Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Would you swipe right on the Olympian hotties of Tinder?

From: Wicked Gay
Tinder Plus's passport feature allows you to pick a location and match with people anywhere on the planet.

But one Tinderella found another way to use it: finding the profiles of Olympic athletes in Rio.

Vocativ reports that the user, who wishes to stay anonymous but goes by the name SportsSwipe on Instagram, shares screenshots of the world-class athletes and their Tinder profiles on their page.

And judging from these pics, we'd swipe right.

Swimming super-stud Ryan Lochte was spotted.

Some gymnasts were too... if flexibility is your thing.

But who doesn't want a hockey player?

Wait, do all skiers look like this?

*superlikes Guiseppe*

More gymnasts, please. In general. Everywhere.

See you again at the Winter Olympics? Maybe? I hope?

Shirtless Olympian NBD

I don't know what skeleton racing is but I'm suddenly very interested in finding out.

This rower from New Zealand just broke my heart in record time.


Tennis has never been quite this exciting to me.

Can someone please explain why there are so many hot skiers and why we don't talk about it more?

This German gymnast is stressing me out.

Check out the rest on SportSwipe's Instagram and let us know which Olympic stud you'd most want to match with!

WNBA stars wonder when the 'stigma' awaiting an openly gay NBA player will end

From: Yahoo Sports
Diana Taurasi and Sue Bird.
The Team USA Women’s Basketball squad includes four players that have come out as gay, including most recent WNBA MVP and current Team USA Women’s Basketball medal hopeful Elena Delle Donne. Three of her teammates on that outfit – Brittney Griner, Angel McCoughtry and Seimone Augustus – are also out. Nary an eyebrow has been raised.

The NBA, however, has no active players that have come out. Former Magic and Jazz center John Amaechi revealed his sexuality four years after playing his last NBA game, while longtime NBA stalwart Jason Collins came out via Sports Illustrated in 2013 prior to a 22-game turn with the Brooklyn Nets in 2013-14.

Other than that? Silence. Save for a few rumors and innuendo working alongside the knowledge that NBA rosters have seen heaps of closeted gay players through the years.

And that’s unfortunate. Even sadder? It’s understandable. WNBA players join us in thinking so, as Sam Amick’s USA Today feature points out, starting with women’s hoops legend Sue Bird:

“It’s more about stigmas than anything else, and I think with those stigmas you have people who are going to be judged,” said Sue Bird of the Seattle Storm. “I think on the men’s side, they’re not quite there yet. Jason Collins, for him to do that, particularly in the basketball world, he was the one who kind of broke down the barrier. And maybe in the future, it’ll change. But I think right now there’s still that stigma. I would love for it to change, because it’s really not that big of a deal in all reality.”
And Diana Taurasi:

“That’s a subject that is so taboo in men’s sports, (where) if you bring up anything gay they run out of the room like it’s a virus,” said Diana Taurasi, the Phoenix Mercury guard. “I feel like that’s just something that as you grow up, as you mature, those are the things that you accept as a human being that people are different. Whether it’s sexuality, whether it’s race, whether it’s religion, as you get older and as you become a smarter person, you’d think you would look at things differently.
“I think maybe (the problem is) education, and I think it’s maturity. I think our league has really grown in that way, and in a lot of ways. Obviously Jason, what he did was monumental, but there’s a long ways to go.
And Griner:

” […] I also understand it because as a player, I’ve been that person where it’s really hard to come out. It’s super hard. You’re just not comfortable with it. You’re worried about not being accepted, being rejected, being cast out. It’s tough. It’s really tough.”
Delle Donne echoed these thoughts, reminding us that “no one should have to hide who they are” in the wake of her somewhat-buried “announcement” that she’d become engaged to another woman just prior to the beginning of this summer’s Olympiad.

So why, why, why, in a league that appears light years ahead of its counterparts, one that decided to uproot a long-scheduled All-Star weekend in North Carolina due to that state’s oppressive anti-LBGT law, have a litany of NBA players decided to stay in the closet all these years?

The unspoken and most frustrating initial reason is likely the stigma that both Bird and Taurasi spoke of, one that mostly still worms in the muck just below the surface. Followed by the challenge of maintaining the typical day-to-day rights and comforts they’d known, personally and professionally, prior to coming out – as discussed by Griner and Delle Donne.

The stigma, sadly, still implies that sport – in whatever context, with whatever goal and at whatever level – is somehow a masculine affair, full stop. Regardless of gender. And that it remains no big deal that the WNBA has several players who have come out to little fanfare, because of course. They’re playing sports, sports require all sorts of machismo and heaps of other stereotypes associated with heterosexual males, and the prevailing wisdom amongst the wisdom-less is that gay women are overwhelmingly more masculine than their female heterosexual counterparts.

