Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Donald Trump Says Taking Away Marriage Equality Will “Unify Our Country”

Asked to address gays and lesbians who disagree, Trump said "It’s a long way off."
From: NewNowNext
 Just days after Donald Trump told a lesbian reporter to expect forward momentum on LGBT equality if he’s elected president, the GOP presidential front runner is doubling down on his earlier promise to “strongly consider” appointing Supreme Court justices who would work to overturn marriage equality.

Asked by George Stephanopoulos during an ABC News interview to clarify his seemingly contradictory comments, Trump pulled out his classic “I’m going to bring the country together” narrative.

But make no mistake — he’s strongly opposed to the Supreme Court’s recent decision on same-sex marriage and believes it should be an issue left to the states.

Still promising to appoint conservative SCOTUS judges (“and then we’ll see how they vote,” he said), Trump clarified that he’d “prefer that they stand against” marriage equality.

“There’s a lot of people that want to see that,” he said. “This country is so totally divided, it’s probably almost never been as divided as it is right now, and we have to bring it together.”

Stephanopoulos pointed out that a majority of the American public now favor legalizing same-sex marriage, and asked again, “How does that move us toward equality for gays and lesbians?”

Said Trump:

Look, George, very simple. We’re going to bring our country together. We’re going to unify our country. We’re going to do whatever we have to do. I’m gong to put the absolute best judges in position. If their views, we’re going to see what their views are, I will make the determination at that time.”

Asked what he’d say to gays and lesbians who agree that such a move would divide the country better than it would unite it, Trump said, “I think I understand what they’re saying and we’re going to see what happens. It’s a long way off, George. It’s a long way off.”

According to a CNN/WMUR track poll released just ahead of the New Hampshire primary, Trump was in the GOP lead with 31% of the vote. His closest competitor, Sen. Marco Rubio, earned just 17% of the vote.

Check out Trump’s interview with Stephanopoulos below — LGBT equality talk begins around the 5:45 mark:

Doctors Declare “State Of Emergency” In Saskatchewan Over Rising HIV Rate

“Two people are dying every month, and ten more people are diagnosed."
From: NewNowNext
 Medical experts and native leaders are alarmed over what they call an epidemic of HIV infections in Saskatchewan, Canada.

According to the Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network, more than 17 per 100,000 people in the province were diagnosed with HIV/AIDS in 2012. That’s nearly three times the national average. Many of those living with HIV/AIDS are from First Nations communities, and lack awareness, education, and resources available in large cities.

While HIV is often regarded as a manageable illness in larger urban environments, in rural areas it can be a killer.

 At a gathering of doctors, patients and indigenous leaders in Saskatoon, the province’s largest city, infectious disease specialist Stephen Sanche lamented that “people are become ill and dying from a treatable and preventable disease.”

The crisis could be stemmed, he said, “if it is recognized and managed as the emergency that we believe it is.”

“We have the tools to manage this now,” he added, “but we aren’t able to do it with our current infrastructure.”

Danita Wahpoosewyan, who has been HIV-positive for more than a decade, told the gathering, “My people do not have that support… we live with the stigma and the discrimination every day.”

She says because of ignorance about the virus, she wasn’t even allowed to kiss her own grandchildren at one point. In the last three years, three of her cousins have died of AIDS-related complications.
While some are calling for a medical state of emergency, health officials say that’s not likely. A four-year strategy for dealing with HIV was implemented in 2010, but its unclear how much of an effect its having.

Activists say increased funding has meant more cases are able to be reported, but it has not addressed the crisis as a whole.

“This is an emergency,” insisted Sanche. “Two people are dying every month, and ten more people are diagnosed.”

Trial Begins For Suspect In Brutal Rape, Murder Of Teen Lesbian Couple In Texas

From: Towleroad
 A jury trial began Monday for the man charged with murder and sexual assault in a brutal attack on a teenage lesbian couple in a South Texas park in 2012.

The horrific shooting of 19-year-old Mollie Olgin and 18-year-old Kristene Chapa, which many suspected to be an anti-gay hate crime, made national news and led to LGBT vigils around the country.

David Malcolm Strickland (right) was arrested two years later and accused of sexually assaulting Olgin and Chapa before shooting them in the head at a park in Portland, Texas, near Corpus Christi. Olgin died but Chapa somehow survived and has undergone a painstaking recovery that allowed her to begin college last year.

