Vintage Military Men

9th Field Brigade,1938,Australia

Briefs Guy: Friday, March 22, 2012

Arnaud Dehaynin makes his triumphant return as FURRY FRIDAY guy!

Striking Posers: History's Hottest 100 Male Models

From:  Boy Culture
Wanted men
 Continuing on my gonzo-list kick, I enlisted the aid of my good buddy Jeff, a model-industry insider and a man of great taste, for help in compiling this tally of the most incredible-looking male models from throughout history. (The cavemen didn't have much call for male models, so I think we went as far back as the 1970s.)

 Some of these guys are icons, some supermodels, some mere posers with faces only a mother superior couldn't looove. The common denominator is that they're stunning and that the history of modeling—runway, print, fitness or even neo-Web entrepreneurial—would not be the same without them. Purists be damned!
Here they are, in alphabetical order by first name (I know, but it saves so much time), with  my Top 20 indicated at the end...
 If his high school guidance was sighted, he or she had the easiest job ever

Aaron O'Connell (?, 1984—)

A Midwesterner born and bred, O'Connell initially pursued a career in the fitness industry before becoming an in-demand poser who's worked for everyone from Hanes and Jockey (guess why?) to A&F. His dream of being an actor may be coming true—as recently as last week, he was working with Tyler Perry on a new TV show for Oprah's OWN. I wonder if the working title is Madea Goes Down?


Images removed per model request


My name is Conrad Ardelius and I would like to kindly ask you to remove the pictures posted of me on:

Please also remove any other related images under my name from the site. I would also greatly appreciate a reply to this email, just to verify you have received this.

Best regards,


I responded to Conrad, to let him know that I agreed to remove his photos


I will honor you request to remove you photos.  However, if I may as for you reason to asking to have them removed from this blog. From want I can tell, you are a model, and these same images are on many other sites.  Are you asking them to removed from them also?

I you would be so kind to to reply with your thoughts

And here is his response

Hi Daniel, 

Yes I have contacted a number of websites regarding this. So it's nothing personal. My appologies if my email came off rude. I'm simply steering in a new career direction not related to fashion. Unfortunately, I live in a somewhat conservative country and don't want to avoid being all to branded as an ex-model in the coming future, as you sometimes get googled by employers etc. 

So again, nothing personal and I do appreciate your understanding.

Best Regards,

I wish Conrad the best of luck, but as it appears he was a paid model, he does not own the rights to the photos, and I am sure many websites and blogs that have his photos will not remove them.
Also, from what I can tell he never posed nude and I find hard to believe that being a model would have a negative impact in a future career.

History's Hottest TV Actors:

From:  Boy Culture

What follows is my personal list of History's 50 Hottest TV Actors. Feel free to chime in with the guys you think I left out, the ones I love who you hate and with any corrections.  You will note that a few duh-obvious choices continue to be missing, including George Clooney, Henry Cavill and Maxwell Caulfield. I have decided, only somewhat arbitrarily, to make this list completely separate from an upcoming list of History's Hottest Movie Actors. 

Without further delay...
Man, oh, man...that's a man
Scott Patterson (1958—) 
There are so many guys who could've had the hundredth spot, everyone from Rick Springfield to Chad Michael Murray to Freddie Prinze to Bobby Sherman to Mike Evans to Lucky Vanous, but it's gotta be Patterson, the most sponge-worthy of all the guys lucky enough to invade "Elaine Benes"'s castle on Seinfeld. More importantly, he was the gruff-and-ready diner owner who "Sam and Diane"-ed with Lauren Graham. Man, he would've looked good in gladiator gear in the '50s. Gilmore Girls (2000—2007), Aliens in America (2007—2008), The Event (2010—2011

Question of the Day...

Tell me about a battle that has been going on in your family for months, even years. Any grudges or family members not speaking to each other? Why?  Is it merited or is it truly silly when you break it down?

The 50 Hottest NFL Players of All Time

With Superbowl Sunday upon us, I figured there was no better time to get this cut-throat game going. I'm sure I forgot someone -- I went to bed without including Eric Decker! -- so let me have it in the comments. And please remember: This is only MY opinion. This list isn't being compiled by a consensus of people at Out magazine or even Cosmo. Sexual attraction is very personal -- and everyone's entitled to his/her own preferences. I'm just sharing mine. Here we go:

Honoroable mentions:

Jim Harbaugh
Look for the former quarterback on Sunday: He's head coach for the 49ers now and is still pretty do-able.

Also considered Jordy Nelson (that's his ass at the very top of this list), the Manning brothers, Matt Flynn, Chris Kluwe, Colin McCarthy, Sam Bradford, Matt Cassel, Matt Ryan, Austin Collie, Jay Feely and Blaine Gabbert (below) in Movember.

