Wednesday, January 18, 2017

2017 Resolutions All Gay Men Should Consider

It is still not too late to make that resolution
From: Towleroad
2017 Resolutions All Gay Men Should Consider

2016 was brutal for our community. For a younger generation, it seemed apocalyptic. For elders, a déjà vu of times we hoped were over. As a gay man, I can only speak for the G in the LGBTQ spectrum, but if 2016 taught us anything, it’s that without each other’s support and love, our culture is nothing. Here are my resolutions for 2017 for gay men (a followup to 2016’s resolutions – how did you do on those?):

We’re in a Sexual Revolution, Act Like It

PrEP and undetectability have given us light at the end of a 35-year tunnel. We still battle stigma, racism and poverty to provide these tools to everyone, but this is the start of a sexual revolution that will be written about for decades. You don’t want to reach old age with regrets of missing a new Golden Age of gay sex! Have a one-night-stand, go to a sex club, pop into an orgy, walk a cruisy park. Allow that fear we all carry to melt away because in times of oppression, gay sex itself is a political act. Yes, STI rates are a concern, but not if we tackle this as a community that gets tested regularly, gets treatment early, and stops believing that a second plague is coming simply to punish us.

Volunteer in Local Politics

All politics is local and real change starts from the ground up. Yes, the army of darkness reached the White House (again), but focus on your zip code. Do you know who is running for mayor, sheriff, school board? Support progressive candidates in your town (even if they lose) because you’re helping to start their careers. Any candidate will tell you the hardest part is people showing up. Give up a Saturday to pass out literature, show up for the volunteer photo-op, go to a town hall meeting. If not for you, do it for disenfranchised folks of color, our trans family, our seniors who can’t do it but will be directly affected by the wave of bigoted legislation that is coming our way (again).

Can we please talk about Meth?

No really, can we? Seems like the only time it comes up is when a friend goes batshit crazy or hasn’t been seen in days (queen, can’t ya just do 5 hours on a sling instead of 72?). Let’s face it, we’re not a people known for moderation. Without the structure of a heterosexual family life, queers tend to be in really, really fun situations for a very long time and substance abuse is a demon many of us need to keep on a tight leash. Yet, even as meth wreaks havoc, it remains a taboo subject at the brunch table. We know it’s happening and it’s heart-wrenching to watch our brothers destroy friendships, lovers, trust, their own bodies and have to be silenced by the stigma of saying the words “Crystal Meth.” It makes it impossible to ask or give help when it’s needed.

Have a “Child,” Make a Daddy

We are the last first generation. We will not die off of AIDS or be buried in a closet. We will be able to learn from our elders and teach our young. If you’re a millennial, do you know anyone who survived the plague? If you’re over 35, can someone younger call you for advice? Cross-generational friendships strengthen our culture and help us deal with issues that only gay men can understand.

Share your Space

The unfathomable loss of Orlando and Oakland were tragic reminders of the value of queer spaces. As hyper-gentrification swallows up our gay meccas, it’s gotten very expensive to gather. If you have a backyard, a living room, ambivalent neighbors, gather your chosen family for film nights, after-parties, dinners (if your income’s low or have too many friends, try a tip jar), create moments for folks to just be. Space is the most valuable thing a gay person can have because with it, you can build community.

Collect Our Artifacts

In the GLBT Historical Archives, there are boxes filled with estates of men who passed: photos, leather, even jockstraps. What would our generation fill these with? Tweets? Selfies? If the “cloud” came down, will we have records of our lives? Support gay artists, book fairs, crowdfund gay films, buy the souvenirs from queer places when you travel. It may seem frivolous, but culture is passed down through ephemera. We lost an entire generation of gay artists and entrepreneurs, but a new wave is here (we’re like weeds!) and they need our support and a record of their existence.

Be an Example on Social Media

Before Tinder, we had Grindr. Before Facebook, we had, before AOL, we had secret newsgroups. We pioneered social media, so we should be examples of how to harness its power. The endless whining, the fake articles (check the date and source before you post that article!), the same stories about the same shit (yes, our president is a bully, some idiot drew a crooked swastika and that weird gay guy is saying racists things again, how many times must we remind everyone?), the selfies of you crying…all of ’em have got to go. Pull it together, Mary. Before you post, ask yourself how you’re keeping the balance. Are you only contributing to the idea that the world is burning? (It’s not.)

Authentic Connections will get us through 2017

Your Black Lives Matter Facebook image means nothing if you don’t make the slightest effort to have QPOC in your life. That sticker supporting Trans Rights means nothing if you don’t have trans family to learn from, to have challenging conversations with, and yes, even flirtations you may not have expected. Do you honor the fact that so much of gay male culture is still here because of the incredible lesbian allies that helped us through the plague? The wonderful part of hatred toward queer folks is that reminds us that we really are all under one LGBTQ umbrella, that we are in essence an enormous family. That’s how we created Gay Liberation. That’s how we got through AIDS and that’s how we’re going to get through the next year. #Gaymen

Leo Herrera is a Mexican artist/activist. His work focuses on gay male history, sexuality and nightlife. His latest project FATHERS: Sex & Politics if AIDS Never Happened is a Sci-Fi Doc that you can view at You may also follow on Instagram.