Prosecutors aren’t treating the case as a hate crime, but they are concerned about possible anti-gay bias among jurors as Strickland’s trial begins in small San Patricio County.

“You may have people on the jury who are against same-sex relationships and not tell the lawyers during jury selection. That also could have a huge affect on the trial,” First Assistant District Attorney Carlos Valdez told KRIS-TV.

More from The Corpus Christi Caller-Times:

Prosecutors and defense lawyers have said they anticipate the trial lasting 2-3 weeks. …
Strickland and his wife were arrested in their Helotes apartment in 2014. Charges were later dropped against Strickland’s wife, Laura, who was accused of tampering with evidence. Portland police said she wrote a letter addressed to Chapa’s father detailing the assaults and shooting written from the perspective of a hit man.
Prosecutors have said the letter contained information that had not been released to the public.
Strickland has maintained his innocence and his defense lawyers have suggested in court documents that another man may be the perpetrator. Defense lawyers have subpoenaed the man from Nevada. That man’s DNA is the only person’s DNA found at the crime scene and he failed a lie-detector test about his alibi, defense lawyers wrote in court documents.

Watch a four-year timeline of the case from KIII-TV below.

Transparent Creator Jill Soloway Wins Emmy, Encourages Hollywood To “Topple The Patriarchy”

From: Queerty
Transparent creator Jill Soloway won the Emmy for Comedy Direction and voiced her happiness at being able to be “part of a movement” by putting queer people at the center of a television series changing the world.

“Thank you to the trans community for your lived lives,” she said before encouraging viewers to “topple the patriarchy.”

Additionally, Kate McKinnon brought home a win early on in the 68th annual Emmy Awards In Los Angeles, snagging the Emmy for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series for her work on Saturday Night Live.

The out lesbian star fought back tears as she thanked some of the women she’s imitated in several now-legendary skits, including Ellen Degeneres and Hillary Clinton.

Sarah Paulson took home the Outstanding Lead Actress in a Limited Series or Movie for her portrayal of Marcia Clark in The People vs. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story. (Paulson is bisexual.)

One of the evening’s standout moments occurred during Jeffrey Tambor’s acceptance speech. The actor claimed the Emmy for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series for his role as transgender woman Maura Pfefferman in Transparent and challenged Hollywood to be more inclusive of trans people.

“Listen to me, I’m not gonna say this beautifully, but to you people out there, you producers and network owners and you agents and you creative sparks, please give transgender talent a chance. Give them auditions. Give them their story,” he said to an applauding audience. “I would not be unhappy were I the last cisgender male to play a female gender on television. We have work to do.”

His sentiments were echoed later in the evening by transgender actress Laverne Cox, who thanked Orange is the New Black creator Jenji Kohan for giving her the opportunity to play her breakout role in the series.

Watch the moving moment from Tambor’s Emmy acceptance speech below.

Tina Fey’s Face Melts As “Dr. Bill Cosby” Announced At Emmys

From: Queerty
It was an unusually dark moment in the vanilla-as-Puddin’-Pops ceremony known as the Emmy’s Awards when a certain “Dr. Bill Cosby” was crisply announced as the next presenter.

Turned out it was a bit of particularly ballsy trolling on behalf of host Jimmy Kimmel, who quipped, “Don’t worry, he’s not really here. I just wanted to see what you guys would do.”

The audience went ashen and gaspy. A certain Tina Fey attempted to quell her own rapidly melting face as she boggled at the announcement, quickly recovering when she realized it was a joke.

Take a look here:

Twitter quickly seized on the moment with a vice grip and has yet to release its grasp:

Texas ‘Ex-Gay’ Therapy Billboards to Come Down Following Pressure From Locals

From: Towleroad
 Billboards erected in support of reparative therapy in Waco, Texas are being removed following complaints from local activists.

Sponsored by Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays (PFOX), the billboards – which appear in three Waco locations – read “Ex-gays prove change is possible.” PFOX has posted images on Facebook calling homosexuality a “dysfunction” and stating “I was born a sinner but Jesus changed my orientation.”

However, the signs will be removed at the end of October after the billboard company Swift Media was contacted by Carmen Saenz, who founded Waco Activist group Interwaco.

According to Saenz, “the people that own that company don’t want any controversy. They don’t want to fall down on either side when I explained to them what reparative therapy is…they had no idea.”

David Pickup, a licensed psychotherapist and board member of PFOX said the billboards do not aim to convert people but seek to address “unresolved emotional issues.” PFOX’s Executive Director Regina Griggs added that the group’s message is intended for people who are not happy with their same-sex attraction.