Which is all uproariously false and ridiculous, but even in these supposed enlightened times this is what we’re still dealing with.

The sad yet prevailing illogical extension of this is that some WNBA players would of course have to be gay. And to some dimwits, it probably lends an air of enhanced credibility to a sport that these dimwits are (dimwittedly) not watching.

That same dimwittedness sustains in how many regard the NBA, which at last check only features male basketball players.

For all the advancements North America has made culturally over the last few years, we’re still 12 years removed from an incumbent presidential candidate attempting to make a country-wide ban of gay marriage a top election talking point even during wartime. No recent NBA players come savvier or better-traveled than Kobe Bryant or Joakim Noah, and yet both were fined in recent years for yelling homophobic slurs. Rajon Rondo, just months ago, outed an NBA ref that had previously wanted nothing to do with being outed, via the same slur. This is the world that a young, closeted, NBA player has grown up in.

Even with Jason Collins, the kind words and figurative open arms that followed his announcement took a while to manifest tangibly. A few months removed from acting as a 2012 free agent candidate that two teams that we know of wanted to sign (prior to another team wanting to deal for him in 2012-13), Collins had to go deep into the 2013-14 season before the Brooklyn Nets signed him to a free agent contract.

The average NBA rookie may have only been born a few weeks after Kevin Garnett was drafted, but he’s still had to live through all of this. A closeted NBA rookie still had to go through far, far too much as a 13-year old in 2008 (or, infuriatingly and after school hours, in 2013) to make coming out anything less than harrowing. It’s still harrowing for a kid in junior high in 2016 to come to terms with who they are, out to friends and family, despite the long-overdue advancements.

That’s not even getting into the plight of the 31-year old veteran, looking for one or perhaps two more free agent deals, a player and person who had to come to the same realization at an age that ran concurrent with the same time that Matthew Shepard’s story sadly became a national tragedy.

The Jason Collins movement was earth-shaking, on all levels, but caveats abounded. Whoever comes out next will have a tougher go of things, in spite of how much has changed since 2013.

For one, 2013-14 was always expected to be Collins’ (who was drafted in 2001) final year. Five of his teammates in Brooklyn (including three starters and the team’s sixth and seventh men in the rotation) had played with him before, the respect was already there, and Collins’ longtime Nets champion in Jason Kidd was the team’s head coach. Collins also played as he always had, at age 35 – a no-stats (to the extreme, in many cases) All-Star that pushed people around on both ends of the court in limited minutes.

There has yet to be a player to come out with designs on a long future ahead of him in the NBA. This is a shame, but it’s also understandable once you attempt to understand just a scintilla of what such a player has already been through while in the closet, prior to any potential move to go on record as being who he is, openly.

A choice that this particular player is under no obligation to make, in spite of what some demented hacks will attempt to deduce via mobile phone application and/or national audience via a columnist’s privilege.

The players are in place, we know as much. The attitudes are changing, and the locker rooms are becoming more and more welcoming.

What’s left to do is that hack away at this centuries’ old and outmoded and incorrect-at-all-levels stigma, one chip at a time. That, to the similarly outmoded, starts with a brand new exercise in how they view sport, sexuality, and gender in the first place.



 The Olympics are well into their second week, with many of the most popular competitions finished and history made. Simone Biles has proven herself as one of the greatest gymnasts of all time. Michael Phelps has carted home another five gold medals to add to his historic horde.

But there is one contest still remaining, one medal still highly sought after.

That's right, it's the Gold Medal for Lookin' Good. After two strenuous rounds of voting, you've whittled it down to eight contenders. Survey their pictures below, scan their social channels, assess their medal counts, and then select who your heart tells you is hottest. Scroll down and cast your ballot at the bottom of the page. Voting closes Friday at noon, and we will then announce who takes home the title of Smokin' Hot Athlete of Summer 2016.

 Ning Zetao

Ning Zetao's Olympics did not go as well as he would have liked, but the swimmer's ready to take advantage of Rio's beautiful beaches.
 Ashley Mckenzie

Gold medal already for excellent photographic use of sweat/abs.

 Tom Daley

Daley survived the algae-infested diving pools of Rio. He can survive an Internet no-t-shirt contest.
 Camille Lacourt

"But why wouldn't you select me as the winner? I speak French!"
 Zdeněk Štybar

The champ of the Daddies bracket handily defeated Cutie Uwe Gensheimer. Now, can he and his chill baby come out on top of the final seven?
 Marcus Watson

Cute! bracket king Marcus Watson took home a silver medal for Great Britain in rugby. Now all he needs is the recognition of his hotness by anonymous strangers on the Internet.
 Marcel Nguyen

The Arms bracket champ coasted easily to wins in both previous rounds. Will grabbing the gold be as easy here?
Danell Leyva

Danell Leyva's for sure got the arms, but does he have the (hotness) range?