Valentin Neraudeau Coverboy for Sensitif Magazine #76

Valentin Neraudeau Restaurateur of CarrĂ© Rouge at Toulouse  is coverboy for Sensitif Magazine latest issue (#76). Valentin is a French chef candidate of the series Top Chef 2013. This stunning photos is captured by Philippe Escalier. Valentin has a beautiful eyes, very handsome and that abs are stunning…

Vic Seipke

 Vic Seipke (born 23 April 1932) is an American bodybuilder.
Vic Seipke competed for diverse titles (apart from those listed below) from 1951 to 1977. His build was extraordinary even when he was forty-five. Thanks to his attractive face and well-developed body he was also much in demand as nude model by recognized American photographers such as Douglas of Detroit.

 Vic Seipke and  Frank Cuva 
These photographs were taken by Spectrum.

Third Annual 100 Most Eligible Bachelors

From:  OUT


Dustin Lance Black (born June 10, 1974) is an American screenwriter, director, film and television producer, and LGBT rights activist. He has won two Writers Guild of America Awards for his work on the television series Big Love and an Academy Award for the 2008 film Milk.

Black is a Founding Board Member of the American Foundation for Equal Rights and writer of 8, a staged reenactment of the federal trial that led to an appellate court's overturn of California's Proposition 8.

Vin Diesel

 Vin Diesel (born Mark Sinclair Vincent; July 18, 1967) is an American actor, writer, director, and producer. He came to prominence in the late 1990s and became best known for appearing in several successful Hollywood films such as Saving Private Ryan (1999), Pitch Black (2000), The Fast and the Furious (2001), xXx (2002), The Chronicles of Riddick (2004), Fast & Furious (2009), and Fast Five (2011). He is also the founder of the production companies One Race Films, Tigon Studios, and Racetrack Records.

Sadly, this is not Vin Diesel as reported all of the internet, but one must admit from this view, it could be.

History's 150 Best TV Theme Songs:

From:  Boy Culture

I 've always—always—been obessed with TV theme songs, whether they be instrumentals or clever jingles with more exposition and depth than the shows they'd been commissioned to precede. I remember being at a birthday party for my friend "Lisa J" (I was "Matt R") where she played a vinyl album of theme songs and we were happy as clams to listen to them while playing duck, duck, goose and eating the cheapest candy ever made.

To exercise—or exorcise—that obsession, what follows is my own personal list of History's 150 Best TV Theme Songs. I decided to exclude any shows that are still on the air, so please—no need to scold me over The Simpsons or Sesame Street.

Please tell me what I missed. (I originally had closer to 200 but had to firmly decide I needed a life, so jettisoned really great, but perhaps more esoteric, songs like the Diana Canova-sung "I'm a Big Girl Now" from her series of the same name, the rollickin' theme from Flo and also many very famous, very worthy numbers like those from Vega$, Magnum P.I., Desperate Housewives, Kojak, Knots Landing and more.)

In cases where I was not sure who performed the song, I left a "?" or I simply used the composers; any further info would be appreciated. And I would love to receive your own Top 5 or Top 10 in the comments.

Wish I could've done a video with five or 10 seconds of each song, but I'm not that advanced.

Finally, in case you were wondering, I think the all-time worst high-profile TV theme song has to be that abortion sung by Kelsey Grammer for Frasier and one of the worst low-profile TV theme songs would be that from Goodtime Girls.

Have fun...
"Theme from The Monkees" by The Monkees
The Monkees (1966—1968)

This one grabs you by the balls—or considering the target audience, by the ovaries—with that whispery, "Here we come," and then plunges into an aural crash course on the stars of the show. A blast.



 Vincent Li is a perfect example of how you can create your own success. He developed his interest for photography at very young age. He really fell in love with the art at age 16, when he began taking pictures or urban landscapes, and by doing so experiencing new places. But it wasn’t until March 2008 that he started fashion photography. In order to further develop his skills in capturing people on film, he mostly used his colleagues and friends to model for him, which eventually led to his first paid assignment in June 2009: doing a photo shoot for the promotional of a night club. 

During this year of practice Vincent Li took every single opportunity to learn more about photography and editing skills and, by doing so, he developed his own unique and individual photographic style, which soon would find recognition. In October 2009 Vincent Li traveled to Marseille in the south of France to shoot the new Autumn/Winter collection of an Award winning boutique in his hometown Birmingham. This fashion work led to his first printed magazine publication in Vogue, followed one month later by The Given Magazine. Not bad for a self taught photographer.

By combining fantasy and fashion and turning them into creative images, Vincent Li has found himself a place in the universe of international fashion photography. It is Vincent’s goal to become one of the most known and appreciated photographers in the fashion industry. An ambitious goal? Yes. Still, his talent and personal style find more and more recognition and respect within the industry and it can’t be for long before we will see and hear more of Vincent Li and his works of art. –B-