In an interview with ABC News, Griggs said:

“What we want to let people know is that there is hope if you are unhappy with your sexual orientation. There is no scientific evidence to suggest you are born that way. If you are unhappy you can change. [Our message] comes from a place of unconditional love. If we unconditionally love each other as family and friends then we don’t condition those relationships. We don’t say you can’t be my friend.”

However, Saenz believes it’s the removal of the message that really provides hope.

“My hope is that one day kids in McLennan County have that experience of you know that they are perfectly fine the way that they are,” she said.

Swift Media has said it will not renew its contract with PFOX which will meet in October to discuss whether or not to place more signs in a different area of Waco.

For reference, watch Matt Baume’s Horrible History of Ex-Gay Cures below.

Rami Malek In A White Tux = Major Babe Alert

From: Queerty
“Please tell me you’re seeing this too.”

So said a visibly shellshocked Rami Malek upon accepting his first Emmy award for his arresting work in Mr. Robot, a show we’re compulsively watching, re-watching, re-re-watching, and occasionally re-re-re-watching.

While we can’t pretend to care too much what happens at any of these award shows, and in fact usually find them to be the televised equivalent of Nembutal, this was a well-deserved win, and we’re always happy to see Malek in anything, particularly that white tuxedo.


Radar Claims It Knows Of An A-List Superstar Actor Who Ran A Pedo Ring And Sexually Abused Corey Haim

From: Dlisted
Corey Feldman once said that pedophiles are crawling all over Hollywood and he recently said that he’d love to name names, but the statute of limitations has run up in all of the cases and he doesn’t want to get sued. But if Radar is telling the truth, then Corey Feldman doesn’t have to worry about keeping the name of one major child abuser a secret, because it’s about to come out. Radar says it knows the identity of an A-list star who has been accused of raping the late Corey Haim as a kid and was also the “kingpin” of a child sex ring. WARNING: Mega depressing blind item ahead. Get ready to pull out your most adorably powerful kitten video. Personally, I’ve gone through every kitten video that exists, so I’m going to go with a video of a Shar Pei puppy trying to eat a frozen strawberry.

Radar claims that their reporters talked to dozens of sources, many of whom were Corey Haim’s friend. These sources said that before Corey died, he told friends the name of a big Hollywood star who regularly abused him as a kid. Radar knows who it is, but they’re keeping it to themselves. Here’s the hints they dropped about the Pedo King of Hollywood whose title should be Inmate #666:

  • “He is one of the most recognizable faces in the industry.”
  • “The closeted perv has never come out as gay — and even has children of his own.”
  • “The family-man facade is an evil monster who has led an extraordinarily twisted double-life.”
  • “He was the ‘kingpin’ of a child sex ring that ensnared Haim and Corey Feldman.”
  • “The individual — a household name and revered by millions around the globe — had systematically abused him as a young boy, both on-and-off set, in their trailers and at parties attended by other A-List actors.”

Corey Feldman said that both he and Corey Haim were raped at the age of 11 by a Hollywood producer. But Radar describes this alleged child-abusing piece of smegma as a “superstar actor.”

One of Corey Haim’s friends is reportedly ready to tell-all because they want to use the publicity to push for a new law that would extend the statute of limitations for underage victims of sexual abuse.

As The Superficial points out, some are guessing “Charlie Sheen” because of a completely unconfirmed blind item. But Charlie Sheen wasn’t exactly A-list back then and if he’s considered a “family man,” then I’m an extremely serious journalist whose flawless grammer and spellung skills are next level. When I used to guess the answers to blind items in the olden days and I didn’t know the answer, I’d just say Betty White. But I can’t and will not do that with this one. But I will drag my soul over to YouTube to cleanse it with that video co-starring a Shar Pei puppy and a frozen strawberry.

Nyle DiMarco For Hillary Clinton: “Your Vote Is The Greatest Voice We Have”

"If you’re still listening to my voice, please know that there are a lot of people out there without one."
From: NewNowNext
 Nyle DiMarco has already won our hearts, now he wants Hillary Clinton to win the White House.

The Dancing With the Stars and America’s Next Top Model champion uses his voice—or actually, his hands—to urge Americans to vote for Clinton for president in a new video her campaign posted on Twitter.

“You can leave this ad muted — there’s nothing to hear. And keep scrolling past if you want, we’re used to being ignored,” DiMarco signs in the ad focused on Americans with disabilities.