All opinions expressed are those of the author.

Queerest Cities in America, 2017

From: Advocate
Our annual partly-serious, partly-silly list of America's Queerest Cities is now out of the closet. 

Weighing Cities with over 250,000 people, we looked at the following criteria.

-Lesbian Bars
-Trans Pride Parades/Festivals
-Gay Rugby Teams
-Pwr Bttm Tour Dates
-Theaters Screening Moonlight
-Available MisterB&B Hosts
-LGBT Centers
-Gay Rodeos
-Gay Bowling Teas

The raw score is divided by the population to provide a ranking based on per capita LGBT quotient. Click here to check out 2016's list.

Janet Jackson! 19 Reasons We Are A Part Of The Rhythm Nation

From: NewNowNext
Her support for the LGBT community.

Janet has been one of the most visible allies to the LGBT community for over 20 years, donating her time and funds to important causes like amfAR. “I can relate [to gay youth] because I was one of those kids who held everything inside—all of my pain,” she said in an It Gets Better video recorded in 2010.

HGTV’s 11 Hottest Home Renovation Hunks

These home renovators can wreck us.
From: NewNowNext
 There’s something about a man who’s good with his hands, you know? Maybe that’s why we spend most of our weekends watching hour after hour of HGTV.
These shows suck you in with great stories, real-estate porn and a big reveal. Plus, there’s the men! Oh, Lord, THE MEN! The hunky, lumbersexual DILFs who sell, flip, renovate and decorate these houses like a boss.

After careful analysis, we’ve compiled a list of the hottest home renovation hunks on HGTV. You’re welcome.

Anthony Carrino 
John Colaneri
Cousins Undercover

Anthony and John, a.k.a. “The Cousins,” are be the gold standard in sexy TV fix-it guys. Anthony is basically George Clooney as a frat boy, and John’s got an baby face and biceps that could crack a walnut.

Cher! 23 Times The Dark Lady Wasn’t At A Loss For Words

From: NewNowNext
“I think that the longer I look good, the better gay men feel.”

30 Kinky Terms Every Gay Man Needs to Know

From: The Advocate

Every particular Dom-sub (typically shortened to D/s) relationship has a slightly different power dynamic, but the sub/submissive is always the one who relinquishes control to the Dominant. Note: sub guys are not exclusively bottom, but this is definitely more common. 

Groovy Flashback: TIME Covers 1923 - 1959

From: Deep Dish
Ethel Merman (Panama Hattie on Broadway) - October 28, 1940

36 Fetishes Every Gay Man Should Know

From: The Advocate
Here’s a great opportunity to make the distinction between “kink” and “fetish” — a difference which, colloquially, is somewhat arbitrary since many people use the terms interchangeably.

Rope is a common material used in bondage, which is a kink, but rope is not used exclusively. People into bondage may also use duct tape, leather cuffs, chord, zip ties, neckties, and other tools of restraint. But since many kinksters (kinky people) into bondage fetishize rope specifically, rope becomes a fetishized material.

Rope is more rustic and romantic than duct tape. Duct tape is reminiscent of police sirens and robberies — the restraint material you’d use if you want to be tied, gagged, and left in a closet for a few hours. Rope, in contrast, calls to mind your youthful fantasies of getting captured by horny pirates and tied to the mast — and all the wonderful scenarios that follow. 


From: Manhunt Daily

Montréal-Est, Quebec, Canada

Come say hello I don't bite... not now anyway!

Hello I'm Jay, from Montreal, Quebec, Canada Francais / English

24 Times Drag Queens Perfectly Described How High You Are

From: NewNowNext
The Deep Thoughts High

That moment when you start figuring out life.

36 Olympians Who Definitely Look Better Than You in Speedos and Spandex

From: Esquire
The American Men's Rowing Team

Scott Gault, Charles Cole, Henrik Rummel, and Glenn Ochal at the London 2012 Olympics. Rummel's bulge was the phallus story to come out of the London Games.

27 Things To Look Forward To In 2017

From: NewNowNext
“Tom of Finland” hits the big screen.

Coming in February 2017, Dome Karukoski biopic recounts the life of artist Touko Laaksonen, whose drawings of hypersexualized macho men have been a hallmark of gay male culture for decades.

It turns out Laaksonen’s life was just as fascinating as his artwork: Born to Finnish schoolteachers in 1920, he was drafted during WWII and was made to serve alongside Nazi officers, who inspired his fascination with men in uniform.

In the years that followed, artists, filmmakers and advertisers took their cue from him in sexualizing the male form.

The 23 Hottest Guys On “Game Of Thrones,” Ranked

From: NewNowNext

As young Bran Stark’s protector, Hodor (Kristian Nairn) spoke softly and carried a BIG stick. Out of all the characters in GoT, we’d hold the door for this gentle giant.

17 States Where Gay Sex Is Outlawed

From: Advocate
Section 97-29-59

Calling the act unnatural intercourse rather than sodomy, Mississippi's sodomy law says, "Every person who shall be convicted of the detestable and abominable crime against nature committed with mankind or with beast, shall be punished by imprisonment in the penitentiary for a term of not more then ten years."