The 2016 Olympic Coverage Deserves The Gold In Casual Homophobia

Gay people are still second-class citizens and it's painfully obvious.
From: NewNowNext
 The 2016 Olympic Games in Rio have been hailed as the most LGBT-friendly, boasting a record 49+ openly LGBT athletes and a host country that is, on the surface at least, tolerant and inclusive of its LGBT population.

But the heightened visibility is a double-edged sword, as the media’s casual homophobia has also been on full display in a series of gaffes that delegitimized the seriously historic moments for the competing LGBT athletes, five of whom have already taken medals.

Last Monday, Tom Daley’s fiance Dustin Lance Black was in the crowd as Tom took home his second Olympic bronze — a historic moment mainstream media ignored completely.

Days later, NBC Sports announcer Chris Marlowe referred to Brazilian beach volleyball player Larissa Franca’s wife as her husband, right as the camera zoomed in to catch their embrace after Franca won a gold medal.

On Monday, BBC commentator Paul Hand came under fire for contributing to the mess, taking a swipe at tennis pro Andy Murray’s sexuality by describing his euphoric gold medal-winning cry as “not macho.” It was Hand’s second offensive comment of the Olympic season, after announcing live on-air that he wasn’t interested in seeing “two blokes” kissing.

The coverage continued on Wednesday, when a Daily Mail headline suggested British divers Chris Mears and Jack Laugher were “unmanly” for their animated embrace after winning gold. The backlash was so widespread that it caused the Mail to adjust the headline and publish a follow-up piece profiling their girlfriends, which addressed the rumor that “everybody thinks they’re gay.”

Today, outrage is directed back at the Daily Mail over their latest cover story, a lengthy profile on British cyclist Laura Trott and her fiance Jason Kenny, highlighted by a giant photo of the couple kissing that takes up a majority of the page.
Why didn’t Dustin Lance Black and Tom Daley, or Larissa Franca and her wife, Liliane Maestrini, get the same type of coverage?

Why didn’t mainstream media or NBC Sports cover British race-walker Tom Bosworth’s beach engagement to his fiance? Surely his marriage is just as important as Trott and Kenny’s — or, at least, that’s what our governments tell us.

But mainstream media doesn’t assert the fact that LGBT athletes are fully equal to their straight counterparts at the Olympics; They’re second-class citizens who are allowed to participate but, when it comes to their personal or love lives, are largely un-newsworthy.

Un-newsworthy, of course, unless they can be exploited for clicks and revenue. Such was the case for The Daily Beast when it published a dangerous piece by straight reporter Nico Hines, who used Grindr to bait closeted athletes in the Olympic Village for an article that more or less outed them.

The Daily Beast removed the article after editing, and then defending it, for two days. It was so egregious that the IOC stripped Hines of his credentials and effectively ended his coverage in Rio.

Highlighting the Beast’s ignorance to the potentially lethal consequences the article could have for some athletes from countries where homosexuality is illegal, Editor-in-Chief John Avlon and Executive Editor Noah Shachtman have refused to take responsibility for it, and Hines has yet to apologize.

However the tide seems to be changing, albeit slowly.

Though it refuses to admit its coverage of LGBT milestones this year has been flawed, NBC offered a make-good on its earlier refusal to recognize a same-sex couple on air by airing a three-minute profile on Larissa Franca and her wife, Liliane.

“To me she is the best athlete and spouse in the world,” Liliane says in the three-minute video, while the two flip through their wedding photo album. “She has a huge heart.”

It’s a great start, NBC. But you can do better.

Tennis Star Grigor Dimitrov Knows How To Serve And Receive

From: Queerty
God bless Grigor Dimitrov. The 6’3″, 25-year-old Bulgarian tennis star has been the apple of our eye for some time now, ever since he did that whole strip tease thing with fellow Wimbledon hunk Novak Djokovic back in 2013.

Dimitrov recently completed in Rio, and while he didn’t advance beyond the first round of games (whomp, whomp), he still holds a very special place in our hearts and always will. He’s just so darn cute!

Scroll down to see what we mean…
A photo posted by Grigor Dimitrov (@grigordimitrov) on

A photo posted by Grigor Dimitrov (@grigordimitrov) on

A photo posted by Grigor Dimitrov (@grigordimitrov) on

A photo posted by Grigor Dimitrov (@grigordimitrov) on

A photo posted by Grigor Dimitrov (@grigordimitrov) on

A photo posted by Grigor Dimitrov (@grigordimitrov) on

A photo posted by Grigor Dimitrov (@grigordimitrov) on

A photo posted by Grigor Dimitrov (@grigordimitrov) on

A photo posted by Grigor Dimitrov (@grigordimitrov) on

A photo posted by Grigor Dimitrov (@grigordimitrov) on

Rio Police: No Evidence Found Supporting Ryan Lochte Robbery Claim

From: Towleroad
Police in Rio de Janeiro say they have been unable to find any evidence that corroborates the account given by US swimmer Ryan Lochte that he and 3 other swimmers were robbed at gunpoint near the Olympic Village.