“But if you’re still listening to my voice, please know that there are a lot of people out there without one. Among the 50 million Americans living with a disability, many don’t have the ability to work, to travel, or to do countless other things you might take for granted.”

“So this November, please consider voting for the only candidate with a plan to change that. Because the voice of your vote is the greatest voice we have.”

This isn’t the first time DiMarco has been political this election season. He recently gave a speech at the Human Rights Campaign National Gala where he spoke frankly about being sexual fluid and how a major advantage of being deaf is not being able to hear Donald Trump.

Watch his speech below:

Angelina Jolie Files For Divorce From Brad Pitt

The couple has been together since 2004.
From: NewNowNext
 Mr. and Mrs. Smith are no more.

According to TMZ Angelina Jolie filed for divorce from Brad Pitt on September 15 citing irreconcilable differences.

Jolie’s decision “has to do with the way Brad was parenting the children … she was extremely upset with his methods,” reports TMZ. She is seeking physical custody of the couple’s six children.

The Hollywood power couple have been together since 2004, but announced that they wouldn’t marry until same-sex marriage was legal in the U.S. They eventually secretly wed in 2014—a year before the Supreme Court made gay marriage legal nationwide.

Jennifer Aniston could not be reached for a comment.

The 40 Greatest Horror Movies Of The 1980s

Plan your scary-movie marathon with our handy countdown.
From: NewNowNext
Halloween is quickly approaching, and while you decide which look to go for this year, don’t forget to plan your horror-movie marathon.

Because no decade was more awesome or scary than the ’80s, we’re taking a trip back in time to celebrate the decade’s 40 best gore-fests.

Rats: Night Of Terror

Released in 1984, Rats: Night Of Terror was directed by schlock master Bruno Mattei. A century after a nuclear war, society has been reborn into two factions: An underground civilization and the scavengers in the above-ground wastelands.

“A group of scavengers on bikes come across a town infested with flesh-eating rats, and soon the gore is spilling everywhere.”

The film includes hilarious dubbing, full-frontal male nudity, a girl who becomes a rat-snack when her sleeping bag gets stuck, and loads more. SPOILER: This clip reveals the ending, but Rats: Night Of Terror isn’t exactly Citizen Kane.

New York City bombing suspect in custody after police shootout

From: LGBTQ Nation
Crime scene investigators work at the scene of Saturday's explosion in
Manhattan's Chelsea neighborhood, in New York, Sunday, Sept. 18, 2016.
AP Photo/Craig Ruttle
An Afghan immigrant wanted for questioning in the bombings that rocked a New York City neighborhood and a New Jersey shore town was captured Monday after being wounded in a shootout with police, authorities said.

WABC-TV footage showed a man believed to be 28-year-old Ahmad Khan Rahami being loaded into an ambulance on a stretcher in Linden, New Jersey. He appeared to be conscious and looking around.

Two officers were wounded in the gun battle but were not believed to have been seriously hurt, authorities said.

Linden Mayor Derek Armstead said that the owner of a bar reported someone asleep in the doorway of his establishment. A police officer went to investigate and recognized the man as Rahami, police and the mayor said.

Rahami pulled a gun and shot the officer — who was wearing a bulletproof vest — in the torso, and more officers joined the gun battle and brought Rahami down, police Capt. James Sarnicki said.

The arrest came just hours after police issued a bulletin and photo of Rahami, a naturalized U.S. citizen from Afghanistan with an address in Elizabeth, New Jersey.

Authorities said the blasts were looking increasingly like an act of terrorism with a foreign connection.

Police did not disclose how they zeroed in on Rahami as a person of interest in the bombing investigation but were known to be poring over surveillance video. At the same time, five people who were pulled over in a vehicle Sunday night were being questioned by the FBI, officials said.

The shootout came after a weekend of fear and dread in New York and New Jersey.

In addition to the blast that injured 29 people in Manhattan’s Chelsea neighborhood on Saturday, an unexploded pressure cooker bomb was found blocks away, and a pipe bomb exploded in a New Jersey shore town before a charity race. No one was injured there. On Sunday, five explosive devices were discovered in a trash can at an Elizabeth train station.

Also on Saturday, a man who authorities say referred to Allah wounded nine people in a stabbing rampage at a Minnesota mall before being shot to death by an off-duty police officer. The Islamic State group claimed responsibility.

Authorities have not drawn any connection between the violence in Minnesota and the bombings in the New York area.

