very lively.

So where’s the tour stopping.

We’ll be in five cities this year. San Francisco first on July 5th, and then LA on July 7th, Portland on July 11th, Seattle on July 14th, and then we wrap up in New York on July 19th. It’s all a lot of logistics right now. And there’s five artists, which means five egos and five sets of personalities. There’s a videographer from New York who’s traveling with us making a film. And also capturing everybody’s most undesirable moments, I hope! His name’s Run Shaya. It’s a far off goal right now. but we’re hoping to have something to present at film festivals next year.

Tickets for the tour are already on sale. There’s a link on the site for that, too.
 Where’s the New York show? I’m on the East Coast!

New York is at Webster Hall, which a lot of people seem impressed by. We’re trying to really pack all of these venues, and there’s so much going on everywhere in the summer. In New York, and also Bear Week is in Provincetown that weekend.

Oh, Bear Week. I always go for one or two days. Half the reason I go is as an excuse to eat at this one South African restaurant that’s there.

I’m actually going to be there for the first time ever right after Bear Week. People keep telling me about the beaches, but I lived in Hawaii for ten years, so it’s really hard for me to stop comparing the beaches to the beaches in Hawaii.

Yeah, they’re great beaches, but they’re probably not comparable to Hawaii. But let’s go back to the tour for a minute…

Oh, tour t-shirts for the tour designed by Ed Luce!
Oh, I love his Wuvable Oaf comics!

Yeah. Those came in about a week ago, and they’re available on the site now as well. Each performer’s making their own cool merch for each show. And I’m going to be there! In San Francisco, one of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence is a guest MC. In LA, Jonny McGovern is guest performing, and he donated his time to the tour for this. And there are free blowjobs in the bathroom! Wait, did I just say that?

And while all this is happening you’re still updating The Accidental Bear.

I am! The site itself—I feel like calling it a blog lessens it—it’s going so, so so well. We started out with five hundred, six hundred hits a day, and the numbers haven’t stopped going up since day one. The site itself is going really phenomenally. So after the tour I’m sitting down with people because right now I can’t even respond to all the emails, and it’s just little me in my boxer shorts sitting on the couch with my cats. So the next year’s going to have a lot of restructuring. I started a PR firm, ABPR Management, out of the site but I haven’t had too much time to concentrate on it yet. So after the tour I’m going to get help, find interns, hire people…

And what else is in the stars? Think you’ll do this again, or is it a one-time thing?

It’s going really well, though. I keep hearing from people across that country—even as far away as New Zealand—who are looking to get involved. I’d really like to have a year two or year three and reach more cities. As for right now, I’m actually heading out now to interview a singer before he performs at Amoeba Records tonight.

Paul Specht’s Photographs Featured at Pentimento Gallery in Toronto

 Pentimento Gallery is pleased to present the work of Paul Specht. Join us as we celebrate Pride with a collection from the Boston photographer.

Paul Specht grew up in a suburban subdivision of Boston’s north shore. He developed his love of photography from his father who gave him his first 110 camera. He attended the University of Massachusetts Amherst to pursue a Fine Art degree in printmaking before graduating from Boston’s New England School of Photography where he studied portraiture and advertising. Paul relishes in the individual, details of personal spaces and the intimacy created within in an image.

The Show will run from June 15 – July 14

A selection of images from the show here.
Follow Paul Specht on FACEBOOK, FLICKR, TUMBLR and at,

Adrian Shirtless from OMG Brazil Blog

 Another hot guy from OMG Brazil Blog, Adrian is a good looking guy, love his cheeky smile , sexy mascular physique and very nice bulge underwear, he would make the day go very well.


"I can’t get the song out of my head! “Straight dudes skipping! Straight dudes skipping!” My mind is on fire with it! I WILL NEVER NOT HEAR IT! Here’s the guys (or guy) from pleated-jeans on YouTube with a simple but satisfying tribute to bromance. Just cuz’ two guys are holding hands and skipping (as well as engaging in tickle breaks) doesn't mean they’re sucking each other’s dicks. It might be a CLUE, but it doesn't make it fact.

Check out “Straight Dudes Skipping” below and I dare you not to get it stuck in your head."  -- Manhunt Daily


 "Remember that scene from season two of True Blood when Bill Compton first met Queen Sophie-Anne, and she offered him a buffet of cheesecake and beefcake to sink his teeth into? Well, this beautiful stack of man-meat, fitness model David Rich, was one of those tasty morsels. Blink and you’ll miss him. He was standing near the end of the lineup." -- Flesh 'n' Bones

David Colt - Honcho - July 1980

July 1980
David Gold (cover – Colt Studio)
“Topman” [Grady] (Zeus)
Robert La Tourneaux (centerfold – Zeus)
“Come West, Young Man!” [Brian, UK] (Usher)
“Rough Stuff” [Robert LaTourneaux & Papa Zeus ?] (Zeus)
Ira Smith [nudes of and illustrations by model] (Usher)
“Ripped & Torn” (Mimosa)

Mike - CMNM

Molest A Stranger
 "The hetero military man is made to jerk himself off while sitting between the pervy older clothed men. He's made to feel incredibly self conscious as he's stark naked with their eyes scanning his body, studying his twitching hard cock and watching his balls tighten up as he ejaculates a large pent-up load of semen. What a slutty straight boy!" -- CMNM
 "After having been forced to strip out of his suit, this high-and-mighty, arrogant lad from the City gets a good spanking before his vicious captor runs first one, then several fingers up the man’s tight straight-hole … and all for the viewing pleasure of a bunch of pervy old, wealthy men who can hardly contain the raging hard-ons in their trousers as they watch the ass of this formerly confident, straight businessman being beaten to pulp while his mancunt gets a good work-out …" -- 1001 Kinks