As we previously reported, Lochte shared the story with NBC News on Today.

Via Sports Illustrated:

…a police official told the AP that Rio police have had trouble confirming the account.
The group did not call police, authorities said, and officers began investigating once they saw media reports in which Lochte’s mother spoke about the robbery. Police interviewed Lochte and one other swimmer, who said they had been intoxicated and could not remember what type and color of taxi they rode in or where the robbery happened, the police official said. The swimmers also could not say what time the events occurred, or when they left the French House.
The robbery was initially a source of confusion for the USOC and IOC, who denied Lochte had been robbed Monday before reversing course.

A Brazilian court has meanwhile ruled that Lochte and one other swimmer implicated in the story (Jimmy Feigen) must turn over their passports to authorities while the investigation continues. Lochte however has already returned to the U.S. The U.S. Olympic Committee is not commenting on the location of Feigen.

USA Today reports:

Judge Keyla Blank said there were inconsistencies in the testimony of the two swimmers, who said they were robbed at gunpoint after a late night out. Lochte has already left the country, his agent said.
Blank wrote in her filing that there were discrepancies about the time when they left France House and arrived at the athletes’ village.
According to the documents, she watched surveillance video of the swimmers arriving at the athletes’ village. “They arrived with their psychological and physical integrity unperturbed,” she wrote, also noting that the swimmers appeared to be joking with each other and did not appear to be upset.
Investigators need more time to determine whether they are guilty of filing a false police report, the judge wrote.

More from The Guardian:

Lochte’s attorney, Jeff Ostrow, said there was no question the robbery happened and that Lochte had 24-hour security hired after the incident.
“This happened the way he described it,” Ostrow said.
Ostrow told TMZ: “I have no information from Brazilian authorities that they want his passport.”
He said: “I’m shocked to hear that they would go to such measures in an effort to further investigate the incident as he has been nothing but cooperative with authorities, including sitting for a full interview with the tourist police, US State Department, USOC Security, FBI, and anyone else that requested to be present.”
He added: “Ryan is safely back in the United States.”

Watch a news report from CNN, as well as Lochte’s original interview with Today, below.

Olympic Gymnast Danell Leyva Wants To “Make America Gay Again”

"The danger comes from bigotry, not the victims of it."
From: NewNowNext
Team USA gymnast Danell Leyva proudly proclaimed his support for the LGBT community in a series of videos posted to Instagram.

Wearing a “Make America Gay Again” tank top, the three-time Olympic medalist (he picked up two silver this week and a bronze in London in 2012) sounded off on a few different issues facing the LGBT community, including transgender people’s right to use the restroom and the safety of LGBT people in America after the massacre at Pulse.

“I wanted to say something that would do the victims of the Orlando shooting justice,” he said. “Something that can honor their memory.”

Leyva goes on to discuss how the LGBT community had a “safe space taken away from them…in the most horrific of circumstances.”

“While we take time to heal…we will use their memories to create an environment of love and support,” he said of the victims. “The love within the LGBT community is so much stronger than the hatred against it, and it is our responsibility as non-LGBT people to help emulate this love and create a world where LGBT people don’t need to create their own safe spaces.”

He added: “Recently there has been much said about trans rights and the danger people fear they may pose if they are allowed to use whatever bathroom they wish,” Leyva said in the video. “These people of course are wrong about any danger, and these attacks remind us that the danger comes from bigotry, not the victims of it.”

Levya ends his video by making a promise to actively create an accepting environment for the LGBT people around him, and challenging his other heterosexual followers to do the same.

“I hope you enjoyed this video,” he concluded, “and if you didn’t, please unfollow me.”

Leyva has been celebrating his major wins in Rio this week with his girlfriend and — gasp — Zac Efron. More of them below:

A photo posted by Danell J Leyva (@danelljleyva) on

Mr. UK Displays Extraordinary Attributes On Dating Show “Naked Attraction”

From: Queerty
 So there’s a racy dating show called Naked Attraction that airs on UK’s Channel Four, and a recent contestant was none other than strapping Mr. UK Mark Redfearn, who happily doffed every shred of clothing in order to make an appearance.

 Though we are avidly pro-nudity in our personal lives and have ever been known to be unclad ourselves on occasion, we can safely say we’ve never begun a date sans clothes.

 The same cannot be said of the brave souls who appear on the show. By the great and mysterious powers of the internet, they are also available to ogle in perpetuity. (And there are several inches of which to ogle.)