Citing the FBI, New Jersey State Police said Monday that the bombings in Chelsea and the New Jersey shore town Seaside Park were connected.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said as investigators gathered information, they learned there were “certain commonalities among the bombs,” leading authorities to believe “that there was a common group behind the bombs.”

Before Rahami’s capture, Cuomo said investigators have no reason to believe there are further threats, but the public should “be on constant guard.”

Around the time Rahami was taken into custody, President Barack Obama was in New York on a previously scheduled visit for a meeting of the U.N. General Assembly, and said it was “extremely fortunate” nobody was killed in the bombings.

He called on Americans to show the world “we will never give in to fear.”

“We all have a role to play as citizens to make sure we don’t succumb to that fear. And there’s no better example of that than the people of New York and New Jersey,” the president said. “Folks around here, they don’t get scared.”

Early Monday, FBI agents swarmed an apartment above a fried chicken restaurant in Elizabeth that is tied to Rahami. The Rahami family lives in the apartment.

The restaurant, First American Fried Chicken, is owned by Rahami’s father and has also employed some of his brothers, Elizabeth Mayor Christian Bollwage said.

He said Rahami’s father and two brothers sued the city after it passed an ordinance requiring the restaurant to close early because of complaints from neighbors about it being a late-night nuisance.

Ryan McCann, of Elizabeth, said that he often ate at the restaurant and recently began seeing Rahami working there more.

“He’s always in there. He’s a very friendly guy, that’s what’s so scary. It’s hard when it’s home,” McCann said.

In the immediate aftermath of the New York bombing,  New York Mayor Bill de Blasio and Cuomo were careful to say there was no evidence of a link to international terrorism. Both said Monday that appeared to be changing.

“The more we learn with each passing hour is it looks more like terrorism,” de Blasio said in an interview on NY1 News. Cuomo said on MSNBC: “Today’s information suggests it may be foreign-related, but we’ll see where it goes.”

On Sunday night, FBI agents in Brooklyn stopped “a vehicle of interest” in the investigation of the Manhattan explosion, according to FBI spokeswoman Kelly Langmesser.

She wouldn’t provide further details, but a government official and a law enforcement official who were briefed on the investigation told The Associated Press that five people in the car were being questioned at an FBI building in Manhattan.

The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk about the investigation.

On Sunday, a federal law enforcement official said the Chelsea bomb contained a residue of Tannerite, an explosive often used for target practice that can be picked up in many sporting goods stores.

Cellphones were discovered at the site of both the New York and New Jersey bombings, but no Tannerite residue was identified in the New Jersey bomb remnants, in which a black powder was detected, said the official, who wasn’t authorized to comment on the investigation and spoke to the AP on condition of anonymity.

The pipe bomb that exploded Saturday in Seaside Park went off before a charity 5K race to benefit Marines and sailors. The race was canceled.

One of the five devices found at the Elizabeth train station exploded while a bomb squad robot tried to disarm it. No one was hurt.

NC Governor Pat McCrory Planted Fake Questions at Presser to Avoid Grilling Over Anti-LGBT HB2

From: Towleroad
North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory planted fake questions at a press conference, posed by an unwitting moderator, to avoid having to answer real questions about the anti-LGBT HB2 law that has cost the state millions of dollars in lost revenue.

The first three questions at the press conference in Charlotte were said to be from the Charlotte Observer. But they weren’t. They were questions written by McCrory’s own staff. The moderator was “a volunteer from the lunch audience” simply reading them from a sheet of paper.

When the real Charlotte Observer reporter tried to pose a question, it was denied by McCrory: 

“We’ve got three Observer questions answered already. I think you guys dominate the news enough.”

So what were the questions answered by McCrory?

They were softballs from his staff about what he wanted to do with his next term; how he wanted to reduce the state’s rape kit backlog; and how the state crime lab performed under McCrory’s opponent, Roy Cooper.

When the event was over, McCrory did not meet with the throng of reporters who were there. He ducked out a side door and down a hall that led to a back exit. I followed him to try to ask him about HB2, but his staff blocked me.

Ricky Diaz, a campaign spokesman, on Friday acknowledged the campaign provided questions for the governor, but said “we were asked to in order to keep the conversation format going.”

McCrory has at least 395 million reasons not to want to answer questions about HB2. That’s the amount, in dollars, that the law has cost the state, according to a new estimate from Wired magazine.

Writes Wired:

…the total cost to North Carolinians so far from HB2 protests is slightly more than $395 million. That’s more than the GDP of Micronesia. And the bulk of it is from sporting organizations, who even five years ago would likely not have waded into political territory like this. But experts aren’t that surprised that the NBA, NCAA, and ACC have taken this step now. “They’re not out on a limb here,” Durso says. “They’re in line with their base.” The near unanimous outcry against HB2 and in support of the NCAA and ACC confirms that. Legislating discrimination has become an expensive bad habit.
And McCrory has reason to worry politically. The latest RealClearPolitics polling average has the governor trailing Attorney General Roy Cooper by 48.7 to 44.

LGBT Paralympians, 'two minorities at once,' welcome increased visibility

"We're disabled and we're gay," says Abby Dunkin of the gold medal women's wheelchair basketball team.
From: OutSports
The U.S. gold medal team Yasuyoshi Chiba
AFP/Getty Images
With a gold medal draped around her, U.S. wheelchair basketball player Abby Dunkin talked about being "two minorities at once."

"We're disabled and we're gay," she said.

As the Rio Paralympics closed on Sunday night, they marked a competition in which at least 12 publicly out athletes competed. Roughly 4,300 athletes were entered in the global sports festival for people with disabilities.

For Paralympic athletes, being welcomed into the athletic community is something that has improved over time, but is still a struggle. Add on being a member of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community, and it's a fight on two fronts.

Stephanie Wheeler, the U.S. coach and former member of the team, says being visible both as a lesbian and a player with a disability has moved the conversation forward. She came out at the end of her career, and has seen a lot of growth.

"There's been a huge change," she said. "When I was playing, I wouldn't necessarily say that we weren't welcomed, but it just wasn't' talked about, even on the able-bodied side."

Now that this conversation is in full swing, neither Dunkin, nor her out teammate Desire Miller, had any negative experiences at the Paralympics.

"They treat us just like anyone else, which is exactly what we want," Dunkin said.

"We don't want to be treated any differently. We go out and do the same thing, we play on the same court."

Coverage of the Paralympics has increased significantly since it was born in 1960, with more major media outlets getting on board for every set of games. So, what does this exposure mean for the future? For Dunkin, she hopes it will encourage the next generation of LGBT athletes with disabilities.

"It's so great with media coverage, finally these kids watching at home that are afraid to come out can see us, [can see that] we're out and winning medals and we're playing our sport and loving life and they can finally say ‘Hey, if they're out then I can come out too.' "

Miller is looking forward to full acceptance for members of both communities.

"My dream at some point is that it's not a big shock that somebody comes out as gay — it's just normal," she said. "It's just like I hope that being disabled is not a big shock."

Kit Harington Hits On Kyle Chandler At The Emmys, World Approves

Let's make it happen!
From: NewNowNext
 Kit Harington made a pass at Bloodline actor Kyle Chandler on stage at the Emmys Sunday night, and the internet unanimously agreed that theirs is one relationship worth shipping.

The Game of Thrones star joined comedian Andy Samberg to co-present the award for Best Variety Talk Series, but not before delivering some one-liners they hoped would make it into next year’s Emmy commercial.

“No, I won’t kiss you, Kyle Chandler,” Samberg declared, to which Harington replied coyly, “Yes, I will kiss you, Kyle Chandler.”

The camera cut to Chandler, who was seated in the audience, flashing an intrigued look that had fans on Twitter hoping for a kiss on the spot:

Moments later, Harington got down on one knee to faux-propose to Samberg.

It’s safe to say they’ve successfully made it into next year’s Emmy’s promo. We can only hope Chandler seals the deal at next year’s show.

Jeffrey Tambor: “I Would Not Be Unhappy Were I The Last Cisgender Male To Play A Transgender Character”

Tambor made the statement in his Emmy acceptance speech Sunday night.
From: NewNowNext
For the second year in a row, Jeffrey Tambor took home an Emmy for his portrayal of Maura Pfefferman, the transgender matriarch of the dysfunctional Pfefferman clan on Transparent.

Though Tambor has been widely praised for his powerful performance of Maura, he’s also faced criticism for playing a transgender woman as a cisgender male. Rather than ignore that feedback, as other actors in his position have, Tambor decided to give it voice in his impassioned acceptance speech.

“I’m not going to say this beautifully,” he began, “but to you people out there—you producers, you network owners, you agents and you creative sparks—please give transgender talent a chance…give them their stories.”

“I would not be unhappy were I the last cisgender male to play a female transgender character on TV,” he concluded.

Tambor is just the latest in a long string of cisgender actors to receive critical acclaim for their portrayals of trans women, including Jared Leto in Dallas Buyers Club and Eddie Redmayne in the The Danish Girl.

Most recently, Mark Ruffalo has been taken to task for casting Matt Bomer as the lead in his upcoming film, Anything, which centers on the experiences of a transgender prostitute.

When it was announced that Bomer, an openly gay man, would be playing a trans female character, activists were quick to speak out against the offensive and problematic choice.

As GLAAD’s Nick Adams wrote: “If you are more concerned with the bottom line or with star power or with how your product will sell overseas, then don’t write transgender characters into your projects. We would rather be left out than be constantly portrayed as something we’re not.”

Gus Kenworthy Shares Steamy Skinny-Dipping Shot While On Vacation

The great outdoors never looked so grand!
From: NewNowNext
Out Olympic free skier Gus Kenworthy gave his Instagram followers a special treat over the weekend when he shared a picture of himself skinny-dipping while on holiday in Telluride.

Kenworthy posted the sumptuous shot along with the caption: “Alpine waters…shrinkage ensued.”
A photo posted by gus kenworthy (@guskenworthy) on

This isn’t the first time the Olympian’s shared sexy vacation photos with his fans—earlier this year, he sent tongues wagging with pics from his Maui holiday with boyfriend Matthew Wilkas and a splendid shot of his naked bum while in Australia.

Gay College Athlete Competing In Triathlon To Raise Money For Pulse Victims

"The victims of the Pulse shooting...helped me to not be afraid. They inspired me to be resilient and embrace myself unconditionally."
From: NewNowNext
A Dartmouth student is turning his mourning over the Pulse nightclub massacre into inspiration by competing in the Ironman triathlon to raise money for the victims of the attack.

Phil Claudy expressed the sentiments that many members of the LGBT community felt on the morning of June 12 — that the shooting felt personal, like it was an attack on us all.

The athlete said the horrific event inspired him to take action, and he signed up for the September 25 Chattanooga triathlon in order to do his part to help those affected.

“I am taking the lessons I learned from the LGBT community —€”€” from these individuals —€” and doing what I can to honor their lives and further the equality they earned for the LGBT community, for society and for me,” he wrote for OutSports.

Claudy is participating in the triathlon in order to raise money for OneOrlando, an organization helping the tragedy’s victims and their families.

The college junior says it was actually his love for running that helped him to fight depression and come to terms with his own sexuality, and now he is hoping to spread what he’s learned to others in need.

“In working with OneOrlando, I am furthering my commitment to embrace every aspect of myself and to break down stigmas surrounding the LGBT community, just as the victims of the shooting did in living fully and unapologetically as themselves,” he wrote.

Head to Phil’s GoFundMe page to help him to raise money for OneOrlando and the victims of the attack.

FBI Looking To Question Ahmad Khan Rahami, Suspect In NYC Bombing

A tumblr page claiming the attack was because of anti-LGBT violence has been deemed "not credible."
From: NewNowNext
 The FBI is looking for a New Jersey man in conjunction with the bombing in New York on Saturday night.

The bureau has received a search warrant for the Elizabeth home of Ahmad Khan Rahami, 28, a person of interest in the blast that shook Chelsea and injured 29 people.

Rahami, who was born in Afghanistan, “should be considered armed and dangerous,” the bureau warned in a bulletin.

He is also a suspect in the pipe bombs found in garbage cans in a train station in Elizabeth and a trash can near the Marine Corps 5K charity run in Seaside.

A tumblr page claiming to be the manifesto of the bomber surfaced on Sunday, calling out violence against LGBTQ+ people as the motive. Investigators have since called the page “not credible.”

Donald Trump Wants Anderson Cooper Fired As Debate Moderator

Trump says CNN stands for "Clinton News Network."
From: NewNowNext
 Sounds like someone is already making excuses.

Donald Trump said that he will show up to the presidential debate against Hillary Clinton later this month, but he doesn’t think Anderson Cooper will treat him fairly during the event.

The announcement that Cooper would be the debate moderator was historic, as he’ll be the first openly gay journalist to take on the role, but Trump thinks the CNN anchor leans too far to the left to be in charge.

“I don’t think Anderson Cooper should be a moderator, because Anderson Cooper works for CNN and over the last couple of days, I’ve seen how Anderson Cooper behaves,” Trump told The Washington Post. “He’ll be very biased, very biased. I don’t think he should be a moderator. I’ll participate, but I don’t think he should be a moderator.”

Trump has made it a point to revoke press credentials from journalists he felt were against him during his campaign, and now cites CNN as one of them.

“CNN is the Clinton News Network and Anderson Cooper, I don’t think he can be fair,” the presidential hopeful said.

We’ll find out how it all goes down when the first presidential debate airs on September 26.

Donald Trump on Chelsea Bombing: ‘I Knew This Was Going to Happen’

From: Towleroad
Donald Trump appeared on Fox and Friends on Monday to proclaim that he knew all along an event like Saturday night’s Chelsea bombing would happen. Which is why he says he supports such draconian, anti-immigrant policies. “I knew this was going to happen,” the Republican nominee said.

During his remarks, Trump also suggested that he plans to amend his current policy on immigration to effectively ban all immigration. “We can’t let any more people come into this country,” Trump said. “You have to stop them from coming into the country.”

Trump then attempted to opponent paint Hillary Clinton as dangerous to America’s national security, saying “she wants to allow hundreds of thousands–she wants more to come in.”

Watch the segment, below.

Dad Of Gay Son Hacked His Wife’s Facebook To Read Anti-Gay Politician For Filth

"He should have the same rights as I have...and not have clowns like you who live in the past helping to run this country."
From: NewNowNext
Australian MP George Christensen was furious that the Queensland parliament finally equalized the age of consent between vaginal and anal sex last week, but the conservative’s declaration that 16-year-old boys would now be preyed upon by 50-year-old men didn’t sit well with one of his long-time party supporters.

71-year-old Peter Roberts, who has a gay son, doesn’t have a Facebook account of his own, so he borrowed his wife’s to write a message of disgust on the MP’s page that is now going viral on Twitter.

“A few Anzac years ago you bought me a beer, as a 20-plus veteran with two tours of Vietnam,” he wrote. “If you did it now, I would tip the bloody thing over your head.”

Roberts pointed out that Christensen was a “typical homophobe” for equating homosexuality to pedophilia, and that it is a double standard to be okay with older men going after young girls, but not guys.

The post went viral after Roberts’ son Dale shared it on Twitter, stating that his dad saw Christensen’s words as a “direct attack on myself and our family.”

“Dad is by no means public with his politics,” Dale told Buzzfeed News. “And definitely not on social media. He’s 71 and doesn’t have his own account.”

Dale said his dad is “very quietly supportive” of him and his partner, and is just upset that his son doesn’t have the same rights that he does.

“I think dad’s post and the reason it’s gone off is because people can relate to the frustration with it all,” he added. “Marriage equality can happen immediately. Let’s get it done and treat all Australian people and families the same.”

Charlotte Mayor: Council Won’t Consider Repealing City’s LGBT Ordinance as Part of Deal to Repeal HB2

From: Towleroad
“There’s no legal reason for Charlotte to do anything” with its pro-LGBT ordinance in order for lawmakers to repeal the anti-LGBT HB2 law, Charlotte Mayor Jennifer Roberts told the Charlotte Observer on Monday. For that reason, she said, the City Council would take no action on Monday evening to do so.

Republican lawmakers, who rushed passage of HB2 last spring in a specially-called session in order to stop Charlotte’s statute from going into effect, said they would consider repealing HB2 if Charlotte first repealed its ordinance, which protects LGBT people from discrimination.

Lawmakers have continually and falsely tried to blame passage of HB2 on the city of Charlotte.

The Charlotte Observer reports:

Roberts’ comments came after a news conference in which LGBT leaders accused Republican Gov. Pat McCrory and legislative leaders of “holding Charlotte hostage.” State Rep. Chris Sgro, executive director of Equality NC, called HB2 “the worst anti-LGBT law in the nation.”
The decision came after a flurry of discussions that some hoped would lead to repeal of HB2. The Atlantic Coast Conference and the NCAA last week pulled a series of championship games from the state because of the law, which is also the subject of two federal lawsuits. HB2 negated the Charlotte ordinance.
On Friday, the North Carolina Restaurant & Lodging Association announced it was trying to broker a compromise to stop the economic damage from HB2. And Sunday the Charlotte Chamber, along with hospitality and tourism leaders, called for the city and state to repeal the controversial laws.

HB 2 has cost North Carolina more than $395 million in revenue, according to a recent analysis by Wired magazine.